What do abortion anesthesia: the surgical, vacuum, reviews


  • 1 whether anesthesia make abortion
  • 2 Under which anesthesia abortion
    • 2.1 Anesthesia during vacuum abortion
    • 2.2 Anesthesia for surgical abortion
  • 3 How do anesthesia for abortion
    • 3.1 overall
    • 3.2 Local
    • 3.3 epidural
    • 3.4 Spinal
  • 4 As abortion under general anesthesia
  • 5 It hurts to have an abortion
  • 6 Mini abortion without anesthesia
    • 6.1 Is it possible to have an abortion without anesthesia
    • 6.2 It hurts to have an abortion without anesthesia
  • 7 The consequences of anesthesia during abortion
  • 8 conclusion
  • 9 Reviews of abortion under general anesthesia
  • 10 Reviews of mini-abortion without anesthesia

Termination of pregnancy in the first trimester is done under anesthesia. But to find out what abortion do anesthesia, can only be in the clinic in which a woman is planning to get rid of pregnancy. Type of anesthesia depends on the equipment of the hospital, the presence of an anesthesiologist, duration of pregnancy and ways to interrupt.

whether anesthesia make abortion

Anesthesia for termination of pregnancy is done to reduce the pain the patient experiences. Although there are clinics where abortions are carried out without anesthesia. But this practice is not widespread. Anesthesia is needed for surgical curettage or vacuum aspiration.

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When the vacuum abortion pain arises due to the expansion of the cervical canal, by suction of the internal contents of the uterus. In the surgical termination they are connected with the introduction of the expander in the cervix and scraping the uterine cavity. Women who have had an abortion surgically without anesthesia, noted severe pain. Therefore, in most cases abortion under general anesthesia.

If a woman goes to drug interruption, the anesthesia is not needed. Patients with a low threshold of pain your doctor may suggest a drink analgesic pill or get a shot of anesthetic.

But after all of the abortion for a few days can be saved the pain. They are associated with uterine contraction, the formation of the wound surface and the sharp restructuring hormonal levels.

Under which anesthesia abortion

For pain relief when terminating an unwanted pregnancy do one of these anesthesia:

  • total short-term;
  • sedation;
  • epidural;
  • spinal;
  • local in combination with analgesics.

Select the method of anesthesia is directly linked to the method by which the abortion is done.

Anesthesia during vacuum abortion

Patients who decide to have an abortion in the early stages, doctors recommend to stop the choice on the vacuum aspiration. Make mini-abortion under local anesthesia. The patient is administered directly to a mucosal anesthetics near the cervix and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs intramuscularly. This combination makes it possible to suppress the pain. Some complain about the discomfort felt during the procedure.

Important! In some clinics during abortion under local anesthesia additionally prescribe tranquilizers. They reduce anxiety, reduce stress and help you relax.

In many hospitals medical vacuum aspiration is performed under short general anesthesia. The patient is put to sleep for 5-10 minutes. This time is enough that the doctor had to expand the cervical canal, into the uterus to introduce a plastic tube and remove the fertilized egg and the lining of the uterus.

Anesthesia for surgical abortion

When curettage curette anesthesiologists do women overall short-term anesthesia. Pregnant immersed in deep medication sleep, during which she did not feel.

It allowed a surgical abortion under sedation. So called anesthesia, during which the patient is immersed in a shallow sleep. In this case, the sensitivity can be maintained, but after waking up the patient is practically not remember anything.

Abortion under general anesthesia: under what and how to do

How do anesthesia for abortion

In obstetric hospitals hospitals should be an anesthesiologist, who is responsible for the anesthetic. Technique its implementation depends on the type of anesthesia, the patient contraindications to the use of certain medications.


Administered general anesthesia off consciousness. The woman remembers the time of administration of the drug, and then wakes up after the procedure is completed. Is such anesthesia with intravenous special preparations related to the drug group:

  • ketamine;
  • Kalipsol;
  • propofol;
  • enflurane;
  • Thiopental.

The name of the drug and the dosage anesthesiologist selects each patient individually after studying history. Often prescribed multicomponent compositions.

When performing abortion under general anesthesia administered to the patient an amount of drugs, which is able to temporarily block the operation of the brain. Then drip fed drugs continue to maintain sleep for as long as the operation is completed. During the scraping requires up to 20 minutes. If you make a vacuum abortion under general anesthesia, it is possible to meet in 10 minutes. After completion of the operation the woman for several minutes under anesthesia. In the consciousness of it comes, as a rule, already in the House.

When using inhalation anesthesia immersion process to sleep is faster. In the consciousness of the patient come faster. But studies have shown that the use of inhaled anesthetics increase blood loss.

Important! The hospitals, which make general anesthesia should be ventilator, as there is a risk of respiratory arrest.

More secure variant of general anesthesia is sedation. But when you use this method, consciousness is not blocked, so the pain persist.


Vacuum abortion do both under general anesthesia or under local. Conduct curettage using local anesthetics are not recommended, short general anesthesia is more suitable for this procedure.

The doctor makes an injection through the vagina in the lining that surrounds the cervix. This reduces its sensitivity and make the process of cervical dilatation is practically painless. The woman remains in the minds of all time. She can talk to the medical staff, to see the movement of the tool, but the pain is almost non-existent.

For anesthesia can be administered:

  • lidocaine;
  • Dekain;
  • bupivacaine;
  • Novocaine;
  • ultrakain;
  • Trikain.

At first, make sure no allergy to a drug that will be used for local anesthesia. Increase the efficiency of anesthesia is possible, if in parallel to block pain intramuscularly enter any drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory:

  • ibuprofen;
  • ketotifen;
  • Nurofen.

In the case where a pregnant feels panic, she additionally prescribe sedatives or recommend to choose general anesthesia. Many hospitals are administered diazepam.

Abortion under general anesthesia: under what and how to do

It is preferable to make the vacuum abortion under local anesthesia. When you hold it the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum, can not be confused consciousness after the procedure, coordination is not disturbed. Long-term medical follow-up is required, women are quickly restored. But the likelihood that the sensitivity is maintained, and the pain will be felt high. Topical administration of anesthetics only blunts pain.


In carrying out abortions epidural hardly used. It is used only in cases when it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy for medical or social reasons at a later period.

The anesthesiologist inserted through the catheter into the epidural space of a drug that blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. This can be done while lying on your side or sitting. As a result, pregnant ceases to feel the lower part of the body, but is conscious. Most often used such drugs:

  • ropivacaine;
  • bupivacaine;
  • Lidocaine.

Comment! Anesthetics enhance the action data when necessary, by the addition of opiates. But in Russia, opioid analgesics are used for insertion into the epidural space.


Spinal anesthesia is one of the types of regional anesthesia, as well as an epidural. The injection is done in the same place as in epidural anesthesia. But for such an anesthesia doctor takes a thin needle with a "pencil" sharpening. Injection is done below the spinal cord, the space that contains cerebrospinal fluid. Immediately after administration of the agent has a feeling of numbness in the lower body.

Recommend this anesthesia to women who need to interrupt at the later date. Also, it is shown at high risk of postoperative bleeding or opening of the problems associated with impaired ability of the uterus to contract.

As abortion under general anesthesia

In gynecology departments of hospitals curettage or vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is performed under local or general anesthesia. Surgical abortion is done under general anesthesia. At first, the woman is on the gynecological chair, an anesthesiologist administer drugs intravenously. After that, the gynecologist is initiating a procedure:

  • expanding the cervical canal;
  • if the planned mini-abortion, it is introduced into the uterine cavity of a tube through which using a special vacuum device and remove the fruit of the endometrium;
  • during scraping advanced through the cervical canal administered curette, they scrape the endometrium and ovum.

In the operating room the whole time, in addition to the Operating gynecologist, is an anesthesiologist. After completion of the abortion the woman moved into the room, where she regains consciousness. After that it should visit the anesthesiologist and the surgeon to check the status and ensure there are no complications. If there were no problems, the woman can go home the same day.

It hurts to have an abortion

If the patient is carried out interrupting the procedure under general anesthesia, no discomfort is not during the procedure. After the completion of abortion and recovery of consciousness, many complain of aching pain. Their intensity varies from weak to strongly expressed. Much depends on the threshold of pain, mental attitude and the kind of interruption.

Abortion under general anesthesia: under what and how to do

But the pain associated not only with the scraping procedure, but with the expansion of the cervical canal. Therefore, even a mini-abortion done under general anesthesia. It Poma reduce discomfort during the procedure.

Under local anesthesia women feel pain, but it blunted. Therefore, this type of anesthesia employed advantageously by vacuum aspiration. In carrying out this procedure, discomfort arises in the introduction of the tube into the uterus through the cervix and conduct itself aspiration. But it lasts no more than 5 minutes. Immediately after completion of the procedure, the pain goes away, but the patient's condition is normalized.

Comment! The appearance of pain after abortion due mainly to the formation of extensive wound surface within the uterus and its contractions active. Also on the condition affects abrupt hormonal changes that takes place in the body.

Mini abortion without anesthesia

In some hospitals, the practice of holding vacuum aspiration without anesthesia. If the clinic does not have resuscitation equipment, the doctors do not dare to use general anesthesia. If the patient can not be administered drugs, which are used for local anesthesia, then it will be to carry out an abortion without anesthesia. Reviews women have demonstrated that it is a very painful manipulation.

Is it possible to have an abortion without anesthesia

Contraindications to abortion is not without pain relief. Some doctors say that it is better to endure a few minutes of pain, than to suffer from the effects of anesthesia. If not administered drugs, which suppress consciousness, the recovery is much faster.

Women who can easily tolerate the pain, may agree to a vacuum abortion without anesthesia. But you have to be prepared that it is a very painful procedure. In the opinion of women, removing the nerves from the root canal without anesthesia is much nicer.

It hurts to have an abortion without anesthesia

Abortion without anesthesia is one of the most painful procedures. Who is carrying out surgical and vacuum cleaning of the uterus without anesthesia is used in rare cases. This is possible if the patient is allergic to all known anesthetics or contraindications.

Unlike mini-abortion, which is done within a few minutes, scraping the uterus hardly practiced without anesthesia. Judging by responses of women who have undergone this procedure, note that it is very painful to have an abortion without anesthesia. I am feeling much stronger than in childbirth and other painful medical procedures.

Abortion under general anesthesia: under what and how to do

The consequences of anesthesia during abortion

Any medication that is used for the introduction of a patient into a state of anesthesia, has contraindications, and can cause complications. Among the possible negative consequences referred to:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting;
  • heat exchange disorder (occurrence of hot flushes or chills);
  • fainting;
  • disorientation;
  • memory losses;
  • breathing problems;
  • Blood pressure drops;
  • decrease in hemoglobin;
  • skin allergies;
  • development of problems with blood clotting.

Attention! Most often, these symptoms develop as a side effect of drugs used to. If the state is not normal for a long time, then a doctor should choose the medication.


Almost all patients with an abortion anesthesia. Depending on the selected method of interruption, the doctor may recommend general or local anesthesia. In the first case, a woman immersed in a drug-induced sleep short, and the second injection administered drugs in the lining near the cervix to reduce the severity of pain.

Reviews of abortion under general anesthesia

Victoria Marusich, 32, Izhevsk

Third pregnancy was for my husband as a complete surprise, so the family council we decided to have an abortion. The term was already 8 weeks, so we had to settle for normal curettage under general anesthesia, which is administered intravenously. Asleep in the operating room, he woke me up in the same place and transported to the ward. After 4 hours, the doctor let me go home already, as the state of health was satisfactory.

Aksent'eva Anna, 38 years, Moscow

An abortion due to missed abortion at 11 weeks. The procedure itself took about 20 minutes after induction of anesthesia, before I came in feeling. After the procedure, a little dizzy, nauseous. But hours after 2 state returned to normal.

Reviews of mini-abortion without anesthesia

Kristina Bobrova, 44 years old, Krasnoznamensk

The first pregnancy had an abortion. The doctor said that the vacuum can be done without anesthesia, because the fast procedure, and I agreed. It was the wrong decision in life - like sensations I never and nowhere experienced. Give birth several times lighter.

Vacuum Tube Tatiana, 26, Kislovodsk

Mini abortion gynecology done without anesthesia: told to drink analgesic and sedative before the procedure. The doctor promised that there will be painful, but bearable. Feels like an abortion is similar to pulling teeth without anesthesia. Previously, of course, women agree to it because of the lack of options, but at the present level of development of medicine such procedures - mockery.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

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