Can I get pregnant after the first abortion: the consequences of abortion


  • 1 Is it possible to have an abortion during the first pregnancy
    • 1.1 Vacuum
    • 1.2 medical
    • 1.3 Surgical
  • 2 Is it dangerous to do first abortion
  • 3 The probability of pregnancy after the first abortion
  • 4 Possible consequences of the first abortion
  • 5 conclusion
  • 6 Reviews of the first abortion

Many have heard that after an abortion can be difficult when trying to get pregnant in the future. But the likelihood of complications after the first interruption is not higher than after the second, third and subsequent. According to statistics, more than 90% of patients can safely become pregnant after the first abortion.

Is it possible to have an abortion during the first pregnancy

Most physicians advise the pregnancy if a woman has no children. This recommendation stems from the fact that no one knows how the body responds to outside interference. If the result of the first interruption of the girl will be fruitless, it would be a tragedy for a lifetime.

According to statistics, 10% of women experience difficulties when trying to become pregnant after the first abortion. Termination of pregnancy can cause:

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  • hormonal failure;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • adhesions;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • occurrence of cervical abnormalities.

Surgical abortion is easier to do for women who have given birth. Sheika have easily expands and the uterus after the surgery is reduced faster.


The likelihood of developing complications that will prevent conception in the future, after the interruption of the vacuum is lower than after the traditional curettage. It is also called a mini abortion. Make vacuum aspiration can be before 6 weeks of pregnancy.

But this method also interrupt traumatize the uterine wall. It is held a special apparatus, which via the vacuum pulls attach the fetus from the uterus wall. At the site of implantation there is a risk of scar tissue or adhesions.

Abortion during the first pregnancy: the probability of getting pregnant, reviews


Early in pregnancy, before 7 weeks, you can do an abortion with pills. They influence the production of hormones in the body, stop the fetal development process and provoke a miscarriage. It is the most gentle method, so the interruption of the first pregnancy, doctors recommend to do this way.

Risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases, adhesions, cervical pathology is reduced to a minimum. The body perceives this intervention as a miscarriage. The uterus is not injured, the endometrium starts to flake itself due to a sharp decrease in progesterone.


After 7 weeks of pregnancy, there is only one version of the interruption - scraping. Therefore, gynecologists advise not to delay making a decision, and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

If you do a surgical abortion for the first time, there is a high risk of developing complications. Their appearance is due to the fact that the doctor scrapes the endometrium within the uterus to the touch. The result is a large wound surface, increases the probability of infection and the formation of adhesions.

Is it dangerous to do first abortion

Many say that the most serious consequences occur after the first interruption. But abortion is the first child for the likelihood of complications is no higher than the next. The probability of occurrence of problems after a single interruption is low. After vacuum aspiration or medical abortion, the risk of negative effects is even lower.

Comment! According to WHO complications occur after the first interrupt is not more than 7.5% of women.

The greatest risk of interruption of the first pregnancy is that the patient has no children. And imagine how the body will react to outside interference impossible. If the patient has given birth, it is known as the pregnancy took place, were there any complications during childbirth. Based on these data we can predict how the body reacts to an abortion.

Most women have no difficulty with subsequent conception and child-bearing does not occur, but there is a percentage of patients who face complications. To reduce the likelihood of infertility in women without children, it is recommended not to interrupt the first pregnancy. For patients who already have children, the diagnosis of infertility is not so terrible.

The risk of complications increases with each subsequent abortion. The greater the interference in the body carried out, the higher the risk of developing inflammatory diseases, cervix problems, joining infections. The neck after each expansion mechanical weakening and thinning of the uterine wall.

The probability of pregnancy after the first abortion

The majority of women after the first abortion there is no difficulty in conceiving and carrying a child in the future. But according to statistics about 7-10% of patients, whose first pregnancy ended in abortion, face difficulties. But fruitless are not all of them. Some normalization condition enough to take a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, others need to restore hormonal balance.

It helps reduce the risk of complications that all the medical recommendations. For the prevention of infections after abortion joining all polls prescribe antibiotics. To reduce the risk of inflammation is prescribed sexual and physical rest, are forbidden baths, pools, saunas and outdoor pools.

Abortion during the first pregnancy: the probability of getting pregnant, reviews

Immediately after the interruption gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives for 6 months. They are necessary to prevent the development of hormonal imbalance in the body. Also, birth control pills need to prevent repeated pregnancy. The probability to conceive and bear a healthy child would be higher if, after interruption will take at least 6 months.

Attention! If not protected, it is possible to get pregnant immediately after the first abortion.

Possible consequences of the first abortion

The negative consequences of abortion during the first pregnancy do not differ from the complications that may arise in the termination of the second, third and other pregnancies. Conventionally, they are divided into three types:

  • early;
  • later;
  • distant.

The early complications include:

  • uterine perforation - puncture, rupture uterine wall during surgery;
  • part, attempted abortion - remain in the cavity of the ovum, embryo;
  • cervical rupture;
  • acute bleeding.

Such situations are rare. But with the opening of uterine perforation or bleeding sometimes surgeons have to remove the uterus. This is the only way to save the woman's life.

Among the later consequences of such release:

  • metroendometritis - inflammation of muscle and mucosal layers of the uterus;
  • acute oophoritis, acute exacerbations of chronic adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages;
  • piosalpinks - collection of pus in the fallopian tubes;
  • pyometra - accumulation of pus, blood, mucous secretions in the uterine cavity;
  • parametritis - inflammation of the parameters (the connective tissue surrounding the uterus).

These complications develop for 1-4 weeks after surgery. They occur mostly after scraping. Late complications are the cause of long-term negative consequences of abortion. On the injured areas of the uterus and cervix can form scars appear fibrous tissue. The state of the transferred impact hormonal and emotional stress.

For long-term effects that may occur even after the first abortion include:

  • violation of the menstruation;
  • the formation of endometrial polyps;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cervical incompetence;
  • endometriosis;
  • Asherman's syndrome (characterized by the formation of multiple adhesions and uterus deformation);
  • fallopian tube;
  • infertility;
  • pathology occurrence of subsequent pregnancies.

Some occur after the first abortion missed abortion. The reason may lie in the fact that the embryo is attached to the defective portions with the inner layer. The result is a deformed placenta through which the fetus does not receive all the necessary material. To stop development can cause hormonal failures, exacerbation of infectious diseases or Rh conflict.

A common complication of surgical abortion is a problem with carrying a pregnancy in the future. Since it may encounter a girl who agreed to host the first abortion. The cervix in nulliparous patients dense, it is badly stretched, so the risk of traumatization of its walls is high. If there is a rupture, the cervix becomes functionally defective. As a result, it may develop cervical incompetence. This pathology, in which the neck can not hold the growing fetus and the woman happens miscarriage in the second trimester.

Abortion during the first pregnancy: the probability of getting pregnant, reviews

Reduce the risk of termination of pregnancy when the cervix can be problems if it is take in or impose a special ring. This helps to hold it in the closed position the entire pregnancy. But often on the development of cervical incompetence will know after the miscarriage occurred.

Violation of menstruation, adhesions, polyps in the uterus are the cause of infertility. In such diagnoses pregnancy after the first abortion is difficult.

Attention! When obstruction of the fallopian tubes, unexplained infertility or have other obstacles to the conception, doctors are advised to pay attention to the assisted reproductive technologies.


The majority of patients with problems in order to get pregnant after the first abortion, does not arise. But about 7-10% are faced with infertility, problems with child bearing. Gynecologists advised to abandon the first interruption. After all, it is not known how the body can respond to the intervention. But if a girl does not want to leave the child, it is better to go to the hospital in the early stages, while it is possible to make medical or vacuum abortion. The likelihood of complications after such procedures is much lower than after surgical abortion.

Reviews of the first abortion

Julia Pankratova, 27 years old, Vladivostok

At age 19, she became pregnant, the family council with his parents decided to have an abortion. Term allows you to make vacuum aspiration. No complications after the first abortion did not raise, it has been a regular cycle. In 25 years, after 4 months of trying to conceive could.

Alla Kuznetsova, 31 years, Kirov

With her husband we decided not to hurry with the children, but in spite of the protection of condoms, pregnancy occurred within 3 months after the wedding. On the recommendation of the gynecologist did a medical abortion. After the meeting was relieved, and then started to panic, and there was fear that the more I can not have children. After the first interruption of pregnancy began to plan only after 3 years to conceive a baby failed almost immediately.

Prusakova Karina, 41 years, Moscow

After the first abortion, which I did in 20 years, lost the menstrual cycle, infertility doctor is constantly scared. After 2 years, the state returned to normal, but I was able to get pregnant at only 4 years of attempts.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 20, 2019
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