Hypoechoic formation in the ovary: what it is, causes and symptoms


  • 1 What is hypoechoic education
    • 1.1 The formation may be a low echogenicity
  • 2 Hyperechoic formation in the ovary: what it is
    • 2.1 The formation may be high echogenicity
  • 3 Causes of
  • 4 Methods for treating pathologies
  • 5 conclusion

In conducting ultrasound diagnosis the doctor can identify the woman hypoechoic formation in the ovary, it is the doctor is not always willing to explain immediately. This picture is rendered, if a woman on the sex glands appeared rounded tumor, inside which an empty cavity or a liquid. Physicians are known various kinds of diseases of the ovaries, which are displayed as an ultrasound gipoehogennym inclusion.

What is hypoechoic education

On the monitor, ultrasound hypoechoic inclusion is visualized, if there are areas with low echogenicity tissue. Echogenicity compared with the acoustic density of the healthy sections. This means that the tumor appeared worse than it reflects the direction the ultrasonic signal.

On the screen the doctor see the shaded zones. They can be gray, dark gray or almost black. To decrypt the specialists developed a special scale, which displays 6 shades of gray. Each pixel of the image obtained on the screen corresponds to a particular shade of gray, it will depend on the type of neoplasm and strength of the ultrasonic signal.

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Important! At revealing hypoechoic inclusion in the ovaries in addition to ultrasound prescribe other examination methods. It is necessary for the differential diagnosis and clarify the type detected tumors.

Gipoehogennym inclusion in the ovary

The formation may be a low echogenicity

Gipoehogennym formation in the ovary detected on the ultrasonic diagnosis may be:

  • cyst;
  • corpus luteum;
  • follicle;
  • vascular tumor (hemangioma).

If the detected tumors are present uneven contours, it can be fibroids or cancer. Fibroids appear as dense homogeneous hypoechoic structures, they are sometimes visible anechoic inclusions. Benign tumors (teratomas, cystadenoma) appear as dense inclusions with papillary growths and rounded walls. Inside, they may have one or more cameras. A similar ultrasound picture gives malignancies.

In identifying formation in the ovary inhomogeneous ehostruktury physician may suspect appearance endometriotic cysts in shape it may be oval or round. Internal gipoehogennym its structure is different, it can be seen numerous point components - highly dispersed slurry.

Important! To set the exact diagnosis is insufficient ultrasound results. Doctors prescribe additional tests and analyzes.

Hyperechoic formation in the ovary: what it is

On the monitor, Ultrasonic diagnosis hyperechoic education look like light or almost white spots. They may take the form of linear, point or volume of inclusions. Bright spots indicate the appearance of structures with a high density, through which do not pass ultrasonic waves.

Gipoehogennym inclusion in the ovary

The formation may be high echogenicity

Hyperechoic inclusions in the ovary may be:

  • malignant or benign tumors;
  • salt deposits.

In identifying ovarian hyperechoic areas women are advised to constantly monitor the condition, making SPL dynamics. If hyperechoic area increases in size, the doctors recommend to consult with an oncologist and donate blood to determine the level of tumor marker CA-125.

The inhomogeneous structure with hyperechoic inclusions characteristic of dermoid cyst. In its cavity visualized ehozony characteristic of accumulation of fat, bone, hair.

Should be alerted when examining partition on the ovary hyperechoic structure. This is one of the indirect signs of malignancy. In oncology walls are thick with vidneyuscheysya patchy thickening. They have a heterogeneous structure, uneven borders.

Causes of

The causes of hyper- and hypoechoic inclusions in the ovary varied. When the cysts on the ultrasound monitor is visible hypoechoic structure. The reasons for the occurrence of cysts include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • abortion;
  • early onset of menstruation;
  • trauma;
  • genetic predisposition.

May affect the adverse working conditions, frequent stress, malnutrition, unfavorable social environment. The risk of cysts in women smokers is higher than in non-smokers.

Gipoehogennym inclusion in the ovary

The causes of malignant ovarian tumors are not well understood. The probability that the plot will be revealed hypoechoic cancer is higher in women who have:

  • refused by removing previously identified cysts and tumors;
  • untreated chronic inflammation that developed in the pelvic organs;
  • uncontrolled taking oral contraceptives.

Atherosclerosis, obesity, hypertension, and late menopause, combined with the early onset of menstruation are precipitating factors of developing tumors.

Methods for treating pathologies

When the ovary hypoechoic inclusion in treatment is adjusted depending on the type of neoplasm. In identifying the luteal or follicular cysts is recommended to monitor the state in the dynamics. If they do not pass on their own, it is assigned to hormone therapy. The detected tumors and other types of cysts is desirable to remove.

For the treatment of pathologies manifested gipoehogennym formation in the ovary, administered laparoscopic surgery. When carrying out its doctor can see the tumor and remove it. When cancer is suspected on the uterus with adnexa was removed, administered chemotherapy, radiation treatment.

Attention! When malignant neoplasms laparoscopy contraindicated, surgeons make nizhnesredinnoy laparotomy.

This access allows you to view the swelling in the incision without disturbing its capsule view all organs.

Gipoehogennym inclusion in the ovary


Finding a hypoechoic formation in the ovary, it is necessary to understand in the first place. The presence of a hypoechoic area can testify to the cyst formation, hemangioma, yellow body, fibroids or cancer. Expert evaluates fabric structure defines an inner cavity echogenicity neoplasm. According to the results of ultrasound and other examinations set accurate diagnosis and treatment is prescribed.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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