All women sooner or later face problems such as black dots, dilated pores, acne, contaminated or faded skin. Cope with the problems will help to clean the face at home. This procedure is simple: all you need is to comply with the basic rules of hygiene and safety, and everything will go well. We will discuss them in more detail below.
How to clean your face at home
Facial cleansing is the most popular cosmetic procedure that you can offer in any beauty salon using different methods: manual or mechanical, hardware. But you can get the same result from a home face cleansing session. Perhaps it will not be so effective, but the plus is that the home procedures are less painful, will not leave scars and scars, will allow to gently cleanse the skin using only natural substances. How to properly clean the face at home:
- Properly prepared: the skin and hands should be clean, well-washed.
- Make sure that there are no contraindications: in the presence of acne, large acne, inflammation, cleaning is prohibited.
- Before starting to necessarily soften the epidermis with milk, clean it with a fine scrub.
- Make sure that the skin is steamed before you start cleaning the pores: squeezing pimples on a dry surface is strictly prohibited.
How to clean the face at home
Special instruments for these procedures are sold freely available, each has an attached instruction on the rules of use. You can clean the face at home using modern methods: galvanic, vacuum, ultrasonic. Simpler technologies are designed for the application of simple actions and natural ingredients: purification by steam, masks, scrubs and the so-called Hollywood way, or skate, it uses calcium chloride in ampoules and baby soap. The choice depends on the type of your skin, the presence of acne, comedones.
Stages of face cleaning
How to do a face cleaning at home: you need to decide on the method, prepare all the necessary ingredients and appliances. It is also important to allocate time, because carrying out the procedure in a hurry can spoil the whole process. You should carefully study all the stages of cleansing your face and perform each of them:
- Cleansing. Wash, soak your face with a towel.
- Humidification. Lubricate the face with a light cream, milk, gel for washing.
- Steaming. It is good to steam the skin, you can add chamomile or other herbs into the water.
- Deep cleansing. This will help scrub or peeling. Then you need to carefully remove acne by pressing them with clean, alcohol-soaked fingers.
- Disinfection. Each section should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, calendula.
- Calming. To complete the process you need to apply a mask, white clay, food ingredients will work well. And the final application of any moisturizer.
How to clean the face skin at home
Distinguish technology for getting rid of black spots, small pimples, cleansing clogged pores, to soften dry peeling skin or to make frosting dull. All of them will help make the face smoother, radiant, enrich the cells with nutrients and improve the natural circulation of oxygen, the production of sebum. Cleansing the face skin at home is described in more detail below.
Cleansing the face from black dots
How to cleanse the face of black dots: to begin with, the skin needs to be well steam, then use scrubs and peelings. A good mixture of coffee grounds, sea salt, special black patches for the nose. The main cleansing of the skin of the face is a dense mask for removing old, deep comedones: a mask based on clay, oatmeal, gelatin is suitable. According to the reviews, oatmeal comfortably soothes dry, sensitive skin, and clay - effectively cleans the smallest and hardest formations.
Cleaning the face from acne
Contraindication to this procedure is the presence of irritation, inflammation on the face. It can be carried out under normal skin conditions. Cleaning the face at home from acne suggests their steaming, squeezing, disinfecting and soothing the skin. To conduct the procedure better with fingers moistened with alcohol solution, steam out over boiling water with a laurel leaf, make masks of clay, soda, yeast and laundry soap.
Cleaning the pores of the face
Steam baths from infusions of different herbs, soft scrubbing, are ideal. For the pores to brighten up, the sebaceous glands worked fine, and the dirt did not accumulate on the skin, you need to perform such routines regularly: twice a week use a scrub, for example, from the coffee grounds, and once every two weeks to perform steaming and deep cleansing. Cleaning the pores at home is the most gentle, non-traumatic procedure, suitable for everyone.
Cleaning the face of the house
With normal skin, all methods are allowed, for dry need softening, not drying means. At high fat content, toning procedures are needed, which narrow the pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Purification of the face is an important process, which requires a careful individual approach. We offer step-by-step instructions on how to cleanse your face.
Deep cleansing of the face at home
Cleaning is done this way: you need to clean and steam the skin well. Then eliminate acne, comedones, moisturize the skin. Extrude the foci carefully, with disinfected hands. It will effectively stick a special plaster on the nose and wings to remove the black dots. Deep facial cleansing at home. Complete deep cleansing of the facial skin at home should necessarily treatment with alcohol problem areas.
Mechanical cleaning of the face at home
After preliminary steaming, you should immediately start the procedure for cleaning the pores. It is important in the process not to go out into the street, not to stand in front of an open window, to avoid contact with animals. To carry out mechanical cleaning of the face at home correctly and safely, you need to ensure complete sterility of the process: lay the table gauze, wrap your fingers with antibacterial napkins or lubricate them with alcohol after every two or three extrusions.
Cleaning the face with shaving foam
Cleaning is best done only in particularly problem areas - in the T-zone, on the chin. After steaming, apply a thick layer of foam, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water. Another option - a mask of soda with foam: mix 3 tbsp.l.foam and soda, apply, bypassing the eye area, after 15 minutes to do a gentle massage with your hands. Cleaning your face with shaving foam helps to eliminate black dots, but is not recommended for girls with sensitive skin.
Cleaning the face with honey at home
It not only eliminates acne and comedones, but also nourishes, refreshes;suitable for oily, problematic skin. You need to steam out the skin and apply a mask: honey, lemon juice and soda( 1 tablespoon), you can add a tablespoon of cooked oatmeal instead of juice, which will purify the pores. Keep on the face for 10 minutes, lightly massage the problem areas, rinse with water. Plus honey cleansing the face in its naturalness, gentle effect.
Face dry cleaning at home
For this method you need solutions of different acids: salicylic, glycolic, fruit, and also enzymes that repair dead cells. Cleaning the face at home is as follows: you need to thoroughly clean the skin, apply the composition containing acid, keep about 5 minutes. With discomfort, burning, signs of irritation, you should immediately wash off the remedy. At the end lubricate the skin with a liquid to restore the pH balance.
Cleaning the face with a toothbrush
This is a tough procedure, so if you have irritations, inflamed pimples, it is better to abandon it, so as not to spread the infection from the forehead to the chin. When brushing your face with a toothbrush, the smoothness of irregularities, fine wrinkles, elimination of excess dirt and sebum is effectively eliminated. It is important to use a new toothbrush or to boil the old one well. So:
- Instruction: steam the skin over the decoction of chamomile or celandine, apply a mixture of shaving foam and soda on the skin;gently massage the problem areas with a brush, then rinse the solution, apply a brush to the brush with oil solution.
- Solution: jojoba oil and calendula - a teaspoonful, 2 drops of tea tree oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice. Brush the dipped in this mixture and wipe the zones one at a time.
Cleansing the face at home with folk remedies
Folk methods sometimes prove to be no worse, if not better, professional cosmetic procedures. The use of natural ingredients, high-quality cleaning and the ability to repeat sessions as much as necessary - all these are clear advantages of self-care for the skin. You can identify the main ways to cleanse a person at home with folk remedies:
- Laundry soap: for washing before going to bed or applying a layer like a mask: grease with soapy soapy areas and leave for a couple of hours.
- Vegetable oils: olive, sesame, linseed and coconut. The oil needs to be slightly heated, moistened with sponge, wipe face, then apply it by hand, rub it well into the skin, massage, rinse with warm water. Suitable for any skin type, any age, for nutrition and cell saturation.
- Egg yolk: it must be combined with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub the mixture on your face before the formation of foam, quickly wash off, repeat the procedure several more times.
- Ice or ice tinctures at the end of cleaning: wipe clean skin with an ice cube or sponge with a very cold decoction of celandine, sequins, calendula, chamomile.
Mask for face cleaning
Masks made from natural ingredients are an indispensable way of cleaning the face, but you need to choose the composition carefully so as not to cause complications and unpleasant consequences in the form of irritations, red spots, allergic reactions. So, for dry skin, steaming and masks with lemon juice, acid are not recommended, for oily and combined undesirable abundance of oils and fermented milk products. We offer popular recipes for facial cleansers:
- Bran: oat, wheat, rice bran pour boiling water, allow to swell. Add 1 tsp.soda, mix well, apply to face and hold for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Soda, honey and cream. A pinch of soda mixed with a tablespoon of fat cream and a teaspoon of honey. Apply on face, wash off after 10 minutes. Such a mask can be done once a week, with dryness - to exclude soda. Coffee grounds and sea salt. Mix in 2: 1 proportions, keep on face until dry, wash off. Eggshell of one egg, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of rice and lemon juice - beaten with a blender, a little diluted with water, add a teaspoon of starch, keep 15 minutes on the face.
- Aspirin: crush two tablets, add a tablespoon of warm honey or olive oil and a little water. Distribute the mask, rinse after 10 minutes.