How to call the monthly during climax: after 45 years, how to prolong the cycle, menopause


  • 1 What is menopause
  • 2 Premenopausal and monthly
  • 3 When to recover monthly
  • 4 How to restore the monthly during menopause
    • 4.1 How to extend the menstrual cycle with hormones
    • 4.2 Is it possible to cause the monthly non-hormonal medicines during menopause
    • 4.3 How to return the month at the climax of folk remedies
  • 5 How to extend the periods after 45 years
  • 6 conclusion

Female body works as the clock as soon as there comes a certain age, the inevitable changes. This applies to reproduction, when in 45-50 years there comes menopause, causing a change in the cycle. The majority of women who want to delay this time, the question arises as to cause monthly during climax. Restore monthly through healthy lifestyle, nutrition, people's recipes and preparations.

What is menopause

Climax - a certain period of time in a state of the female body, when there is the extinction of sexual function. In this period there is a gradual decrease in the level of female sex hormones, as well as reducing the possibility to reproduce healthy offspring. These changes lead to the end of the reproductive function over time, the end of the menstrual cycle.

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Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

This period does not come all of a sudden, it is preceded by a number of changes that the patient feels. Menopause lasts for several years, and when it ends, the woman gets used to life in the conditions of a reduced level of sex hormones. The first manifestations of menopause are observed as early as 45-50 years to restore the old life with reproduction becomes difficult.

The whole process of extinction of reproductive function consists of three stages:

  1. Premenopausal.
  2. Menopause.
  3. Postmenopause.

When it is premenopausal, there are the first alarm bells, saying the presence of changes in the female body. These include monthly change of pace, their reduction or extension. This stage lasts for about 2 years, but every woman this time period may vary.

Menopause follows premenopause and is characterized by a sharp decrease in the level of sex hormones. The period can also advance in the age range from 45 to 50 years. Menopause called independent past month, after which more than 12 months.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

Postmenopause is characterized by the complete absence of menstruation, it is divided into early and late. The early stage of menopause lasts from 5 to 8 years, after which it begins later stage.

Premenopausal and monthly

Since the first stage of menopause is characterized by constant change in monthly cycle, many women attempt to restore the month to renew normal life. It is in pre-menopausal changes occur early in the menstrual cycle, as well as the symptoms that are experienced by every woman. Monthly during the first stage of menopause in premenopausal women is characterized by the features:

  • the time interval between the onset of menses increases or decreases;
  • it is difficult to predict when menstruation occurs, because in the first stage of menopause is triggered a number of changes, which do not allow monthly match calendar;
  • the cycle time is increased or decreased, the same can be said about the duration of the discharge;
  • the amount of blood released during menstruation is also changing, it becomes less;
  • changing nature of the discharge: they become viscous and smearing;
  • menstruation blood can exit from the clots, and have an unpleasant odor at the end;
  • there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen before the onset of menstruation.
Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

To these problems are added, and other violations. On the regularity of the cycle affects the thyroid gland, whose work can also be violated because of the pre-menopausal. A woman can gain weight, which is why many women want to delay the approach of menopause and restore cycle.

When to recover monthly

Most doctors are of the opinion that the rebuild cycle upon the occurrence of pre-menopause is not necessary. Doctors believe that the nature of cheating is not: just the climax he knocked on the door, it's time for the extinction of the reproductive function. But some women refuse from the perspective of early aging, wanting to prolong the usual life, so are searching for a means to restore the monthly menstrual cycle and during menopause.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

Important! Restoring monthly during menopause should not take place without a doctor's supervision: any self-medication leads to irreversible consequences.

There are several indications for which doctors recommend to restore the monthly during menopause:

  • early menopause;
  • Acute symptoms of early menopause;
  • desire a healthy woman to have a child.

Reduction of ovulations a negative impact on women's health. Sexual organs cease to update the aging process begins. These include:

  • noticeable change in the skin;
  • lack of stress;
  • increased sweating;
  • problems in sex.

It is unlikely that a woman would want to put up with such displays, if menopause come ahead of time.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

When the couple has no child, and a woman came early menopause, your doctor may also recommend a treatment designed to restore and normalize the monthly menstrual cycle. By skilled treatment and constant observation of the patient is able to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

How to restore the monthly during menopause

Resume monthly during menopause is permissible in several ways:

  • folk remedies;
  • using non-hormonal preparations;
  • normalization of lifestyle.

Restore and extend the cycle really thanks to hormonal pills, however, such a decision should be made only by the attending gynecologist.

How to extend the menstrual cycle with hormones

The term menopause is partially laid on the genetic level. Accelerate his coming:

  • unhealthy lifestyle;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol intake.

Delay the onset of menopause and help restore the hormonal cycle of medicines.

Comment! It is not necessary to appoint hormonal pills themselves on their own - such a decision would not help extend the cycle, and harm health.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

Tablet to prolong the menstrual cycle before menopause contain female sex hormones. When the patient takes a medication, hormones come back to normal, allowing you to adjust the menstrual cycle and restore month. These drugs include:

  • "Mersilon";
  • "Marvelon";
  • "Three-Mercy."

These products are based on active substances desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, which increase the content of female hormones and help extend and restore cycle. The physician may prescribe any other preparation which contains these hormones. The appointment is made on the basis of the patient's health status and characteristics of the organism.

Is it possible to cause the monthly non-hormonal medicines during menopause

Restoration of menstruation after menopause are unlikely to be possible, however, to return monthly for early onset of menopause is quite real. For this purpose the aid of non-hormonal drugs, which in its composition contain certain active substances.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

The list of medications are those drugs, as part of which contains plant substances - they are gentle way to help restore the cycle:

  1. "Besser Alter" - is based on natural herbs of the Altai, which cause the ovaries to function. The drug can be taken at any stage of menopause, but it is better to do it in premenopausal - it will help restore fertility, eliminate sweating, irritability.
  2. "Estrovel" - doctors prescribe this drug for the resumption of menstruation during menopause, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of its manifestations. It helps normalize the menstrual cycle, a woman returning to the familiar life.
  3. "Feminal" - reduces the symptoms of menopause, and helps to eliminate secretions in between periods. "Feminal" will gradually restore cycle if it has been disturbed due to early menopause.

These medications should be taken only after the establishment of the causes of the condition. They can prescribe only gynecologist who will monitor the patient's condition during the admission period.

How to return the month at the climax of folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine are often effective, especially if you follow the regularity of their application and proportions. For example, there are herbs that cause monthly during climax. Plants that help to restore the cycle:

  • Linden;
  • oregano;
  • sage.

Plants should be consumed in the form of decoctions. To do this:

  1. Prepare 1 tablespoon of the selected raw materials.
  2. Pour 400 ml of boiling water and put on fire.
  3. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour into a teapot and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  5. When the broth is cooled to room temperature, it can be drunk.

Comment! Use herbs to restore the month, it is necessary twice a day before meals for 1 glass.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

Nice to see and other people's recipes when restoring menstruation during menopause. such options to treat them:

  1. Parsley. This kind of green you need to add all the dishes. It is useful to eat fresh parsley separately.
  2. Onion peel. Prepare a strong decoction, bringing the liquid to a brown color. Drink onion broth once a day, waiting for the restoration of menstruation.
  3. The infusion of various herbs. 2 tablespoons nettle, elecampane, oregano, wild rose, yarrow and knotweed are placed in a thermos. Pour hot water, sealed and insist 3 h. Infusion of use during the day for half a glass - a technique to help restore cycle and menstruation.
Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

It is to abandon the most popular "call" techniques such as monthly tansy, iodine with milk and a large amount of vitamin C. This technique does not bring the desired result, harming health.

To learn more about the methods of folk medicine to restore the cycle, it is possible from the video:

How to extend the periods after 45 years

Unfortunately, to implement restoration month after menopause has not given possible, however, to do so on the first of its manifestations is quite real. All that is necessary - to conduct a correct way of life.

Patients that lifelong eating right, give up bad habits and constantly in physical activity are less likely to attack early menopause. Later, when that time comes though, all the menopausal symptoms are carried them easier.

Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

To delay menopause and save monthly, it is important to adhere to such living conditions:

  1. Proper nutrition. Bail recovery of menstruation - the use of small amounts of food at a high frequency. You need to eat a little, but at intervals of 3 hours. The diet should be porridge, fruit, dairy products. Muffins and white bread recommended limit.
  2. Activity. It is necessary to work out or to enroll in a fitness. Moderate exercise will benefit. It is recommended to allocate a day off to go to nature and spend time with benefits, actively.
  3. Psychological state. The hustle and bustle, stress at work - all this does not help to restore menstruation and delay menopause. Should listen to the psychological state and see a doctor if necessary.
Is it possible to restore the cycle at an early menopause

The three main points of a healthy lifestyle complemented by mandatory refusal of bad habits. Comply with these conditions must be constantly, while the climax will come later.


To call a month during menopause, it is sufficient to listen to the opinion of the attending gynecologist and follow his instructions. Traditional methods, hormonal therapy and herbal medicines will help restore the menstrual cycle if we combine these methods with a healthy lifestyle.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 20, 2019
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