Uterine period after cleaning


  • 1 The state of health after cleaning
  • 2 How dangerous period after the procedure
  • 3 doctors' recommendations

The period after the scraping of the uterus requires a special approach on the part of the doctor and the responsible implementation of all recommendations by the patient. Reproductive and physical abilities of the female body well finite, therefore, an important task a gynecologist who performed the cleaning of the uterus is considered a full, careful monitoring and ensuring protective regime.

In the period after cleaning the uterus experts identified three main areas of work for a full rehabilitation:

  • Infection prevention connection.
  • Restoration of the endometrium and the menstrual cycle.
  • Restoration of physical and mental health.

For realization of the purposes of gynecologists provide advice in the aspect of receiving antibacterial agents, oral contraceptives, limited physical activity, respect for sexual rest and bracing performance events.

The state of health after cleaning

Sign in habitual rhythm of life, to resume exercise and physical activity quickly succeed not for everyone. Recovery time depends on the individual.

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After the curettage usually marked moderate abdominal pain, dizzy, associated with anesthesia and mild bleeding.

uterine recovery after curettage of both curative and diagnostic orientation lasts for one menstrual cycle, the whole body - from 2 to 6 months.

Recommendations after uterine curettageGeneral state of health after curettage:

  • Body temperature to 37,2-37,3 is considered normal in the first 2-3 days.
  • Pain in the moderate nature of the stomach lasts up to 7 days.
  • It allowed dizzy.

Secretions after cleaning procedure:

  • The first few days marked discharge from the genital tract in the form of fresh blood as during menstruation.
  • A week later, on the date of allocation curettage take sukrovichny: they become slimy and have a brown color due to impurities altered blood.
  • Completed discharge recovery, having yellow color, which are gradually taking a classic look: lean, mucous discharge, dries receiving a yellowish tint.
  • Duration normally precipitates during the recovery period is 10-12 days.

Following on after curettage periods should begin after 25-45 days.

Normally, the first day of menses should occur within a time interval equal to the length of the cleaning cycle (with the proviso that it is regular).

On what to look for and when to seek help from health professionals, if a woman underwent curettage:

  1. Long term (over 20 days) bloody discharge.
  2. Meager or heavy menstruation, spotting, non-menstruation in the remote period after curettage. These symptoms may indicate the development of cervical endometriosis, hormonal failure.
  3. Unpleasant odor emissions.
  4. Type of discharge, as "meat slops".
  5. Amplification precipitates under mild exertion.
  6. Pain in the lower abdomen that lasts for more than a week after curettage.
  7. Abrupt discontinuation of discharge after uterine curettage, which may indicate the accumulation of clots in the body cavity (hemometra).
  8. Excessive bleeding.
  9. Increased body temperature.
  10. Loss of consciousness.

The above symptoms may indicate the development of endometritis.

The severity of some chronic inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs, after curettage can not meet the clinical and laboratory parameters.

That is why it is important to be under the supervision of a doctor in the presence of even minimal signs of infectious complications.

How dangerous period after the procedure

Recommendations after uterine curettageuterine cavity after cleaning - is an extensive wound surface. The lion's share of the recommendations after curettage is aimed at preventing the cavity operated organ microorganisms. Gynecologists are aimed at preventing the development of inflammation of the reproductive organs and its chronicity.

Experts identify two groups of risk factors for infectious complications after uterine curettage:

  • The main group. This category includes women with endometriosis in the history of chronic recurrent chlamydia, urea- and mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, papillomavirus infection, persistent vaginal bacteria overgrowth. In these patients, the likelihood of developing chronic inflammatory diseases in the field of gynecologic curettage with the most likely. Patients are subject to the most scrutiny from the medical profession. This includes emergencies perform curettage.
  • An additional group. Patients who uterine cleaning was carried out on the bleeding (endometrial hyperplasia), abortion scraping the placenta residues, or ovum, have a lower risk of infection compared with basic group.

Women who underwent diagnostic curettage have the lowest risk of complications of an infectious nature. Usually this type of research is conducted in infertility of unknown origin, in preparation for IVF, suspected polyps and subserous fibroids, menstrual disorders.

Factors influencing indirectly the period after curettage:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Hypothyroidism.

The aforementioned diseases have an indirect influence on the course of the recovery period scraping, but their presence significantly It reduces the physical strength, resistance to infections and retards the wound healing processes in the uterus after curettage.

The most common complication of an infectious nature after curettage considered endometritis - an inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.

Causal factor of the disease is conditionally pathogenic vaginal flora (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli), as well as representatives pathogens, if the patient prior to surgery had untreated infection, sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerelloz and others. That is why the post-therapeutic curettage gynecologists recommend the appointment of antibacterial drugs is mandatory, regardless of the infectious medical history. After diagnostic cleaning can restrict reception sulfonamides.

According to statistical data the frequency of endometritis after uterine cleansing is 20%.

Not always purulent-inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere after curettage appear the fault of non-compliance doctor's recommendations. Nosocomial infection and relevant in our time. A woman should stop your choice on modern hospitals with obstetric and gynecological rich experience.

Substandard conduct cleaning can be a consequence of the penetration of endometrial cells in cervical tissue, which leads to endometriosis.

doctors' recommendations

General recommendations:

  1. Sex life is excluded for 3 weeks after cleaning. The goal - prevention of infection and bleeding. In sperm, except bacteria, contains prostaglandins, relaxing the uterus.
  2. Within 6 months after curettage it is recommended to use a condom in order to avoid pregnancy.
  3. Throughout the month should not take a bath, and the swimming pool.
  4. It is not recommended to use tampons to absorb the blood after curettage. This could trigger the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus.
  5. After curettage of physical activity should be limited as much as possible.

Recommendations after uterine curettageRecommendations for the use of antibiotics and other drugs in curettage:

  1. Antibacterial medication should be taken strictly at regular intervals.
  2. The minimum duration of receiving antimicrobial agents: Azithromycin for 3 days and 5 days - for other drugs.
  3. Dosage should correspond to the weight of the patient.
  4. Drinking alcohol is not recommended while taking antibiotics.
  5. For pain relief should be taken Ibuklin or diclofenac.
  6. enzyme preparations (Vobenzim, Longidaza) assigned to the prevention of adhesion formation as a rule.

If the gynecologist recommendations have not been announced, it is necessary to comply with the above tips.

Restoration of the menstrual function is an important part of the rehabilitation period after curettage. Flasher female body is very sensitive to various fluctuations and external interference. "Artificial" disposal of endometrial sends incorrect signals major regulators of the menstrual cycle - hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The ovaries as well as artists respond to this type of exposure.

After curettage doctors' recommendations recovery cycle are reduced to the purpose of oral contraceptives.

Preparations should take from 2 to 6 months, depending on the diagnosis, the subject of the cleaning uterus.

Oral contraceptives after uterine cleaning procedures:

  • Jess.
  • Logest.
  • Of Belarus.
  • Jeanine.
  • Silhouette.
  • Novinet and others.

Acceptance of the first tablet on the day of scraping. Selection of the drug is carried out only on the basis of a gynecologist and blood test results on hormones.

After curettage of exercise is recommended to resume no earlier than 2 months. On visiting a gym should wait, and also excluded lifting weights (more than 3 kg), and race. Any exercise is stressful for the body, which, of course, reduces the immune activity and will prevent healing.

Recommendations after uterine curettageOne of the important recommendations of the gynecologist after curettage is to perform physical therapy interventions. The most effective methods of physiotherapy in gynecology include:

  1. EHF-therapy. Therapeutic effect is achieved through irradiation with electromagnetic waves of UHF band, which increases the body's nonspecific resistance, increasing the resistance. It recommended after cleansing, use of EHF-therapy for the prevention of endometritis.
  2. Ultrasound therapy. The method recommended for the prevention of adhesion formation in the uterus and pelvis resulting from scraping.
  3. Phototherapy. Infrared rays have anti-inflammatory effect.

After many experts recommend the use of manipulation scraping under the preventive orientation sorption therapy, the essence of which consists in introducing into the uterine cavity special solution having sorbent properties and antiseptic. Usually, a mixture Enterosgelya and Dioxydinum. The composite solution, using a thin catheter is introduced into uterus. Due to its thick consistency of the mixture does not flow, so the specific restrictive recommendations for physical activity is not required. To monitor the wound using aspiration biopsy. Aspirate is examined under a microscope and assess the condition of these cells.

After the cleaning procedure, doctors uterine monitor the healing process using the method aspiration biopsy. She held on 23-25 ​​day cycle 2 months after curettage of all kinds.

Abortions by curettage for medical reasons - a strong stressor, which adversely affects the adaptive-compensatory capacity of the organism.

An equally important challenge for the gynecologist, is to provide comprehensive rehabilitation with the use of funds allocated for the restoration of psycho-vegetative disorders.

As a rule, after scraping the patient recommend the following therapeutic measures and preparations:

  1. Acupuncture.
  2. Psychotherapy.
  3. Soothing herbal charges within 2 weeks after cleaning (Fitosedan, soothing balm teas, sedatives charges).
  4. Antidepressants (Coaxil, gelarium, Azafen) for 10-20 days.

The problem of chronic inflammatory diseases in gynecology after curettage continues to be one of the leading. Complete, adequate purpose and respect for their patient during the recovery period guarantee the complete absence of the consequences and complications of reproductive function.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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