- 1 What are ovarian cysts degenerate into malignant
- 2 How often ovarian cyst is degenerating into cancer
- 3 Ovarian cyst or cancer: how to distinguish
- 4 Observation cysts and early diagnosis of ovarian cancer
- 5 conclusion
Some patients who have appeared this formation, to ask the doctor a question: whether ovarian cyst can develop into cancer? The answer to this will depend on the type of neoplasm, the time interval of detection, aggravating factors, as well as on the results of observations of it.
What are ovarian cysts degenerate into malignant
At the stage of formation of each of them is benign. Over time, there are some cancer cells are able to grow in oncology. Abdominal bubbles are small, they can appear on their own to resolve during the menstrual cycle.
Tip! When the abdominal tumor of the ovary is necessary to constantly monitor the neoplasm. If it does not pass after 2 months, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy.
According to statistics, cysts rarely degenerate into a malignant tumor. The problem is that the malignant process in the initial stage can simulate this formation on inspection. This complicates the correct diagnosis and reduces the chances of a full recovery are women.
At present, there are several types of tumors:
- Benign - small cavities or follicular type;
- precancerous growths dermoid and endometrial;
- oncology ovary.
It precancerous growths are dangerous and could escalate into oncology. They grow to large sizes starting to put pressure on adjacent organs and cause discomfort to the woman.
How often ovarian cyst is degenerating into cancer
Depending on the variety of cyst border, which risks turn into cancer, will be determined by the percentage of probability of rebirth. This factor also influenced by such figures:
- The woman's age. The older a woman is, the higher the risk of tumors develop in oncology. For example, abdominal bubbles found in menopause to be removed, and if they are diagnosed at an early age - they are being watched and treated conservatively.
- The time interval detection. If abdominal tumor borderline type found when its fabric began to grow and press on nearby organs, there is a risk that the tumor will grow into cancer. Therefore, every woman, regardless of age is recommended to visit the gynecologist twice a year.
- Type of. Dermoid cyst regenerate 2% of all cases, and develop into endometrial cancer even rarer.
All types of boundary formation and serous and mucinous, subject to mandatory diagnosis and subsequent removal. The risk of such cavities is increased from 30 to 50 years.
Ovarian cyst or cancer: how to distinguish
The greatest difficulty in the diagnosis of cancer is the problem of differences from benign ovarian cyst. In order to accurately determine the etiology, the doctors carried out a number of surveys and analyzes.
Attention! According to statistics with ovarian cancer 75% of patients received at an advanced stage, which suggests a latent form of Oncology flow. When education develops into a malignant, definitely shows surgery.
In most cases detected in the ultrasound cavity it is benign, but if hidden inside oncology, it is necessary to diagnose it immediately. Diagnostic methods to distinguish cancer from benign tumors, will be:
- US spent over 2 months after the initial study, in which a cyst was discovered;
- Laboratory research: general and biochemical blood test, where results are changes in the indices;
- determining the level of CA-125 - onkopoisk ovarian cancer;
- if there is bleeding produce histological examination;
- MRI indicated.
In the primary ultrasound can not say it is cancer or a cyst, so gynecologist appoints re-examination. It shows that if education has resolved or decreased in size, it was benign. If it grows and expands, it often develops into cancer. Read more about the first signs of cancer can be found in the video:
Observation cysts and early diagnosis of ovarian cancer
The complexity of early diagnosis is the inability to correctly assess the state of the cyst and ultrasound to identify its nature. Many patients seek care, when the tumor has already started to grow in the 3-4 stage of cancer. At this stage, the percentage of five-year survival rate is much lower than when detecting the early stages. Difficulties also arise in the delivery of analyzes on the tumor marker CA-125:
- early part of cancerous tumor types does not produce a protein that can be diagnosed using laboratory data;
- protein CA-125 is often actually identified in the later stages of cancer when a cyst has already managed to grow that much snizhet patient survival.
Get tissue for examination as hard as doctors do these surveys the presence of cysts, relying on its benign nature. The main purpose is to monitor the new formation. Normal its size does not exceed the diameter of 7.6 cm, has a thin capsule can be increased due to accumulation of liquid inside, however, it passes through the 2-3 months.
After studying the information on whether the ovarian cyst can develop into cancer, it can be concluded: the cyst develops into cancer only if borderline tumors in the ovary, in the late stage detection aged from 30 to 50 years. Regular visits to the gynecologist will help prevent the risk of cancer.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.