- How to make the right choice
- Features of production
- Manufacturers of fish oil for children
- Manufacturers of fish fat supplements for adults
Fish oil is a natural product with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Doctors appoint it to strengthen immunity in children and prevent cardiovascular pathologies in adults. It would seem that when buying, there should be no special difficulties - it is enough to present the pharmacist with a prescription from the doctor. But the assortment of biologically active additives is so wide that the patient begins to doubt its choice. To answer the question about which producer of fish oil in capsules is better, careful examination of the composition of dietary supplements used in the production of technologies and raw materials will help.
How to make the right choice
Even if a gastroenterologist or cardiologist has recommended a certain brand of dietary supplements, a person at the pharmacy counter begins to feel doubts. Why give a few thousand, when next to the right packaging lies fish oil worth 50-60 rubles? This question is especially relevant in the absence of extra money in the family budget. It's no secret that a high price can be formed from the costs of advertising, often it is directly dependent on the "promotion" of the brand. The pharmacist in the pharmacy will tell in detail:
- about the advantages of this or that manufacturer;
- about the benefits of a biologically active additive recommended by your doctor.
The low cost of a dietary supplement does not necessarily mean that it is not of high quality. Like the sky-high price does not guarantee instant resolution of health problems. Therefore, before visiting the pharmacy, you should familiarize yourself with the criteria for the correct choice of fish oil. Much depends on the purpose of using dietary supplements:
- does not necessarily buy expensive fish oil, if its purchase is not agreed with the doctor, but simply becomes the result of another advertising company;
- should be spent when a person is diagnosed with a pathology or predisposition to it, and the use of a biologically active additive will significantly accelerate recovery.
A few decades ago, fish oil belonged to pharmacological drugs. This means that its qualitative and quantitative composition was strictly regulated. Increased or decreased content of active ingredients was not allowed, and such drugs were rejected by the control services. Now fish oil is part of the dietary supplement, so the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in it can vary significantly depending on the country or the manufacturer.
It's interesting: A useful biologically active additive is made only from fish caught in cold ocean waters. Cod and salmon, grown in artificial nurseries, do not accumulate in the liver the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.
. Features of
Because fish oil is a biologically active additive, its quality is not strictly checked. To establish the production of dietary supplements in our country, you do not need to present a huge number of results of clinical trials, as in the case of pharmacological drugs. Therefore, when choosing capsules should be guided by the country of origin. For example, Norwegian fish oil in the overwhelming majority of cases is the standard of quality. It was in this country that the production of this most valuable product for human health began. Suppliers of Norwegian and Finnish fish oil guarantee that the dietary supplements are manufactured using the latest technology. But not only does the quality of the product depend on these criteria. What else to consider when choosing fish oil:
- Extraction. Expensive fish oil, saturated with nutrients, is produced from the liver of salmonids. A low cost is provided by the processing of uneaten cheap fish, for example, herring;
- Cleaning. To obtain fish oil of the highest quality, several stages of purification are used. Even in oceanic waters, fish accumulate toxic compounds of lead, mercury and other heavy metals. A dietary supplement of a budget value may well contain poisonous substances that can be deposited in the human body;
- Quantitative composition. The high quality of fish oil depends on the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. If the annotation indicates that the capsules contain about 50-60% of Omega acids, then this product meets all known standards. From the acquisition of fish oil, which includes 15-20% of PZK, it is better to refuse.
The concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids has a direct effect on the number of capsules taken every day, and sometimes on the multiplicity of their use. The fewer active ingredients found in fish oil, the more you need to drink transparent pills. Only after buying a cheap dietary supplement a person learns that he will have to take 15 capsules 3-4 times a day.
Warning: Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not produced in the human body, but enter it only with food. Daily use of fish replenish the stores of nutrients, but will lead to a set of weight. The safest way to avoid a deficiency of PFA is regular consumption of fish oil.
To increase the protective forces of babies from three years old pediatricians recommend giving them tasty chewable capsules with fish oil.
. Fish oil producers for children.
That's not worth saving, so it's for small children and breastfeeding women. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D are the "bricks" necessary for the growth and division of bone, muscle, and soft tissues of the baby's body. Their deficiency will cause a backlog in development, frequent recurrences of respiratory and intestinal infections, problems with concentration and attention. Domestic and foreign producers produce encapsulated fish oils for children in two dosage forms:
- gelatin capsules of amber color with liquid contents, which have been used for the treatment and prevention of pathologies since the age of 7;
- chewing capsules for babies from 2-3 years with a pleasant fruit taste and aroma. This category includes chewing marmalade in the form of funny figures of fish and animals.
When deciding in a pharmacy which fish oil to choose for children, parents should be sure that the child will be able to eat it. Some manufacturers produce fairly large gelatinous pills that cause babies difficulty in swallowing. In this case, it is better to buy chewable capsules or marmalades.
This biologically active additive from the domestic manufacturer of JSC "RealCapps" is represented by chewing capsules with a fruity aroma. The composition of dietary supplements include fat-soluble vitamins and food gelatin. Pediatricians appoint "Kusalochka" for the following purposes:
- strengthening of the spinal column and tooth enamel;
- prophylaxis of viral and bacterial infections;
- prevention of rapid fatigue;
- decreased motor activity;
- normalization of metabolism.
In the production of "Kusalochka" fish oil passes several degrees of purification. Biologically active additive does not contain extraneous impurities, which can provoke an allergic reaction in the child. Attached to the package, the abstract recommends that you take 2 capsules 2 times a day for children under seven.
Norwegian fish Oil
Biologically active additives from Norwegian fish Oil are distinguished by their high cost. Fish oil is produced from valuable species of salmon fish, and in the manufacture of dietary supplements not only the liver but also muscle mass is used. Such a process allows to achieve the maximum concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Pediatricians recommend taking Norwegian fish oil for children when diagnosing such pathological conditions:
- frequent relapses of angina, influenza, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, tracheitis;
- psychoemotional instability, increased irritability, problems with falling asleep;
- hyperactivity;
- dry skin, poor nail and hair growth;
- reduced visual acuity, including twilight.
Norwegian fish oil for children is produced both in pure form and with additives. Producers have enriched the composition of capsules with micro- and microelements, vitamins, extracts of herbs and berries - blueberries, cranberries. If there are no special prescriptions of the doctor, it is enough to take 1 capsule during the day at the same time.
In Finland, soft chewable capsules for the whole family containing highly purified fish oils are produced. It is enough for babies to take one marmalade a day, so that the body does not have a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins. The composition of biologically active additive LYSI MOOMIN Omega-3 manufacturers enriched with ergocalciferol. The content of this vitamin depends on the assimilation of calcium, a microelement necessary for the formation of the skeleton and teeth of the child. Pediatricians also prescribe Finnish fish oil for children with the following goal:
- strengthening the protective forces of babies;
- elimination of vitamin deficiencies;
- increase in the functional activity of the central nervous system;
- suppression of inflammatory processes;
- stimulation of metabolic processes.
Finnish producers have added a small amount of a sweetening agent, harmless to tooth enamel, in capsules with fish oil. Such a biologically active additive with pleasure eat even small ghosts.
It's interesting: Despite the fact that the country-producer LYSI MOOMIN Omega-3 is Finland, valuable varieties of fish for its production are caught near the coast of Norway. Its reservoirs are considered the most environmentally friendly, which serves as a guarantee of the quality of the biologically active additive.
Manufacturers of dietary supplements with fish oil for adults
Fish oils for adults are produced often with various additives. On the shelves of pharmacies you can see supplements for lactating women, people actively involved in sports, and even with garlic extract for those who are often sick with respiratory infections. Polyunsaturated fatty acids accelerate the metabolism, so special biologically active supplements are produced for adults who want to strengthen their health and at the same time get rid of excess weight. Before you choose fish oil in capsules, you should consult your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of using products with additional ingredients.
If expensive fish oil can be bought often only on advance order, then domestic biologically active additives in a wide range are presented on the shelves of pharmacies. The most popular are such supplements:
- Mirrella. Fish oil contains a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and is positioned by manufacturers as a means to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood vessels;
- Biaphyshenol. The composition of this fish oil includes fat-soluble vitamins, which make it possible to quickly increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infectious agents. You can buy BAD from this manufacturer with linseed or sea-buckthorn oil, vitamins A and E, wheat germ oil.
Fish oil from the Israeli manufacturer Teva contains the highest possible concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This provides antioxidant activity of dietary supplements, which allows it to be used to prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors.
Tip: If there is no necessary biologically active additive in pharmacies, it can be ordered by the pharmacist, leaving a small advance payment. It is better to buy fish oil in a medical institution, and not in online pharmacies, as this guarantees the quality of dietary supplements.