Up to what age are periods in women and how to come to an end (at what age)

Monthly accompany a woman most of her life. Their presence is a sign of reproductive health. If during the period of the menstrual cycle the egg was not fertilized, menstruation will perform the function of cleansing the female body. Below you will learn about what age to go monthly.

woman with a cup


  • The periods in a woman's life
    • pubescence
    • Puberty
    • Menopause
  • Menopause: How to understand that this is the last menstrual period
  • symptoms of menopause
  • What determines how many years run monthly

The periods in a woman's life

Women's life is divided into several periods, each of which is characterized by specific physiological, anatomical and age characteristics.

Allocate 3 stages:

  1. Puberty (11-18 years).
  2. Puberty - reproductive period (18-45 years).
  3. menopause (menopause).

Let us consider each of these periods.


Step characterized puberty onset of menarche. So is the period when women first menstruation occurs. His appearance is preceded by the development of sexual characteristics, including breast growth.

It begins the phase in 8-9 years. His ending individually. In some women it ends at 14, others - in 18 years.

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Puberty is characterized by the development of its female reproductive system. There are secondary sexual characteristics: the change of appearance, breast enlargement, hair growth.

The main characteristic of this phase is to establish a monthly cycle. Upon its completion, she will be able to get pregnant. According to gynecologists, it is the most important period in a women's life.



By the age of 18 a woman becomes sexually mature. The duration of reproductive age individual. Many women can not get pregnant after age 40, it is associated with menstruation and the onset of menopause.

For more information on Pregnancy during menopause you can read in a separate article on our site.

Reproductive stage is characterized by the active functioning of the ovaries, which produce sex hormones. To maximize it, you need to keep track of your cycle, and sexual health.

Reproductive health is directly related to successful pregnancy.


When the cycle ends, menopause. This physiological stage is characterized by the cessation of fertility. There are three phases of menopause:

  1. offensive premenopausal. It starts 2-3 years before the termination of menses. Stage is characterized by ovarian failure. Menses irregular in this period.
  2. Menopause. Completion of the month.
  3. Postklimatichesky period. It occurs within 5 years after the last menstrual period.

In the absence of the monthly body practically does not produce hormones. This negatively affects the well-being and mood. Estrogen deficiency at menopause - is a natural physiological phenomenon, which can not be avoided.

Menopause: How to understand that this is the last menstrual period

One can not say how many years a woman has come to an end month. Some reproductive stage lasts for years, up to 50 years.

Completion of menstruation is associated with ovarian failure and cessation of functioning sex hormone production organism.

Define the beginning of menopause can be, focusing on the monthly frequency. In this period they will be irregular. When the interval between periods of more than 2 weeks, she can be certain that the menopause.

If menses ended before the completion of the reproductive period, ie up to about 45 years, it may be a sign of POF.

woman at the doctor

symptoms of menopause

It is impossible to accurately predict how a woman's body will react to the end of menstruation. In some of the fair sex there is almost no unpleasant symptoms associated with the onset of this period, while others appear discomfort and health problems.

The main symptom of menopause is the cessation of menstruation. Other symptoms:

  1. fluctuations in blood pressure, which provokes the tide and ebb of blood. This leads to increased sweating, reddening of the skin and dizziness. Night sweats are often observed.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Sleep disturbance. Many women in the menopause complain of insomnia.
  4. Numbness, tingling and the appearance of fine tremor.
  5. Headache and dizziness.
  6. Mood swings, emotional instability. This is the most common symptom of menopause.
  7. Muscle spasms.
  8. The emergence of aching pain in different parts of the body.
  9. Rapid physical and psychological fatigue, irritability. Feeling tired is almost never leaves a woman.
  10. Failure in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often women in menopause there is an unpleasant burning sensation in the gut.
  11. Drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.
  12. The appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth. The change of taste preferences.

When the monthly stop going after 55 years, you can change the signs pointing to a climax. In this case, they will be more pronounced.

sad elderly woman

What determines how many years run monthly

Age menopause period - 45-55 years. Menopause comes with the end of menstruation. One can not say when they will stop, because the body of every woman is different.

Over 40-45 years are monthly, ending the period of menopause, the arrival of which contribute to the following factors:

  1. Environmental conditions.
  2. The quality of food consumed.
  3. Sleeping mode.
  4. Lifestyle.
  5. Labors.
  6. The duration of the lactation period.
  7. Profession.
  8. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  9. Bad habits.
  10. Sex life.

To delay the completion of the period of menstruation, should be given the maximum amount of time to their health. Firstly, it is recommended to minimize the bad habits, and secondly, to protect themselves from stress and physical exhaustion. Thirdly, it is important to follow the rules of good nutrition.

And, of course, do not forget about the benefits of regular sex. Systematic sexual life will delay menopause for several years.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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