How do you know that soon will begin monthly: signs, how do you know when it is menstruation

Not always in women's menstrual cycle is different regularity. Therefore, many are wondering how to understand what will soon begin menstruating. Precursors of critical days, there are many. The main thing is not to confuse these symptoms with signs of developing disease.

calendar and laying


  • Prepubertal girls
  • The approximate age of onset of menstruation
  • How to determine the start of the next menstruation
    • symptoms
    • menstrual calendar

Prepubertal girls

The first signs of the onset of puberty emerge for a year or two until the moment should come menarche in girls (the first month). At this point are hormonal changes in the body and there are the following symptoms:

  • breast growth;
  • acne on the face and in the back and chest;
  • whites;
  • increased sweating, caused by changes in the body and the activation of the sebaceous glands;
  • growth of hair in the armpits and pubic parts;
  • rounded hips.

According to doctors, the approach of menstruation you will realize on these grounds.

The beginning of puberty is no indication that has the possibility of pregnancy and should warn against this teenager. These symptoms signal the onset of puberty.

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Mom and daughter

The approximate age of onset of menstruation

Not only teenagers, but their parents often wonder how to know when to begin monthly at the girl. As a rule, the critical days come at the age of 11-14 years. Under the influence of various factors during this period varies greatly.

First period may start earlier or later under the influence of the general state of health features diet, mental and physical development, the presence of abnormalities in the anamnesis, heredity and stress.

Adolescents need to pay attention to all the uncharacteristic symptoms. Among the features of the onset of menstruation in this period stand out:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • mood swings;
  • fatigue;
  • aggression or apathy.

These symptoms indicate that it will soon start seeing bleeding from the vagina. Pre should prepare the girl to the top of the process and tell where are the monthly.

woman holding her stomach

How to determine the start of the next menstruation

Find out when menstruation begins, in fact, not so difficult. One of the most popular ways of determining the arrival of critical days is the calendar method, but it It is effective only if the selection appear on a monthly basis at regular intervals time.

If the cycle goes astray, then mark on the calendar will not give an answer to the question of when to begin menstruation. In this case, a woman needs to understand their own feelings. The arrival of the critical days are always accompanied by characteristic clinical manifestations.


There are certain symptoms by which women realize that soon will come monthly. They appear in each of the fair sex in different ways and different degrees of severity. For this reason, you need to carefully keep track of which of the precursors of the critical days are expressed clearly, and which are practically invisible.

It is also necessary to determine at what stage of the menstrual period, there are signs that month will soon go. Due to this schedule will be able to calculate the menstrual period.

Among the main features are the following approximation regulator:

  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands, tingling and even itching. In some cases, there is a clear allocation of mucus from the nipple;
  • pain in the abdomen, flatulence. These symptoms are caused by detachment of the endometrium in the uterus. Intensity of such sensations in the abdomen depends on the pain threshold and the characteristics of the organism;
  • the appearance of acne scars, provoked by changes in hormonal levels;
  • intestinal disorder. In the process of separating the mother layer genital organ swells and exerts pressure on the bowel wall. This in turn leads to frequent bowel movements and diarrhea before menstruation;
  • mood swings, irritability and a feeling of psychological discomfort.
girl sitting in the corner

These are the main symptoms that signal the approach of critical days. They appear in the last week before menses.

In addition, there are often other harbingers of the arrival of the regulation, including headaches, changes in taste preferences, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

menstrual calendar

Calculate when girls begin menstruation, you can use the calendar. To do this, you need to regularly mark on it the date of arrival of the critical days.

If your period begins on a monthly basis in the same period, this method is effective. Thus, a woman can determine the duration of the cycle, and adding this figure to the date marked on the calendar, get accurate information about when she wait for the next month.

Premenstrual all proceeds differently. Listening to the changes in their body, it is possible to identify the symptoms, indicating that it will soon come monthly, and to determine the date of their appearance.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 21
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