- 1 Cervical cancer and tumor markers
2 Kinds
- 2.1 SCCA
- 2.2 CA-125
- 2.3 hCG
- 2.4 REA
- 2.5 CA 27-29
3 Indications for tests
- 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of diagnosis
- 4 Training
- 5 Decoding results and indicators are normal
Currently, cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that occurs not only for women in old age, but also in young women up to 30 years. Letting tests for tumor markers allows not only to diagnose the formation of pathology in the early stages of it, but also to choose the right tactics treatment. The first step is carried out general gynecological examination, which is the reason for the appointment of additional surveys.
Cervix - lower body segment consisting of connective and muscular tissue. The smaller volume of the cervix is composed of elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells.
Cervical cancer and tumor markers
Tumor markers - a kind of specific proteins that are synthesized in large amounts in the body with the development of cancer.
Depending on the organ in which the formation of malignant tumors secrete various tumor markers, which carry specific information. There tumor markers, which are formed in the blood only in the formation of tumors, and the other type is diagnosed in the blood Human always within normal concentration, and the formation of cancer increases their content.
To determine the concentration of proteins make the fence of venous blood, however, they are contained in the capillary. In addition, the concentration of tumor markers to diagnose and can be urine, lymph, plasma.
Letting tests for tumor markers of cervical cancer occurs not only during diagnostic procedures, but also in the course of therapy.
If after the prescribed treatment protein level does not decrease - it says the wrong tactics of treatment, which should be changed as soon as possible.
Education cervical cancer is due to mutations of squamous cells. Because of this, dysplasia and tumor development occurs in the mucosa. After that, the abnormal cells are able to migrate through the lymph and blood vessels to other organs.
There are two types of cervical cancer:
- squamous cell carcinoma;
- adenocarcinoma.
Symptomatology of cervical cancer most often lies in the development of pain, contact bleeding or discharge from the genital tract for 2-3 stages. Also, a woman may experience severe pain during sexual intercourse.
Do not forget, that the tumor markers for cervical cancer - is not an absolute criterion to diagnose the disease. Accurate conclusion is made only after histological examination, which is obtained by carrying out a biopsy.
With the development of cervical cancer among women has been a general deterioration of health, there are pains in the abdomen and breasts. With a significant increase in tumor size, feeling of pressure may occur in the pelvic organs, and it is this is the first symptom of reports which is addressed to the expert.
Synthesize tumor markers of cancer cells can occur not only by the organ in which the tumor develops, but also others.
If secretion occurs directly damaged body, then we are talking about organ oncomarker. These include:
- CA - 125.
Also prescribed tests for tumor markers or enzymes, which are normally synthesized by other bodies in order to ensure the functioning of the body. However, if there is a formation of the pathological process, they begin to be produced in excess.
Squamous cell carcinoma antigen - specific protein whose concentration in the body increases with the development of cancer process. Delivery of this antigen analysis refers to the pre-clinical diagnosis. In addition, the blood on the SCCA mandatory surrender of women in the treatment of cervical cancer.
The purpose of this analysis began not so long ago, because it is a recent increase in cases of cancer of the reproductive system in women. Assign this analysis in the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of any localization: the nasopharynx, esophagus, cervix, or the ears.
The nominal active tumor marker is important in diagnosing cervical cancer. This can be explained by the fact that the development of the cancer process in the female reproductive system in most cases takes place in the layer of squamous epithelium.
But, in the early stages of cancer development analysis can not be sufficiently informative. That is why his appointment as often occurs in the course of therapy to assess its effectiveness. The first and second steps of informativeness cancer is only 40-50%, the third 80% and quaternary.
Use of tumor marker can diagnose carcinoma development. Advantage of this specific protein is the ability to assess the prognosis of treatment and the presence of metastases. It belongs to the glycoprotein which is found in the serous tissues.
The main source of soednineniya acts endometrium, so outcome variables concentration of CA-125 takes place depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle and the stage of the renovation of the endometrium. Maximum concentration is reached neposredsvenno during menstruation, but even these do not exceed the permissible limits. Also increase of the protein occurs in pregnant women, as it existents in the placenta. Another feature of the tumor marker that relation whatsoever with the pregnancy, is that his diagnosis is possible not only in blood but also in serum and amniotic fluid.
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG - a marker which is produced during pregnancy. The placenta is the organ of production. In nonpregnant women the level of gonadotropin always remains at a stable level. By increasing the concentration of hCG and the absence of pregnancy is possible to speak about the development of cancer process, which is more likely occurs in the reproductive system.
Carcinoma embryonic antigen or carcinoembryonic antigen - the most frequently used tumor marker with which diagnose cancer development.
In healthy women this marker is completely absent in the blood. Its synthesis with natural processes only occurs during pregnancy. He is actively synthesized embryonic cells throughout pregnancy. After birth, its concentration is sharply reduced.
The maximum that may be detected in the blood of healthy women - traces of CEA. But in the presence of cervical cancer, its concentration will be increased.
CA 27-29
This specific marker, which is produced during the development of cancer of the mammary glands. Synthesis CA 27-29 carried sheath cells that form the breast carcinoma. In addition, its synthesis occurs with uterine cancer or endometriosis, but in smaller quantities.
Indications for tests
Today the appointment of analyzes on the change of tumor markers is not only a diagnostic value. Thanks to this research we can estimate the effectiveness of the therapy and to choose the best method of treatment if the first option does not show results.
The main indications for analysis for tumor markers of cervical cancer:
- the presence of benign tumors of the reproductive system;
- presence of tumors of unknown history;
- accelerated growth of benign tumors;
- a precancerous condition;
- suspected development of cancer;
- need to assess the effectiveness of therapy;
- suspicion of recurrence of pathology;
- as prophylaxis with a history of the patient's genetic predisposition or hereditary factors.
Advantages and disadvantages of diagnosis
Deposit of tumor markers in most cases, to diagnose cervical cancer at an early stage. This method is considered to be the most informative and accessible. But do not forget that for a definitive diagnosis is necessary to conduct additional studies, which include:
- Screening - painless smear, using which it is possible to diagnose the change in appearance of mucous cell structures and identify the presence of abnormal cells in vitro;
- colposcopy - a diagnostic examination using a colposcope, is particularly effective for suspected cervical cancer;
- hysteroscopy - the uterine cavity study, using a special device it is possible not only to inspect, but also to take the material for biopsy perform endocervical curettage and uterus;
- ultrasonography;
- MR.
Thus, no need to panic with increasing levels of tumor markers. First of all, you need to undergo a full examination and retake the tests. There are cases where the increased concentration of the marker - a laboratory error or incorrectly assembled analysis, not a diagnosis.
To obtain a reliable result for the delivery of tests for tumor markers of cervical cancer need to be prepared in advance. To do this;
- donate blood only in the morning;
- take a strictly on an empty stomach;
- eliminate sexual life one day before delivery of analyzes.
In addition, a woman needs to be emotionally and physically calm. Best before delivery of the analysis highlight the 15 minutes to calm, if a patient had just come into the lab.
Decoding results and indicators are normal
Deciphering analyzes made strictly specialists. Do not engage in self-diagnosis. In most cases, the results for tumor markers of cervical cancer ready after only three to five days.
You should also pay attention to the fact that the rules in different laboratories may differ from one another, this is due to the fact that there is the use of reagents from different manufacturers.
Tumor markers |
promoted |
downgraded |
oncological disease |
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CA -125 |
Cancer, pregnancy |
hormonal disorders |
hCG |
Cancer, pregnancy |
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Cancer, pregnancy |
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CA 27-29 |
Cancer, endometriosis |
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Thus, the delivery of analysis for tumor markers of cervical cancer - a very informative method, which will allow the development to diagnose the disease in the early stages. But it is necessary to take into account the overall picture because one analysis - does not figure. The diagnosis is mandatory should be a doctor.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.