- 1 What is the menstrual cycle in girls
- 2 How old girls start periods
- 3 As factors influence the age at which begin monthly
- 4 How do you know when to begin the first month
5 How to begin monthly girls first time
- 5.1 Signs of the first month
- 5.2 Is how the first month
- 5.3 How long are the first monthly
- 6 What if started monthly
- 7 How to call the first period
- 8 In some cases, you need to see a doctor
- 9 conclusion
The first month is called menarche in girls. Their appearance is an important stage of physical and psychological maturity. They may begin in 11-14 years, but there may be deviations from the age norms.
What is the menstrual cycle in girls
The menstrual cycle is the period of puberty is only set, not all the girls after the first menstruation cycle once it becomes regular. But this is not the only feature of menstruation in girls.
If the first period began at age 9, then it is normal, if there is no ovulation. At such an early menarche, anovulatory cycles are common in most teens. Instead, signs of ovulation with ultrasonography can see the emergence of functional ovarian cysts that do not require treatment.
To establish regular ovulation may take up to 8 years. This is due to the fact that the maturation of the hormonal system and the formation of the mechanisms responsible for menstruation, finished only 20-22 years.
Immediately after menarche 10% of girls faced with a situation where the following month does not begin for more than 60 days. In the first year is considered normal if a break between periods of 23-90 days.
Over 1-3 years, the cycle time can be more than 28-35 days, but in the process of maturation of a long break between the critical days shortened.
How old girls start periods
To determine in advance when it will be used 1 month a girl, it's hard. The average age of onset of menstruation is 12.4 years. Although it is still 30-40 years ago standards were different. The girls start to menstruate at 14.5 years.
Approximately 10% of teenagers first menses occur in 11 years. For 14 years, 90% of girls are already menstruating, and at 15 years of age 98% of girls menstruate.
In the southern regions of the first period, which began in the 10 years - this is normal. But it is important that for 1-2 years before they start showing signs of puberty.
As factors influence the age at which begin monthly
The age at which the first time to begin monthly at the girl depends on many factors. Affect the date of menarche:
- race;
- feeding habits;
- past illnesses;
- region of residence;
- body mass;
- psycho-emotional state;
- heredity.
If the nature of all women first period started late, with high probability we can assume that the girl they will go later than the fixed average rate.
Girls living in the southern regions, mature earlier, so monthly for most of them are in the age of 11-13 years.
Comment! In large girls who are ahead for the development of same age, puberty is faster. But poor diet, frequent stress, weakened immunity period of menstruation otstrachivaetsya.
How do you know when to begin the first month
Determine when the first period at the teenager will go, it is possible for precursors. The body of each girl develops individually, but there are certain signs that indicate the beginning of the process of puberty.
In 6-8 years, the adrenal glands begin to synthesize the male sex hormones. Their appearance is preceded by the formation of female sex hormones. The specified period is called adrenarche. After him comes thelarche. So called period when they begin to harden and increase in the size of the breasts. After 2-3 years after thelarche the normal menstrual cycle.
But this is not the only sign of menarche. The approximation of the date of first menstruation in girls indicate the changes occurring in the body. You need to pay attention to these signs:
- growth of hair in the armpits and groin;
- appearance whitish exudates from the genital tract;
- shape change (reduced waist, hips become more rounded).
Beli there for six months before the first menstruation in girls. They can be translucent, have a white or yellowish tint. The normal presence of light sour smell.
Another sign of the imminent start of menstruation in girls are the pimples that appear on the face, back and other parts of the body.
The changes are due to the fact that the hormonal system begins to work. Under the influence of hormones, which are produced by the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries begin to grow, the uterus. Inside the uterine endometrium grows.
How to begin monthly girls first time
Some teens few signs of approaching menstruation is not observed. They can only see the blood on his underwear. To menarche did not become a cause for concern and experiences at the time of puberty, girls need to know everything about a month.
Menarche may be accompanied by severe pain. This is due to the fact that between the body of the uterus and its neck in adolescents pronounced bending, so the separated inner layer can be stuck on this portion. To his intense push the uterus is reduced, these spasms are painful. Reduce discomfort by using drugs or acceptance position in which discomfort is reduced. Many recommend that stand in knee-elbow position or lie on your stomach.
Warning! Some relief for the state recommended hover legs or putting a warm heating pad on the abdomen. It has no effect on the pain, but can cause bleeding due to heavy rush of blood.
Signs of the first month
Girls who have noticed changes in the breast and whiter appearance, it is interesting to know when to expect the onset of menstruation. To do this, watch his body. The symptoms of the approaching first menstruation in girls include:
- mood swings;
- pain in the lower parts of the abdomen, back;
- strengthening weakness, apathy;
- changes in appetite;
- increased sensitivity of the breast.
Noticing the appearance of these signs, you can start to use panty liners. When the first spotting them will be enough.
Is how the first month
First menstruation in girls differs from the standard of women's menses. The girl may notice slight spotting or light brown spots on the underwear or panty liners.
Most teenagers menarche differs scarcity, allocation may be reddish-brown or brown. The color and intensity of the first selections differ in girls. This is because during menstruation comes not only blood, but also to the endometrium, the particles are mixed with the natural vaginal discharge.
If the first is copious, the gaskets are not even enough for a couple of hours, it is necessary to consult a doctor. There is a possibility of opening juvenile bleeding.
As they get older hormonal regulation is improved, the nature of monthly changes. Through more intensive growth of the endometrium, their profusion increases, the color changes from brown to red.
How long are the first monthly
First period, which began in girls at age 12, can last from 2 to 7 days. But may increase their duration up to 2 weeks. If the discharge not abundant, it is considered a variant of the norm. By increasing the duration of the critical days or enhancing their intensity appear desirable children's gynecologist.
What if started monthly
When the menstrual flow is necessary to remember about hygiene in this period. If they do not comply, then the risk of development of complications such as inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs.
Children gynecologists recommend the use of conventional gaskets. Their application allows to monitor the volume and type of discharge.
Attention! If you use tampons during the first month can be problems associated with insufficient menses. Often girls are experiencing difficulties with the introduction and withdrawal of the tampon.
At the beginning of menstruation should be aware of compliance with these rules:
- gynecologists advise to abandon swim in pools, open bodies of water (except in cases where the swabs are used);
- falls under the ban bathing, visit saunas, steam baths;
- hygiene products, it is desirable to change not less than 4 times a day;
- wash should be at each change of pads, if this is not possible, then 2 times a day;
- at night, it is desirable to use pads that absorb larger (for example, special night options).
For cleaning the broth can be used herbs prepared beforehand (calendula, chamomile), pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary water. Wash should be only the external genitalia, the motion should be made from the pubis to the anus.
Since the beginning of the first month, it is desirable to have a calendar or download the app on your phone, where you can celebrate the date of menses. This makes it possible to monitor the regularity of the cycle.
How to call the first period
If the girls in 16 years there is no menstruation, then they start to look for ways to menarche call. In the course are hormonal pills and folk remedies. But such methods can only harm the body.
Try to bring the date of menstruation is not necessary in the age of 12-13. It is normal if the first month in girls start at 14 years. Every organism matures individually.
If there are signs indicating that the process of puberty is running, we can only wait. In other situations, children should consult a gynecologist. The reason for the delay menarche may be:
- the nuances of the structure of genitals;
- metabolic rate;
- the presence of excess weight;
- endocrine disorders;
- past illnesses or severe stress.
It should be understood that the first month will not go until the start full production of hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovaries, the growth of the endometrium and detachment.
Girls who have sexual maturation process has started, but the menses do not occur, even in 16 years, may appoint hormones. Physicians selected reception scheme duphaston or utrozhestan. These drugs are needed if confirmed by progesterone deficiency.
In cases where signs of puberty are not visible to the 13-14 years, it is necessary to establish the cause. It can be triggered by endocrine disorders and other diseases. If their identification and appointment of a competent treatment of hormonal changes.
In some cases, you need to see a doctor
Parents are often worried when the girl starts the first month in 11 years, now it is normal. Age of puberty decreases, although scientists and physicians may not understand the reasons why this is happening. Anxiety should cause other situations
- pubic hair in the genital area, armpits appeared before 8 years of age or have not started to grow up to 13 years;
- menses have not begun to 15 years;
- secondary sexual characteristics have appeared in a timely manner, but after 3 years from the date of their appearance is not menstruation;
- cycle is not set for a year or a break between periods longer than 60 days;
- critical days are more than 7 consecutive days;
- monthly accompanied by severe pain, are not cropped nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- break between periods less than 20 days.
Important! Go to the children's gynecologist is necessary in those cases when a girl appears itching, pain in the genital area, the changing nature of secretions.
The most dangerous is the situation when the first period start to go for those girls who have not yet showing signs of puberty. If the chest does not swell, pubic hair and armpits do not grow, then the hormonal system is not working. Occurrence of bleeding from the genital tract in such a situation may be indicative of the development of malignant adrenal tumors, ovarian or other organs severe CNS lesions.
The first month in girls begin at 11-14 years. But the appearance of menses in 10 or 15 years and is considered the norm. It is not just the start of the critical days, but also the appearance of sexual characteristics. Should pay attention to the nature of the discharge, their profusion and frequency of subsequent menses.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.