- 1 The causes of and risk factors
- 2 symptoms
- 3 Classification germ cell tumors
- 4 Diagnosis and treatment
- 5 Complications that can trigger disease
Germ cell ovarian tumors can be either benign or malignant. Their number of all types of ovarian tumor diseases is 20-30%. Thus malignant neoplasia detected only in 5% of cases.
The causes of and risk factors
Source appearance germ cell ovarian tumors - germ cells. These tumors are copying in a distorted form embrionogenez. Neoplasia develop from pluripotent germ cells, but the exact mechanism of their formation and transformation has not been studied.
Normally, the germ cells to become mature cells of the ovaries or testicles in the child, but under the influence unfavorable factors they can remain in their infancy and can cause the appearance of tumors gonads.
Predisposing factors include the development of:
- existing genetic abnormalities;
- Chronic diseases of mother;
- taking certain medications during pregnancy.
Often this type of disease occurs in Klinefelter's syndrome. The existing genetic predisposition may be associated with chromosomal abnormalities. But this is not a mandatory condition for the occurrence of tumors.
Ovarian germ cell tumors occur in patients with chromosomal abnormalities. The researchers found that patients with this disease in the 12th chromosome is not the long arm, instead formed the second short arm. In addition, it disrupted the structure of about 10 other chromosomes.
Germ cell tumors are benign appear predominantly in only one ovary. If the cancer has begun, the tumors will be identified immediately by 2 ovaries.
The clinical picture in ovarian germ cell tumors in patients monotonous. Typical symptoms are due to the rapid growth of tumor formation. Women celebrate the development of abdominal pain and the occurrence of other nonspecific signs of disease:
- increase the volume of the stomach;
- fever;
- general weakness.
Some patients detected tumors after they were taken to the hospital with symptoms of acute abdomen. But not always accompanied by the appearance of these pathological symptoms may be asymptomatic disease.
In women of reproductive age in pain are often accompanied by disturbances of the menstrual cycle. Patients who have increased belly, complain of problems with urination.
In the later stages reveal ascites, impaired functioning of other organs.
Classification germ cell tumors
All germ cell tumors are divided into dysgerminomas and nedisgerminomy. Each of these species contain several cell subtypes.
Disgerminoma called neoplasms, which are analogous to seminoma. Dimensions tumor formations range from small (a few centimeters in diameter) to large (about 50 cm). Dysgerminomas hormonally inactive. When disgerminoma necrosis and hemorrhage are less common than in other types of tumors.
By nedisgerminomam include:
- yolk sac tumor;
- choriocarcinoma;
- embryonal carcinoma;
- poliembrinoma;
- mixed species, in which the combination of several options neoplasia.
Also produce teratomas. Mature teratoma - are benign tumors composed of cartilage cells, nervous tissue, nemutsinoznyh and mucinous glands. Said cell types can be malignant (malignant becomes) and transformed into squamous cell carcinoma or primitive neuroendocrine tumor.
Among malignant germ cell tumors prevails histotype known as dysgerminoma. Among all germ cell neoplasia it is 30-40%.
Diagnosis and treatment
To set the preliminary diagnosis the doctor must examine the patient and conduct a survey. When the specific complaints and detection at the mobile node palpation moderately rounded shape which differs clear contours, the physician may suspect formation of germ cell tumors.
For diagnostic purposes, appointed by ultrasound, MRI, CT. It is important to evaluate the content of α-fetoprotein, β-HCG, LDH, CA-125 in the blood. If you suspect that gonadal dysgenesis appoint karyotyping. In identifying malignant neoplasias requires chest X-ray, MRI or ultrasound of the abdomen, skeletal bone scintigraphy, ultrasound lymph nodes. With these studies can reveal metastases in the body.
treatment policy is selected depending on the type of disease. operation is required in benign neoplasms. In malignant types assigned radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgical treatment if the patient resectable neoplasia. In identifying solitary metastasis in the liver or lung practice their surgical removal.
The likelihood of recovery and preservation of reproductive function in benign tumors is high. When the kinds of malignant neoplasias five-year survival rate is 60-90% when using combination therapy. If within 5 years relapse has occurred, it is believed that the patient was cured.
Complications that can trigger disease
In the formation of germ cell ovarian tumors possibly deteriorating health condition, which is caused by progressive disease or neoplasm torsion legs.
Lack of timely treatment of malignant neoplasms may cause:
- infertility;
- menstrual disorders;
- pain in the lower parts of the stomach.
There is a probability of malignancy of benign germ cell tumors.
At untimely treatment of malignant neoplasia is possible:
- Cancer worsening process;
- metastasis;
- increasing the size of the tumor, its sprouting in adjacent organs and tissues;
- reducing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
When malignancies possibly fatal.
Germ cell ovarian tumors detected mainly in adolescent girls and young women, but perhaps their appearance in the late reproductive age. These tumors are characterized by high growth rates and spreading to adjacent organs. To deal with the kinds of tumor formations in the ovaries can be by watching video
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