Hemoglobin - a protein found in the erythrocytes and in charge of supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, the output of which carbon dioxide. If it is present in the right amount, it means that the body is all right. A significant deviation from the norm speak about the diseases. To set the level for the analysis of donating blood.
During menses number oxygen-carrying protein in the body decreases. She needs to know how much hemoglobin falls during the month, in order to properly evaluate the results produced assays.
- The effect of hemoglobin on the female body
Norma hemoglobin during menstruation
- Low
- Tall
- Fine
The reasons are too low hemoglobin
- Diseases of internal organs
- unhealthy eating
- Lifestyle
- vitamins
- stresses
- Status of blood after a month
The effect of hemoglobin on the female body
In 1 liter of blood of healthy women is about 120-150 grams of protein. But we must remember that the hemoglobin at monthly decreases. It may even fall below the norm. And on the eve of critical days, on the contrary, slightly increased.
Its decline results:
- to deterioration of performance;
- poor resistance to infection and disease;
- breakage and hair loss;
- delay menses;
- skin diseases;
- frequent dizziness;
- Pressure violation.
To replenish the amount of hemoglobin, it is desirable to have more products containing iron.
Norma hemoglobin during menstruation
In a properly operating the female body the number of red blood varies on the average from 120 to 140 g / l. It may vary slightly:
- due to age. The young girls under 18 years, the level of hemoglobin is slightly lower - 110-135 g / l;
- presence of bad habits. Women who smoke often increased number of iron-containing protein;
- menstrual cycle. There is a direct correlation between the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the intensity of menstruation.
During the critical days of a woman spends a certain amount of blood, and with it goes away and part of the oxygen-carrying protein. Therefore, at the beginning of menstruation its ability to reduce the amount of up to 110 g / l and even below. But in a healthy body, it comes back to normal in a couple of days. If not, perhaps it comes to anemia. In this case, a woman should see a doctor.
But before the monthly level of the protein increases. Often this is due to an increase in appetite during PMS and unconscious needs for products with a high content of iron.
Women with low hemoglobin often feel during menstruation:
- malaise;
- nausea;
- dizziness;
- aching pain in the whole body.
So it manifests itself anemia. This is because low hemoglobin during menstruation falls even lower. Organs and tissues begin to suffer from lack of oxygen, which affects the health.
at excessively heavy menstruation body loses iron, which leads to vessel wall fragility. As a result, bleeding does not stop for a long time. Due to the loss of excess body enough blood is saturated with oxygen - and may be a hormonal failure.
Decline to 110 g / l during the month - that's fine.
it is necessary to see a doctor if:
- There are too few or too many selections in the critical days.
- The woman notices symptoms of anemia listed above.
- Low hemoglobin does not increase, and in a couple of weeks after month.
If the level is higher than normal red blood cells, which leads to an overabundance of oxygen in the blood. It affects the heart and other internal organs.
High hemoglobin makes itself felt:
- insomnia;
- scanty secretions during menstruation;
- disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
- frequent dizziness;
- pain in the heart and other organs.
If this situation is not to fight, then it can lead to significant health problems such as high blood pressure, thrombosis, myocardial infarction. High hemoglobin affects the condition of the blood - it becomes more viscous.
The systematic increase of protein, carries oxygen, doctor writes out means, blood thinning. Their method is needed to prevent complications and ensure the normal course of menstruation.
For female normal hemoglobin constitute boundaries 120-140 g / l. The girls who are fond of sports, it can reach 160 g / l, smokers - 150 g / l, adolescents 11-15 years - 110-130 g / l, youth 15-18 years - 115-135 g / l. Normal erythrocytes limits for pregnant women - 110-120 g / l.
At monthly rate of hemoglobin - 110-130 g / l. reduction of protein due to blood loss during menstruation.
The reasons are too low hemoglobin
The protein that carries oxygen is greatly reduced during the critical days:
- due to an unbalanced diet;
- diseases of internal organs. Improperly functioning kidneys, liver, thyroid or intestine can reduce the amount of hemoglobin;
- lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyles;
- frequent stress;
- serious diseases. For example, tuberculosis, hepatitis, arthritis.
Increase the hemoglobin, reduce during menstruation, help eating meat, beef or chicken liver, eggs, buckwheat, peanuts. But from coffee, chocolate and strong tea is better to refuse.
Pregnancy, childbirth and diseases also affect the reduction of the iron-containing protein. And that should definitely be taken into account when evaluating the test results.
Diseases of internal organs
When gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcer, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, iron defective digested intestinal walls, which leads to a lowering of hemoglobin.
At failures in the work of the thyroid gland is disrupted hormonal balance in the body, and it also leads to a decrease in blood indicator protein, carries oxygen. In such situations, it is necessary to consult with your doctor to prescribe it suitable vitamins and recommend a diet rich in iron.
unhealthy eating
To increase the hemoglobin is necessary in the diet to add:
- red meat and liver;
- seafood;
- fresh juices from apples, beets, pomegranates, carrots;
- vegetables;
- oily fish;
- buckwheat, oat, wheat porridge;
- fruits;
- berries;
- nuts.
Patients with anemia have to carefully monitor their diet, in any case not to torture your body diets for weight loss and do not limit yourself to foods high in iron. Otherwise, in the pursuit of a slender figure, you can come to tragic consequences and pay for their own health. It is also possible, it is desirable to give up fast food and other food with synthetic additives.
Alcohol abuse, lack of time for sleep, lack of the daily routine, excessive fatigue or a lack of physical activities - all this reduces the immune system and affects the amount of hemoglobin in blood.
Signs of anemia are:
- pale, dry skin;
- brittle, peeling nails;
- split, weak hair;
- dizziness;
- frequent headaches;
- fast fatiguability;
- sleep disturbance;
- poor digestion.
Staying outdoors, exercise, a full nine-hour night sleep strengthening the immune system and improve the work of all organs and circulatory system.
When detected at the majority of these symptoms should go to the doctor to prescribe medication and monitor the status of the dynamics of the assays.
Girls, strict diet in pursuit of a slender figure, and employment of women, who have no time to dine in full During the day, often suffer from anemia because their body does not get a sufficient amount of B vitamins and folic acid.
Therefore, to avoid thinning the blood and reducing the level of hemoglobin doctors recommend taking vitamin complex 2 times a year. This will help to deal with anemia and improve iron levels.
The central nervous system controls all processes in the human body. If it starts functioning failures due to stress, it entails a loss of appetite and indigestion, thus poorly absorbed vitamins, trace elements and iron as well. And because of its lack of blood the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen.
To avoid this, it is necessary to take sedatives and the most excluded from the life of the factors that trigger stress.
Status of blood after a month
In a healthy female body hemoglobin recovers quickly after a month. Norm is the reduction rate to 110 g / l.
A woman without pathologies it rises to the old 120-140 g / l. It takes 2 days to 2 weeks. Normal it is considered as if the amount of iron-containing protein of the month will not change.
The reason for referral to a specialist may be frequent abrupt changes in the protein level indicator Blood, as well as periodic output amount of hemoglobin within the normal range during menstruation or after it.
Since any change in the blood can signal serious violations in the body to be tested and evaluated the result should be under medical supervision. Only qualified personnel to adequately assess the woman's condition and prescribe the necessary treatment. Analyzes can then be put into the dynamics, in order to assess how effective the treatment was.