What preparations treated uterine adenomyosis


  • 1 What is adenomyosis
  • 2 disease symptoms
  • 3 How to treat
  • 4 Duphaston
  • 5 Surgery

Adenomyosis - a condition in which the proliferation of the inner surface layer of the uterine cavity beyond deep organ. Such a breach can cause a variety of symptoms: pain, bleeding, reproductive disorders, reducing the quality of life. Asymptomatic disease even more dangerous, as the absence of problems does not allow women time to see a doctor for help, and leads to serious changes in the structure of the uterus.

What is adenomyosis

The body of the uterus consists of three layers of tissue: the inner, middle and outer.

Inner functional layer (endometrium) - the mucous membrane of the body. He has the ability to completely updated once a month, torn during the menstrual bleeding and re accruing to the middle of the cycle. The endometrium can be considered one of the most important tissues for favorable course of pregnancy. It depends on the condition of the possibility of attachment of the ovum to the uterine wall, and subsequently the harmonious development of the placenta.

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Middle layer (myometrium) - uterine tissue composed of smooth muscle fibers. Its main function - contraction of the uterus during labor (contractions).

The outer layer (perimeter) - serous membrane covering the body.

In healthy tissue of the uterus do not overlap and are arranged "in parallel" to each other. However, there are diseases that disturb the natural arrangement of cells within an organ, and one of these is adenomyosis.

Adenomyosis - unnatural growth of endometrial cells deep into the myometrium tissues. In this case, the mucous cells grow and are rejected according to the monthly cycle of a woman, which causes disturbances in the body of work, inflammation and the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Such a state of the organ, if not treated, can lead to progressive degeneration.

There are several forms of adenomyosis:

  • diffuse adenomyosis - large areas of endometrial germinate uniformly deep into the uterus;
  • node (focal) adenomyosis - formation portions in the myometrium (nodes) consisting of endometrial glandular tissue and filled with blood or intercellular brown liquid;
  • adenomyosis is mixed in the presence of both diffuse and nodular forms of the disease in the uterus in one patient;

Nodular adenomyosis is often confused with uterine myoma. For an accurate diagnosis is necessary to carry out histological tissue analysis. However, such research is often not prescribed, because the treatment of fibroids, to some extent similar to the treatment of nodular adenomyosis.

Determining the extent of adenomyosis a direct impact on the way in which you need to treat the disease:

  • first degree - overgrowth in the upper layer of the endometrium;
  • second degree - endometrial cells penetrated about halfway into the myometrium tissue;
  • third degree - the myometrium is damaged by more than half;
  • fourth degree - endometrial cells infiltrated through the myometrium, striking serosa (If not treated on adenomyosis the fourth stage of the disease, you can wait for the spread of the endometrium outside the uterus and development of extensive endometriosis).

Adenomyosis 1 and 2 degrees It can be treated without surgery.

disease symptoms

symptoms of adenomyosis uterus in the early stages can not be overlooked. In this case, treat the disease with hormones, likely will not succeed.

The following symptoms can be considered not only the symptoms of adenomyosis, but simply an occasion as soon as possible to visit the gynecologist and undergo a full examination:

  • pain in the abdomen, groin, into the vagina in the lower back;
  • any violations of the menstrual cycle (increase in pain before or during the critical days, delay, reducing the number of days of the cycle, acyclic bleeding and spotting, no monthly);
  • anemia symptoms - lethargy, pale skin, dizziness, weakness, fatigue;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • Brown vaginal discharge.

All these symptoms may indicate the development of a number of diseases of the reproductive system.

How to treat

adenomyosis treatment can and should begin as soon as possible, preferably before the first symptoms. To do this, you must have regular scheduled inspection at the gynecologist, to take the necessary tests and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Before prescribe treatment, the doctor sends the patient to a comprehensive examination that includes.

  • Scanning for gynecological chair (bimanual examination to determine the shape and size of the uterus, examination of the vagina and cervix using mirrors). A preliminary diagnosis the doctor may, if he is familiar with the history of the disease, after the inspection. Uterine adenomyosis has a characteristic rounded shape and slightly increased.
  • Colposcopy - examination of the cervix with a microscope to rule out uterine mucosa beyond the exit.
  • Swabs from the vagina and cervix on flora and genital infections.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Hysteroscopy - inspection of the uterine cavity with a camera.

In accordance with the results of the prescribed treatment. At 1-3 degrees can hold drug therapy. Drugs that usually appoints the gynecologist.

  • Combined oral contraceptives for a period of 4-6 months ( "Yarina" drugs, "Janine", "Belarus" and others). CCO provides the normalization of the balance of female sex hormones, which leads to a gradual reduction in areas of damaged tissue. Janine with adenomyosis taken for 3-6 months, then completely cancel preparation and conduct control of cure.
  • Antigonadotropiny ( "Danazol" drugs "Danol"). Antigonadotropiny reduce hormone reduce performance of the ovaries, which reduces the effect of hormones on endometrial tissue. Such preparations can be taken only under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Progestogens ( "Djufaston" drugs "Utrozhestan", "Norkolut"). High progesterone concentration decreases the concentration of estrogen, which prevents excessive endometrial tissues proliferate.
  • Antioestrogens ( "Gestrinone" drugs, "Medroxyprogesterone"). These drugs stimulate the artificial menopause, so treatment is trying to appoint women after 40 years. The result of therapy, length of 5-6 months is a complete cessation of menstruation, the elimination of all disease symptoms, and full stop of endometrial growths.
  • Antiandrogens ( "Visan" preparation). During dosing endometriotic foci reduced by reducing the amount of estrogen and progesterone levels increase.
  • GnRH analogue ( "Buserelin" drugs "Zoladex", "Dekapeptil"). During treatment of gonadal function at first strongly increase and then sharply reduced, which leads to a reduction of pathological tissue sections.

All preparations for the treatment of adenomyosis should be taken only when prescribed by a doctor, on an individual treatment plan. Patients important to understand that the hormone treatment is almost always accompanied by the appearance of adverse reactions.


There is much debate about whether the treatment can be carried out adenomyosis drug "Djufaston". As is well known, "Djufaston" - a synthetic analogue of progesterone. That's why some experts say that to treat progesterone-dependent tissue growth increased levels of the hormone does not make sense.

However, experience shows that long-term use of the drug "Djufaston" continuous courses does not allow progression adenomyosis, reduces the proliferation of the mucosal lesions and significant reduction symptoms of the disease. Treatment allows you to:

  • reduce the amount of estrogen, normalizing the ovaries;
  • reduce the spread of endometrial cells outside the tissue;
  • to stabilize the production of progesterone by the body's own in the right quantity.

"Djufaston" doctor's successfully treat adenomyosis 1 and 2 degrees. The choice of scheme and duration of treatment depends on the test results.

Adenomyosis treatment drug "Djufaston" in preparation for pregnancy allows to adjust work reproductive system, successfully conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby without resorting to surgical intervention.

Very often after pregnancy adenomyosis It goes away, due to hormonal surges and "reset" the body.

Contraindications "Djufaston" preparation:

  • serious liver and kidney disease;
  • myoma on a stalk;
  • Thrombosis risk;
  • endometriosis outside of the uterus;
  • intolerance to the drug.

If the doctor will prescribe "Djufaston" aware of the possibility of side-effects (eg, increased, seal and pain in the chest, swelling of the face and body, headaches, weight gain), and be sure to tell us about them at the reception.


The primary surgical treatment of adenomyosis - removal of the uterus. But such an outcome can be avoided to prevent the disease up to 4 degree, which carries life-threatening.

Indications for surgery:

  • ineffectiveness of other treatments;
  • combination of endometriosis with uterine myoma larger;
  • with frequent relapses of the disease;
  • emergence of atypical cells;
  • heavy bleeding can not be corrected.

Hysterectomy operate open (cavitary) or laparoscopically (three small incisions).

In modern hospitals They offer a variety of minimally invasive treatment of adenomyosis: ablation, electrocautery, uterine artery embolization. These approaches are less traumatic, can significantly improve the patient's condition and reduce the pathological proliferation of mucous, however, do not guarantee absence of recurrence in the future.

Patients often rely on a miracle and try to cure adenomyosis traditional methods (using herbs, leeches, douching, acupuncture and so on. D.). But such methods are unable to eliminate the cause of the disease, and therefore lead only to the further spread of the disease and appearance of complications. Traditional methods can be useful only in conjunction with conventional therapy under the supervision of a physician.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 20, 2019
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