Monthly without clots whether this is normal, what are the symptoms of uterine bleeding

Color, size and consistency of menstruation every woman have a number of distinctive features. Sometimes there are periods without clots. These uterine discharge may indicate the development of serious pathologies, but in some cases are considered menses are normal.

think about the monthly


  • The reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle
  • Differences from menstruation uterine bleeding
  • Major bleeding symptoms
  • The nature of menstruation
    • volume
    • Color
    • Consistency
  • Treatment and prevention

The reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle

Among the causes that can trigger such changes, the following stand out:

  • tumors in the reproductive organs;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • menopause;
  • puberty;
  • newly established uterine spiral;
  • use of oral contraceptives and medicines conducive to liquefaction of blood;
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • endometriosis, endometritis, and.

In the case of endometriosis spotting may occur on any day of the cycle. They often occur during sexual intercourse. These symptoms occur after delivery of the abortive events.

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Differences from menstruation uterine bleeding

Menstruation, which is not observed clot formation in some cases considered a normal option. Such menses appear at the teenager, as a result of age-related changes in time menopause. If such symptoms are observed on a monthly basis, the amount of blood loss is not increased, and no monthly becoming longer, such changes do not cause fear. Alarming clinical signs, signals the beginning of uterine bleeding, are the following:

  • allocating scarlet vaginal acquire a more liquid consistency;
  • blood loss increases;
  • changing the color of menses;
  • completely disappear clots;
  • the smell of blood is not felt;
  • allocation constantly occur.
blood on the strip

Major bleeding symptoms

The appearance of mucus with blood after menstruation may signal the start of uterine bleeding. Among its main symptoms are the following:

  • hygiene items have to be changed every hour;
  • pressure is reduced;
  • heartbeat becomes rapid;
  • appears dizziness, a woman may even lose consciousness;
  • there is pallor of the skin;
  • the condition becomes much worse with a sharp rise;
  • worried vomiting.

Such a condition is extremely dangerous. When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.

The nature of menstruation

Violation of the menstrual cycleAppearance liquid regulator without clots may be signs of pathology. Attention will need to be paid to the changes occurring during the critical days.


In normal menstrual blood loss less than 60 ml per day. In the blood, often while noting the presence of lumps. If menses have become sharply abundant clusters increased in size or disappeared, you should immediately consult your doctor. Even when bleeding is observed throughout the one hour, it will negatively affect the status of women.


The color of menstrual blood normally should be brown. dark discharge is also possible. If they suddenly become bright, scarlet, their appearance, most likely due to uterine bleeding.

color monthly


In the normal course of menstruation small lumps. Increasing the number and size of clusters, as well as the complete lack of them, it indicates the development of pathology. Thick vaginal often appear during gynecological diseases. The appearance of mucus with blood may also indicate the beginning of uterine bleeding.

Treatment and prevention

at heavy menstruation often prescribe hormonal contraceptives. They drink in the first five days of each cycle. Moreover, such medicaments are used as Tranexam, Vikasol or Dicynonum.

If the cause is not clear which began in uterine bleeding, conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. In this case, once appointed hemostatic and pain relievers. Also restored the vaginal microflora.

To avoid the onset of bleeding, you must adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist.
  2. Avoid excessive exercise and weight lifting.
  3. Avoid strong emotional stress.
  4. Timely treat any disease.
  5. Do not ignore the rules of personal hygiene.

The absence of clots in the regulation is sometimes considered a normal phenomenon. Despite this, these changes can not leave without attention. Abundant discharge may indicate the beginning of uterine bleeding. Such a condition can lead to serious complications and even death.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 83
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