Mammography: On what day do cycle, during or after menstruation


  • 1 Indications for mammography
  • 2 How do mammograms
  • 3 On what day of the month makes mammograms
    • 3.1 Is it possible to do a mammogram before menstruation
    • 3.2 Is it possible to do a mammogram during menstruation
    • 3.3 When you can make a mammogram after your period
  • 4 Preparation for the procedure
  • 5 conclusion

The older the woman, the more increases the annual list of mandatory health surveys. The most prevalent method of diagnosis is necessary mammography. A lot of the girls concerned about the issue, do mammograms on what day of the cycle? If it did not tell the physician, then you need to read this information in detail.

Indications for mammography

This method of diagnosis is assigned primarily to women over the age of 40 years - each year undergo such a procedure is necessary. All commercial, budget organizations must send their employees on such surveys - this is done to rule out the presence of tumors of the mammary glands.

On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram

Important! The study is a must for women after 35 years, with discharge from the breast, seals, nodules, inflammation of the mammary glands, as well as for those patients who have a history of gynecological diseases.

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The following indications for the survey:

  • complaints of pain in the chest;
  • Nipple changes shape;
  • discharge from the nipple;
  • breast swelling.

The indications for prevention will also be those patients who are at risk. These include women aged 40 years and older who have a fibroadenoma, breast, inflammation of genitals, infertility, thyroid disease, obesity. More information about this can be found in the video:

How do mammograms

Standard breast ultrasound mammography different from those that affect the chest X-rays, while the breast is clamped by special plates. After selecting the desired period, a woman goes to a procedure that includes the following stages:

  1. Going into the study, the radiologist will ask the patient to remove all items from the waist up. It is also necessary to remove all jewelry and metal objects placed on the belt and above. If the patient's hair is too long, they will be asked to collect the top.
  2. The patient comes to the machine and becomes as she tells the doctor. Woman's breast is compressed between two plates, the picture is taken.
  3. After that, let the chest, and the patient can dress. Duration is 10-15 minutes, a few minutes spent on drawing up a doctor's certificate.
On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram

Some women do not want to be screened because of its possible morbidity. The breast is squeezed hard enough plates, which causes discomfort to the woman. Do not panic in advance, the perception of the procedure will depend on how the patient herself tuned to carry it out.

On what day of the month makes mammograms

There remains the question, it is best to carry out a survey on what day of the cycle. Such details should tell the attending gynecologist or mammolog, but doctors often forget to tell the patient about the recommended timing.

Is it possible to do a mammogram before menstruation

It is believed that the health and condition of the breast depends on the amount of hormones in the body of the patient. In a certain phase of the cycle hormone level is increased or decreased, which helps to identify foci of tumors. From this it follows that a study on the eve of the monthly undesirable for the following reasons:

  • lobules in breast fluid accumulates before menstruation - this is due to increased amounts of the hormone progesterone;
  • appears swelling breast;
  • pain can occur in the chest;
  • mammary gland can increase in size.
On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram

Servicing before menstruation is uninformative, so from the survey should be abandoned, waiting for a certain phase of the cycle.

Is it possible to do a mammogram during menstruation

The most frequent question to mammologist or gynecologist prior to the survey - is it possible to do a mammogram during menstruation? Faced with the necessity of the procedure, women are based on the nuances of other surveys related to the reproductive system. Often, part of the research and analysis it is appointed for the period of bleeding, so there is confusion.

Comment! Soreness at the monthly increases significantly, so do mammograms 1 to 5 day cycle is not recommended: the woman may be difficult to transfer the squeezing chest plates.

On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram

Another reason why doctors do not recommend to carry out a mammogram in the first days of the cycle - the possible swelling of tissues. Mammary gland swells, becomes dense, the chances of seeing the tumor are reduced, so the diagnosis becomes meaningless.

When you can make a mammogram after your period

The most optimum time of mammography is from 5 to 12 day menstrual cycle. This figure is considered to be fluctuating, it depends on how many days last cycle of women:

  1. If the duration of the menstrual cycle of 21 days, the procedure is worth spending on day 5 from the beginning of the month.
  2. With a cycle time of 28 days, mammography is prescribed for 6-12 days.
  3. With prolonged menstrual cycle is 35 days, which is rare, doctors recommend to visit the X-ray room on the 10-18 day cycle.
On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram

It is during these periods a woman's breast, the most peaceful and radiologist can show a maximum of information. With self-calculation of the required date, it is important to bear in mind that the selected phase of the cycle should precede ovulation. In the period of ovulation female breast changes under the influence of progesterone.

Preparation for the procedure

When it was determined what day of the cycle to go to mamologist, it is recommended to learn more about how to properly prepare for the procedure:

  • select and calculate the correct date for the survey;
  • take along all the past mammography with the conclusion, as well as a doctor's prescription and the indications for the procedure;
  • a few days before the test to remove from the diet of all beverages and foods containing caffeine;
  • better separate wear clothes consisting of the top and bottom;
  • not use deodorants or other means before the procedure.
On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram

Do not worry, and worry about the possible pain during the procedure, especially to take painkillers. This approach will only exacerbate panic, and the procedure can be disrupted.


Responding to a question, do mammograms on any day of the cycle, it should be noted that the most appropriate would be between 5 and 12 days. On other days, the chest will be changed slightly under the influence of hormones, so the procedure will not informative.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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