Why go monthly girls, women, because of which begin

In adolescence, menstruation appears every girl, then observed regularly for a large part of life. Them unable to judge the state of health and to select the days favorable for conception. This is known to all, but to explain why go monthly, can not every woman.

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  • Hormones and their influence on the monthly
  • For what it came up with nature
  • What happens in the body of the girl

Hormones and their influence on the monthly

Speaking about why girls go monthly, one can not forget about hormones. There is a definite relationship between the menstrual cycle and hormonal.

At the age of 12-14 years old girls begin the first month. Due to their appearance changes in hormonal levels. From this moment on the different phases of the cycle the concentration changes hormones (FSH and LH).

They are produced by the pituitary gland and the ovaries are forced to produce progesterone and estrogen, the number of which curled the process of preparation of the uterus and mammary glands to the possibility of conception and further development embryo.

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In the first stage the concentration of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in the blood is reduced, whereby there are periods. At this point, it begins to develop active follicle stimulating hormone, the greatest value achieved in the middle of the cycle.

When the follicle becomes the maximum size, the ovaries produce estrogen intensively. This increases the level of luteinizing hormone and ovulation.



After completion of this process increases the concentration of progesterone. Its main task - to prepare the genital organ for the possibility of conception. If fertilization does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, and at this point come the following month.

In pregnancy, fetal membrane begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone in the absence of fertilization in the body can not be.

For what it came up with nature

Endometrium - lining of the uterus, consisting of basal and functional layers. The first of them is the main and always remains in place regardless of the phase of the cycle. The surface layer of each month matures and is rejected together with the blood that flows out from the damaged vessels. As a result, the woman has monthly.

This mechanism invented by nature because the main function of the body representative of the fairer sex - procreation. Every month it happens preparation for pregnancy.

Due to this the fertilized egg passes through the fallopian tube and enters the genital organ, penetrating in its mucosa. Here in the future and the developing fetus to the onset of labor.

To understand where are monthly and why they come every month, it is necessary to consider that the uterus for successful fertilization must be constantly cleaned. The old cells are not suitable for the normal development of the embryo. Therefore, the end of the cycle of conception occurs in the absence of delamination of the functional layer of the endometrium. As a result, come the critical days. After completion of the functional layer genitals again begins to recover.


What happens in the body of the girl

The emergence of menstruation in women considered normal physiological process. Bleeding from the vagina in women of childbearing age is observed every month, but only if the fertilization of the egg does not happen.

menstrual cycle takes place in several stages. In the initial phase endometrium thickens, thus preparing for the attachment of the ovum. At the same moment in the ovaries mature egg that comes out of the follicle in the middle of the cycle. Ovulation - in this period, the possibility of conception. If the egg on the way to meet the sperm, fertilization will occur and the fertilized egg in the uterus will go for an early attachment to the mucosa. After that time of the month is no longer appear as pregnancy occurs.

If conception has occurred, the end of the cycle endometrium who reached maximum thickness begins to flake off and out of the body with blood secretions. This explains why, where are the monthly menstruation.

The cycle of each woman set on an individual basis and varies from 21 to 35 days. Abnormalities in the upward or downward indicate reproductive disorders. In this case, the necessary medical consultation. If no action is taken and not timely respond to such changes in the body, there is a risk of serious complications - up to infertility.

The first menstrual period (menarche) appear in girls during adolescence. They point out that the body is ready for fertilization. After this cycle is gradually established. Regula begin to come every month in the same period. At the same time in the body each month take place certain processes by which the genital organ is prepared for fertilization. The emergence of critical days indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. Such features of the reproductive system must know every girl.

The question of how to go monthly rather complicated. Therefore we recommend to read the more detailed information about what is happening in women the body during menstruation.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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