Removal of ovarian cysts: whether it is necessary to remove as undergoing surgery, the consequences reviews


  • 1 Do I need to remove ovarian cysts
    • 1.1 Indications for the removal of ovarian cysts
    • 1.2 Contraindications
  • 2 Preparation for surgery to remove an ovarian cyst
    • 2.1 Examination before surgery to remove an ovarian cyst
    • 2.2 Tests before surgery to remove an ovarian cyst
  • 3 How to remove ovarian cysts in women
    • 3.1 Removal laser ovarian cysts
    • 3.2 Abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst
    • 3.3 Endoscopic removal of ovarian cysts
  • 4 Under which anesthesia remove ovarian cysts
  • 5 How long does the surgery to remove an ovarian cyst
  • 6 Recovery after the removal of ovarian cysts
  • 7 Is it possible after removal of ovarian cysts get pregnant
    • 7.1 When can I get pregnant after removal of ovarian cysts
    • 7.2 What not to do after the surgery on the ovary
    • 7.3 Can I sunbathe after removal of ovarian cysts
  • 8 Recommendations after the removal of ovarian cysts
  • 9 The consequences of the removal of ovarian cysts
  • 10 conclusion
  • 11 Reviews

Removal of ovarian cysts is considered to be the most effective method of treatment of cystic neoplasms detected. It is performed in cases when a woman identified tumors that do not resolve on their own. Timely removal avoids complications such as rupture of growths or twisting his legs.

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Do I need to remove ovarian cysts

The doctor and patient should decide to carry out an operation to remove ovarian cysts together. Operative intervention is necessary, if a woman has a dermoid, endometrioid, parovarialnaya cysts, cystadenoma, cystoma. These structures are not amenable to conservative treatment and do not disappear on their own.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

In identifying a follicular cyst or corpus luteum of the tumor, doctors recommend 2-3 months of watching them. Physicians may choose the methods that would allow for non-surgical removal of an ovarian cyst. If their inefficiency is assigned to a scheduled surgery.

Reference! In most cases, the detection of cystic tumors prescribed laparoscopy.

But after surgery ovarian cyst may reappear. If there is tendency to the appearance of cystic tumors, the doctor may recommend to undergo anti-treatment.

Indications for the removal of ovarian cysts

Remove cysts surgeon may routinely or urgently. Elective surgery is assigned to women, if:

  • large diameter tumors;
  • there is a risk of degeneration into malignancy;
  • It identified a species that does not go away on their own.
Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Patients who refuse a planned hospitalization and surgery, face the risk of complications. If this happens, it will require emergency surgical removal of an ovarian cyst. Urgent surgery is assigned if the patient:

  • torsion legs cystic tumors;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • cyst gap;
  • suppuration.

Suspected acute surgical pathology can be complaints of stabbing pain, pallor of the skin, fall in blood pressure. Some women brought to the hospital in an unconscious state or painful shock.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst


Not recommended for surgical therapy of patients who have such diseases have been identified:

  • hemophilia;
  • decompensated respiratory diseases, heart, blood vessels;
  • a severe form of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • acute renal failure in shape;
  • acute or subacute adnexitis;
  • psychiatric diseases in the acute stage;
  • infringement of the liver during the acute form;
  • diabetes;
  • recently transferred inflammatory and infectious diseases.

women simply observed at such contraindications for the state. In pregnancy, surgery to remove an ovarian cyst is carried out only if required emergency surgery.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Preparation for surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

If the patient was appointed planned surgery to check the health and reduce the risk of postoperative complications, conduct a comprehensive survey. It is important to make sure that the contraindications to remove cysts on the ovaries in women who are absent.

Surgical treatment can be scheduled on any day of the cycle, which is not menstrual bleeding. The evening before the scheduled surgery, allowed to eat and drink up to 18 hours. This is necessary to minimize the risk of release of the contents of the stomach and inhalation on the operating table.

Preparation includes the initial consultation with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. You also need to shave and do an enema. Instead enemas are allowed to use special laxatives to thoroughly clean the intestines. doctors often prescribe Fortrans.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Examination before surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Before elective laparotomy or laparoscopy is necessary to check the status of their health. For this, doctors recommend to do:

  • an electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography or chest X-rays;
  • ultrasonography;
  • doplerografii.

Ultrasound examination allows you to specify the location of the tumor, its size and shape. Doppler study is done to assess blood flow, blood saturation tumors.

Tests before surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

When carrying out a full-fledged preparation for surgery is prescribed:

  • general urine, blood;
  • definition of Rhesus;
  • confirmation or clarification of blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • clotting assay;
  • check for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • smear on the flora of the vagina.
Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

If any deviation is first recommended to normalize the condition, and then set the date of surgery.

How to remove ovarian cysts in women

Depending on the situation, the doctor may perform a laparoscopy or laparotomy for removal of cysts. Removal of ovarian cysts is carried out in such ways:

  • cystectomy;
  • resection with ovarian cyst portion;
  • adnexectomy;
  • oophorectomy.

Often, the decision to choose the kind of surgical procedure is decided at the time when the woman is lying on the operating table, and the physician has examined the internal organs. In conducting cystectomy doctor cuts out the tumor without affecting healthy tissue. Vyscheluschivanie its cavity is called a cystectomy. Over time, the ovary heals and begins again to fully operate. The smaller the size of education, the higher the probability of such a gentle intervention.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

When resection, the surgeon removes the damaged cystic tumor and ovarian tissue. Healthy parts remain intact. Oophorectomy is the complete removal of the gonads, during adnexectomy cut appendages. Thus may be performed the removal of left ovarian cyst, adnexectomy sided performed if necessary.

Removal laser ovarian cysts

To remove cysts doctor can use a laser. This method minimizes the risk of postoperative edema, scarring, inflammation.

laser treatment of ovarian cysts is that tumor formation is not cut with a scalpel and a laser beam. After puncture special apparatus is introduced into the abdominal wall, which is able to open the cystic cavity vyluschit its contents and cauterize the areas in which bleeding began. Cut off the laser areas pull special manipulator.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Depending on the patient's condition the doctor decides to do lane or endoscopic surgery. When carrying out a laparotomy access made through abdominal incision.

This method is used in such cases:

  • requires emergency surgery;
  • Tumor size is too large;
  • pelvic adhesions is an active process.

Also recommend to carry out laparotomy in suspected that the tumor may be malignant.

Endoscopic removal of ovarian cysts

In carrying out the planned removal appoint a laparoscopy. To perform the procedures in the abdominal cavity do 3 punctures. Through a tube abdominal cavity is filled with gas. Under his pressure moved away from the walls of the internal organs of the abdomen, with an opportunity to examine the organs of the reproductive system and the surrounding tissue.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

With the help of surgical instruments the doctor can remove the detected tumors and remove them from the pelvic region. Learn how to carry out endoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst from a video, you can

Under which anesthesia remove ovarian cysts

For the operation, the majority of patients do general intubation anesthesia. For its implementation, the tube is inserted into the trachea through which gas is supplied into the lungs.

In some cases, can make intravenous anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.

How long does the surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Duration of surgery is 20-90 minutes. The duration will depend on the complexity of the case, an experienced surgeon. Most of the patients on the operating table is carried out for 40-60 minutes.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Recovery after the removal of ovarian cysts

In conducting laparoscopic removal of tumors, the recovery process takes 2 to 3 weeks. By the end of day 1, the patient is allowed to get up, and after 1-7 days it is discharged. On-site only small scars remain punctures. After the strip surgery to remove an ovarian cyst recovery can take up to 6 weeks.

Reference! To accelerate the process of healing and tissue repair, the doctor may recommend physiotherapy reception multivitamin complexes.

Is it possible after removal of ovarian cysts get pregnant

If the surgeon had cystectomy, the woman's reproductive health should fully recover. Pregnancy is possible after an ovarian cyst. The exception is when they were completely removed all the female sex glands or by the remaining ovary patency of the fallopian tube is broken.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

When can I get pregnant after removal of ovarian cysts

Almost immediately, you can get pregnant after removal of an ovarian cyst. After all, the work of the sex glands restored normal menstrual cycle. If in the course of surgical intervention was just vyluschena cavity tumor, the patients are allowed to plan a pregnancy after a cycle.

Important! Some women, after the operation, prescribe a course of rehabilitation therapy for a period of 3-6 months. Trying to get pregnant is not necessary at this time. Such recommendations are given when a part of the ovary was removed, and the patient had endometrioid tumors.

What not to do after the surgery on the ovary

To avoid postoperative complications patients are advised to:

  • limit physical activity to a full recovery;
  • to comply with sexual rest for 2-4 weeks;
  • not lift more than 3 kg;
  • 2-3 weeks to exclude alcohol, eating spicy foods, spicy and salty foods.
Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

Before the healing of joints have to abandon the hot baths and access to the pool.

Can I sunbathe after removal of ovarian cysts

Physicians are advised to give up tanning and prolonged sun exposure to patients who have a tendency to the appearance of tumor formations. Therefore, sunbathe in the postoperative period is undesirable.

Recommendations after the removal of ovarian cysts

After laparoscopic surgery, women strongly recommend the evening, the day of the operation, start up from the bed to walk. Allowed to perform a few simple steps. Early physical activity, in the postoperative period with ovarian cysts is an excellent prevention of adhesive disease.

Within 6-8 hours, you can take liquid food. There, doctors are advised to frequently but in small portions. It helps to restore bowel function in the shortest possible time.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe non-narcotic analgesics, but many women do not need them. Some patients experience nausea, bloating in the postoperative period. Occurrence of such discomfort due to the fact that carbon dioxide is used in laparoscopy, irritating bowel. For the relief of discomfort recommend Espumizan or analogs.

The consequences of the removal of ovarian cysts

Patients who have removed cysts, may be faced with the emergence of such complications:

  • post-operative adhesions;
  • damaged blood vessels, reaching the anterior abdominal wall;
  • hernia;
  • damage to large blood vessels and internal organs.

In some cases, may cause chronic pain in the abdomen, disturbance of the functioning of internal organs (suffer bladder and intestines). There are patients who are faced with a violation of fertility after removal of cystic neoplasms. This is possible if the surgeon had to cut or remove the ovary.


Removal of ovarian cysts for surgeons in gynecological is a standard procedure. Among all the gynecological pathologies cystic tumors occur in 8-20% of patients. After their removal, for 3-6 months in women fully normalizes reproductive system. Many of them become pregnant during this period.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst


Ekaterina Vlasova, 27, St. Petersburg

Having read reviews about surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, dare to cut their follicular tumor, which has not diminished even after the passage of the assigned treatment gynecologist. At the hospital, a few days were muco-spotting, and after 2 months of the cycle fully recovered.

Angelica Potryvaeva, 38 years old, Yekaterinburg

Over 3 years have not been able to get pregnant. The survey revealed multiple endometrioid education. Because of their large number and large size physician immediately offered to make a lane operation, so the scar after the removal of cysts on the ovaries I have stayed.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 20, 2019
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