Monthly endometriosis: delayed, abundant, scarce

Endometriosis - a common disease in gynecology. Endometrium called the outer layer of the uterus and its mucous membrane, which during the menstrual cycle undergoes a change aimed at creating a favorable environment for the implantation of the ovum.

Expanding, the endometrium thickens, becoming an excellent breeding ground for the female gametes. Sometimes the process in getting out of control, and its cells are on, are found in the tissues of the neighboring organs uterus surface. This pathological condition and will be called endometriosis.


Like any other disease of the female reproductive system, endometriosis causes disruptions in the menstrual cycle. a long delay may occur abnormally prolonged menstruation, as well as the total no bleeding. Menses endometriosis is generally characterized by abundant and duration, have a brownish hue.


  • Features monthly endometriosis
    • Pain
    • profusion
    • duration
    • failure cycle
  • Features of treatment
    • painkillers
    • Adjuvant pain therapy
  • Surgery
  • hormone therapy

Features monthly endometriosis

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Answering the question of how to go monthly with endometriosis, we should say a few words about the pathogenesis of this disease.

When Pumping endometrial part of it penetrates tissue to the neighboring organs: the urogenital tract, vagina, and in severe cases even suffers rectum. Since it is on the outside of the lining of the uterus changes occur, the pathology can not influence the process of menstruation, changing it:

  • cyclicality;
  • duration;
  • nature of the discharge.

Also considered a disease often causes pain in the uterus, bleeding accompanying yield.

It is clear in the judgment of whether there can be a delay of monthly endometriosis. Typically, the disease, on the contrary, causes heavy menstruation, but inhibition of ovarian function due to penetration of tissue parts into the parenchyma gland possible delay of menstruation.


Endometriosis before menstruation usually does not manifest itself. The development of a pathology, you will feel immediately during critical days, since pain of endometriosis during menstruation - a fairly common symptom.

Discomfort can be varied: acute, spasmodic, cramping. It depends on what kind of monthly endometriosis are a woman.


With abundant secretions pain sharp or spasmodic, with scarce - pulling, groin of referred from the lumbar region.

Pathological location uterine mucosa cells - the cause, which causes pain. When the rejection of the functional layer in abnormal places damaged capillaries, are formed additional pockets of local bleeding. In addition to the discomfort, there is spasmodic uterine myometrium, which exacerbates the general condition of the woman.

Sometimes the pain is manifested along with other unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general malaise;
  • difficult and painful urination.

Pain is possible to stop analgesics and at home, but if it differs sharp character and is accompanied by continuous bleeding, may require hospitalization.


At present the disease is usually observed plentiful monthly. This is due to the appearance of additional bleeding lesions. Isolation often contain a large amount of blood and mucus.

Scanty menses with endometriosis explained involvement in the pathological process of the female gonads - ovaries. Particles mucosa, penetrating into the parenchyma, disrupt endocrine function. In case of severe damage to the body of the monthly and may be absent altogether.


Due to the thickening of the endometrial tissue requires a large amount of time for the rejection and subsequent recovery. Therefore, menstruation lasts much longer - a week or more. During this period, the woman can lose large amounts of blood, which often leads to the development of anemic conditions due to lack of hemoglobin.


failure cycle

Delayed menstruation with endometriosis - a rare phenomenon. Even with the defeat ovarian endometriosis Regulus, though scarce, tend to start on time.

Due to the total destruction of the sex glands, together with the initial failure of their functions and hormonal disorders sometimes happens that Endometriosis critical days not at all, ie, there is a delay, which is inexperienced women can be attributed to pregnancy or fluctuations in cycle.

Most often there is lengthening the period of discharge, the nature of which should alert any woman. Monthly have a number of features suggestive of gynecologic pathology.

Features of treatment

Treatment of endometriosis implies both fighting the underlying causes pathology and symptomatic therapy comprising analgesics and hemostatics. It is also a great help and will be bracing multivitamin complexes.


The pain that accompanies menstruation - a clear sign of the disease in question. It gives a woman very uncomfortable, much reducing the quality of her life. different pharmaceuticals can be used because of the different origin of discomfort. This discomfort caused by damage to capillaries used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • ibuprofen;
  • analgin;
  • Diclofenac.

If the pain is caused by mikrosokrascheniyami muscle of the uterus, then apply antispasmodics: Drotaverinum, No-spa, papaverine.

Adjuvant pain therapy

Adjuvant therapy involves the use of ancillary drugs to relieve pain. These measures can not constitute a self-treatment, and the only supplement medical and surgical.


Such a way of getting rid of the pain of endometriosis includes the appointment of a course of vitamins, containing all basic micro and macro elements, among which stands out the magnesium, which has antispasmodic effect.


Overgrown tissue lining of the uterus can be surgically removed. This procedure is called "endometrial curettage." As a rule, it is chosen by women who do not want to take synthetic hormonal because in the future it could affect their reproductive capacity. Due to the operation retains most organs function.

Surgical intervention is aimed at removing disease foci. The main disadvantage is that after the treatment of abnormal proliferation of endometrial lesions do not disappear, and after some time, the outer lining of the uterus grows again.

Besides conventional open surgery, are increasingly using laparoscopic surgery in modern gynecology clinics. Laparoscopy is performed in front of him - an exploratory surgery, which is done through an incision in the abdominal cavity of a few millimeters. It is more effective and less invasive.

Laparoscopic surgery allows a dot to remove the affected area, which extends the period of relapse. In addition, due to the nature of the procedure is greatly reduced and recovery time (up to three days).

hormone therapy

Hormonal therapy includes use of drugs that slow the proliferation of the endometrial cells. In this regard, the volume decreases and the endometrium, which has a detrimental effect both on the reproductive function and menstrual cycles. This effect is caused by a therapeutic effect on endometriosis and monthly delay.

Gynecologist to inhibit endometrial cell mitosis can assign the following medicines and means:

  1. Oral contraceptives combined forms.
  2. progesterone drugs.
  3. Danazol.
  4. Analogues of hormones of the hypothalamus (gonadotropin releasing factor).
  5. IUDs.

Oral contraceptives contain both estrogen and progesterone, have low side effects, therefore, can be used for a long time without any consequences.

Releasing factors slow down the production of progesterone, which reduces the growth of the uterine mucosa. Have similar effects and formulations of progesterone. Among other things, they are characterized by a good and anti-inflammatory action. Danazol - a synthetic male hormone. In the female body, it changes the hormonal balance that is also a factor inhibiting the proliferation of endometrial cells.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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