Month after hysteroscopy: how many days will begin, reviews


  • 1 How is hysteroscopy
  • 2 Indications and contraindications procedure
  • 3 How to prepare
  • 4 On what day of the cycle is the uterus hysteroscopy
    • 4.1 Is it possible to do a hysteroscopy during menstruation
    • 4.2 Hysteroscopy before menstruation
  • 5 When will the monthly after hysteroscopy
    • 5.1 When coming month after hysteroscopy with curettage
    • 5.2 When the starting month after curettage without hysteroscopy
  • 6 How are monthly after hysteroscopy
    • 6.1 Abundant month after hysteroscopy
    • 6.2 Scanty menses after hysteroscopy
    • 6.3 Painful periods after hysteroscopy
    • 6.4 Month long go after hysteroscopy
  • 7 rehabilitation period
  • 8 possible complications
    • 8.1 Can there be a delay in menstruation after hysteroscopy
    • 8.2 Can after hysteroscopy lose cycle
  • 9 Reviews of the month after hysteroscopy
  • 10 conclusion

Inspect the uterine cavity, cervical canal inside allows hysteroscopy. This minimally invasive procedure that helps to clarify the diagnosis and even conduct treatment. Month after hysteroscopy may be different from the usual.

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How is hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy do when indicated under local anesthesia. But do short intravenous anesthesia if necessary.

Before starting the examination the external genitalia with the cervix is ​​treated with an alcohol solution. After that, the front lip of the neck is reduced, and the doctor starts sensing. Using extenders Geger gradually increases the diameter of the cervical canal.

Through the vagina and the cervical canal into the uterus administered hysteroscope. It is connected to the liquid supply system or gas, the source of illumination and the video camera through which the resulting image is displayed. This allows you to diagnose and required surgical treatment.

Initially, the doctor examines the uterus, assessing its shape, size, wall relief. Particular attention is paid to the state of the endometrium, the availability of the fallopian tubes. During inspection hysteroscope in the uterus move clockwise. The doctor examines the uterine bottom, side walls, pipe angles. Separately, the doctor evaluates the condition of the cervical canal.

Attention! During hysteroscopy the doctor can cut the adhesions, remove polyps, tumor formation, build-up.

After completion of hysteroscopy device is removed from the uterus, the cervix closes automatically.

Indications and contraindications procedure

Hysteroscopy is assigned to patients with:

  • violations month of unknown origin;
  • infertility;
  • postmenopausal bleeding;
  • miscarriage;
  • anomalies of the uterus.

Hysteroscopy is performed to women with suspected presence of these pathologies:

  • endometriosis;
  • adhesions in the uterus;
  • submucosal fibroids;
  • endometrial pathology;
  • cervical or uterine cancer;
  • malformations of the uterus.

Recommend do hysteroscopy in cases where there is a suspicion that the uterus remains a part of the ovum or by scraping the uterine wall perforation occurred.

On what day of the cycle is hysteroscopy

Procedure is contraindicated in such conditions:

  • inflammation in organs of the reproductive system;
  • ongoing pregnancy;
  • cervical stenosis;
  • excessive bleeding;
  • acute infectious diseases (pyelonephritis, pneumonia, thrombophlebitis et al.);
  • confirmed cervical cancer.

Hysteroscopy is not prescribed to patients in critical condition who have been diagnosed with kidney disease, heart and liver.

How to prepare

Before elective hysteroscopy need to be screened. In the list of recommended study include:

  • Ultrasonography of the reproductive organs;
  • blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, clotting;
  • vaginal smear for determining microflora;
  • general and biochemical blood test.

If they will be identified infections, sexually transmitted infections, and inflammatory disease in the acute stage, the inspection overturned.

In preparation for therapeutic and diagnostic procedure gynecologists recommend to patients:

  • refuse sexual intercourse for 2 days before hysteroscopy;
  • before the examination to shave or cut their hair short, growing up in the crotch area, the pubic;
  • to eat in the evening no later than 20:00
  • evening to drink a sedative;
  • refuse water after 24:00;
  • in the morning to take a shower with a careful toilet of external genitals.

The list of things that need to take depends on the clinic regulations. Most of them are advised to take a bathrobe, slippers, sanitary napkins.

Important! On the day of the survey can not be painted with varnish nails, use creams and other cosmetics.

On what day of the cycle is the uterus hysteroscopy

When hysteroscopy is done in a planned way, rather than an emergency, the doctor sets the date based on the date of menstruation. Time of the procedure chosen in view of the testimony. For suspected adenomyosis, endometriosis, the presence of submucosal fibroids manipulation is best done immediately after menstruation. The optimal period for its implementation is a 7 day cycle - in this time the bleeding has ended and the endometrium is not yet time to grow. Schedule the manipulation preferably in 6-11 days from the beginning of menstruation.

If the procedure is necessary to assess the condition of the endometrium, remove polyps, to find out the causes of infertility, it is better to do after ovulation.

Is it possible to do a hysteroscopy during menstruation

In an emergency, when it is necessary to immediately obtain information about the status of endometrial and uterine cavity, hysteroscopy may conduct during menstruation. Bleeding is not a contraindication, but rejects part of the endometrial blood impair the visibility, so the effectiveness of the procedure is reduced.

Theoretically the study is possible, but in practice, doctors try to wait until the end of menstruation. If a woman bleeding of unknown etiology, the examination is carried out, without waiting for its completion.

On what day of the cycle is hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy before menstruation

In the second half of the cycle before menstruation appoint hysteroscopy in cases where the patient will need to make separate diagnostic curettage. This minimally invasive procedure that is performed under the supervision of a physician. The doctor operates not to touch as usual during the scraping, and controls the process through the video camera.

Comment! Remove polyps better than before menstruation, when the endometrium maximum thickness.

When will the monthly after hysteroscopy

Date of arrival of the next month after hysteroscopy depends on what type of procedure done. When performing diagnostic manipulation cycle should not be broken. When surgery month will begin much later. If the doctor scrapes the endometrium, remove polyps, the operation is the 1st day of the new cycle.

When coming month after hysteroscopy with curettage

In cases where the uterus during the examination the doctor removes polyps, fibroids, adhesions dissecting, scraping the endometrium, you should not wait for monthly on time. After such operation endometrium size will correspond to one phase. Therefore, the scraping is the 1st day of the cycle. Month after therapeutic hysteroscopy begin in a month.

You need to navigate to it, what was the duration of the cycle before the intervention. But we can not exclude the possibility of changes in the expected date of menstruation after hysteroresectoscopy. Some patients menstruation begins earlier, in others - there are delays.

When the starting month after curettage without hysteroscopy

Patients who underwent a diagnostic procedure should not be faced with menstrual irregularities. The integrity of the endometrium when it is carrying out is not broken, do not change the hormonal background.

If menses begin 28 days after hysteroscopy with curettage (in patients with a 28-day cycle), after a conventional hysteroscope inspection they have to go through 17-22 days. The term will depend on what day of the beginning of the month performed a hysteroscopy.

However, delays may occur in some patients. Their appearance is due to nervous stress experienced by women before the manipulation.

How are monthly after hysteroscopy

In the absence of complications and health problems of the nature of menses after hysteroscopy should not change. But short-term change in the duration and heavy menstrual period is not a cause for concern.

After examination and treatment in women may experience the following changes:

  • scarce or plentiful monthly;
  • menstruation shift;
  • change the color and consistency of secretions.

When the deviation is better to consult a doctor. But most women 2-3 months completely normal state.

On what day of the cycle is hysteroscopy

Abundant month after hysteroscopy

Women who have examined the uterus was removed tumors, adhesions were dissected, sometimes complain about the increase in discharge volume at the onset of the next menstruation. Following the hysteroscopy with curettage plentiful monthly considered the norm one for this, provided that the napkin 1 is enough for 2-3 hours.

Profuse discharge increases if in the course of treatment and diagnostic procedures were removed submucousmyoma. The inner area is increased by the area where the tumor had previously been. In this case, uterine capacity may deteriorate.

Important! If the gasket is filled faster than 1.5-2 hours, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately. Such volume precipitates characteristic of bleeding.

It is not a pathology, if during the month after hysteroscopy carried out, stand out clots. Periods may become more liquid. Such situations arise when a woman dissected adhesions, septum was removed. But with 3 cycles should decrease the amount of bleeding, and their character is normalized.

Scanty menses after hysteroscopy

A situation where after hysteroscopy with curettage first period are scarce, are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that the endometrium is not time to grow to the next cycle.

Displacement precipitates decreases when the patient was confirmed adenomyosis, and immediately after manipulation assigned hormonal therapy. At the specified diagnosis prescribe drugs against which periods may stop altogether.

Painful periods after hysteroscopy

Patient, physician who did a diagnostic procedure, usually do not interfere with the menstrual cycle disorders. If they begin painful periods, it's a coincidence.

After therapeutic hysteroscopy, in the course of which are cut adhesions, deleted partitions, polyps, cut knots, periods may become painful. This is due to changes in the uterine inner cavity. Severe pain during menstruation can be confusing for a woman for 2-3 cycles. Over time, the condition is normalized.

Month long go after hysteroscopy

By increasing the duration of menstruation is necessary to monitor the amount of discharge, it is also desirable to consult with the gynecologist. This may be due to the fact that after the procedure, the uterus is beginning to decline worse.

If monthly go for 1-2 days longer than usual, then there is no reason for concern. In cases where the bleeding continues for more than 8 consecutive days, a doctor's consultation is required.

rehabilitation period

Recovery since hysteroscopy is divided into two periods:

  • Primary recovery;
  • normalization of the structure and function of tissues that have been damaged.

Comment! During primary recovery must all wounds heal microcracks and obtained during the medical diagnostic manipulation. At the same time out of the vagina can be released blood clots, endometrial parts, pieces of the circumcision polyps removed partitions, adhesions.

On what day of the cycle is hysteroscopy

To perform any action, because of which may disrupt the healing process of injured tissues, it is forbidden. Doctors recommend:

  • to comply with sexual rest;
  • not introduce candles, tampons into the vagina;
  • not douche;
  • abandon the warmth, visit saunas, steam baths;
  • not to swim in open water;
  • do not take a bath.

This process is continued for 2-3 weeks, after its closure is formed by a single bezrubtsovaya tissue. At the same time stopped pulling and aching pain disappear from the genital tract.

After the completion of the first phase of the formation of new tissue, which ensure normal functioning of the body in the future. The second reduction step is continued 3-6 months. That is why doctors recommend to plan pregnancy after gisterorezektomii not earlier than six months.

possible complications

Hysteroscopy is safe minimally invasive procedure. But in rare cases there is a possibility of such complications:

  • endometritis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • adhesive disease;
  • perforation of the uterine wall.

But they occur mostly in violation of the rules of procedure or non-compliance with the recommendations in the first 2-3 weeks after the diagnosis. Most often, women experience menstrual failure.

Can there be a delay in menstruation after hysteroscopy

One of the most common complications that arise after hysteroresectoscopy is the absence of menstrual periods in time. Delayed menstruation after curettage with hysteroscopy carried out in most women lasts no more than 14 days. Its appearance is due to stressful experiences, sudden hormonal changes which occur due to the removal of the endometrium.

Can after hysteroscopy lose cycle

In some women, for 1-2 cycles after the examination date can be shifted monthly. Small delays or a situation where the monthly after hysteroscopy came before 3-5 days, are not cause for concern. But if the violations of regularity accompanied by an increase or a marked decrease in the volume of discharge, the appearance of pain, it is necessary to seem to the gynecologist.

Reviews of the month after hysteroscopy

Katerina Vitovskaya, Rostov-on-Don, 36 years old

Diagnostic laparoscopy done on the 7th day of the cycle. Monthly gone after 23 days, on the 30th day from the beginning of last month. they are not different from previous ones in character.

Marina Romanova, Bryansk, 27 years old

Month after hysteroresectoscopy went on time, but the first 2 days were very painful. Tablets hardly helped. With 3 days to normal state.

Irina Tine, Lipetsk, 32 years old

In the course of hysteroscopy the doctor cut the adhesions formed in the womb. Monthly began 29 days after the operation, they were abundant, with clots. According to the doctor so explanations functional layer is reduced, the first monthly must be abundant, but over time the amount of bleeding is reduced.


Month after hysteroscopy begin for most women at term. But menstrual regularity is disturbed in some patients. Month after the procedure can go a little earlier or later due date. The nature of menstruation normally should not change, but during the scraping, removal of polyps, adhesions monthly for 2-3 months are becoming more abundant, more painful.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 20, 2019
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