Backlight for seedlings: how to make your own hands and types of lamps

With poor lighting, photosynthesis of plants is very sluggish, biomass grows slowly, seedlings are ill. Although every seedling has its own requirements for the spectrum of lighting, daylight has all the components for their normal growth. Modern technologies have already approached the necessary parameters, so the lighting for plants is easy to pick up.

Why the lighting of plants is needed

LED plant lamps are needed if they have little light. Some seeds for seedlings are planted in the middle of winter, but in order for them to grow well, there is little natural light. Ordinary lamps as a backlight will not work, because of their power plants will simply burn. Even strongly scorching light is not enough for seeds because of the small spectrum of radiation, so the highlight for seedlings should be made by special lamps. These lighting devices have a small heat emission and the necessary spectrum for illuminating plants planted on a shelving or window sill.

The main types of lamps for lighting seedlings

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Lighting for plants is very different. For full-fledged photosynthesis of plants, sunlight is needed, which consists of waves of different lengths and colors. For example, red light improves the growth of seeds, affects the germination, purple and blue contribute to the emergence of strong sprouts. Also, for the growth of plants, the intensity and duration of illumination is of great importance. All these nuances should be considered when choosing lamps and during the installation of lighting for seedlings at home.

Classic incandescent lamps

Trying to save, some people use classic lamps with tungsten filament for highlighting seedlings. This process is not only inefficient, but even absolutely useless. After all, in such luminaires, only five percent of all radiation passes into a light stream, the rest is a thermal component, that is, such a source of light heats more than lights. In addition, the spectrum of radiation of a classical incandescent lamp does not meet the requirements of plants, so it has a detrimental effect on them. The leaves under them get burned, the biomass dries.

Phytolamps for plants

The ideal illumination for seedlings is the illumination with phytolamps. From traditional sources of artificial light, they differ in that they generate photons not in the color narrow range, but in more favorable for photosynthesis - wide. Phytolamps are designed in such a way that they do not create harmful infrared and ultraviolet radiation for green cells. Their construction combines red and blue glow, which makes this type of artificial light universal.

LED plant strips

An LED or LED is a semiconductor device that distorts the electrical voltage. The use of LED ribbons for plants has only become available in recent years, so this is the most expensive lighting. Advantages of lead lighting for seedlings:

  1. Cost-effectiveness. Use less electricity 8 times than classic light bulbs.
  2. Quick start. Glow while giving a smooth, no flicker.
  3. Durability. Duration of work can reach 50,000 hours.
  4. Environmentally friendly. Do not need special disposal, do not contain harmful chemical elements.


A fluorescent fluorescent fluorescent lamp is a gas discharge mercury lighting device that uses fluorescence for radiation. Mercury vapor excites an electric current in the gas, which emits light in the ultraviolet range, causing a phosphor coating to glow inside. The fluorescent lamp for seedlings is very suitable, since it consumes much less energy and practically does not radiate heat. This is the most economical lighting for indoor plants.

Metal halide sodium lamps

A promising group of light sources - metal halide light bulbs with high light output, a large set of claimed temperatures, remarkable color rendition. This is an ideal highlight, having a positive effect on the root system of seedlings, contributing to short interstices and good branching. But they should not be used at the flowering stage. Better metal halide sodium light is used on seedlings, because such lamps guarantee its rapid growth and many shoots.

High Pressure Sodium Lamps

They are abbreviated as DnaT( arc sodium tubular).This is a luminaire with low color reproduction and dim light, which is connected by means of a ballast or a start-up antenna. It is a balloon made of glass with a special cylindrical tube-burner containing gas xenon. Advantages of sodium high-pressure backlight:

  • operating temperature range from -60 to +40 ° C;
  • economy of use;
  • for a long period of operation( up to 32,000 hours);
  • high light output;
  • slight change during the operation of the light flux.

Which light for seedlings is better

To date, the best seedling lighting is done by LED lamps. They are chosen on the basis of low power consumption, because the luminaires can be placed close to the seedlings without detrimental effects on the flora, because the LEDs do not overheat the soil, so no additional watering is required. This is the most economical highlighting and during the backlighting of seedlings, when it is necessary to observe the schedule of photoperiods: day-night.

Where to buy and how much they cost

You can buy backlighting both in special shops and order online. Phytolamps and bio-lamps for growing seedlings have different costs, depending on the capacity and species. So, the sodium reflux lamp costs about 700 rubles, plus the installation to it will cost about 1000 rubles. The average price for a 9W LED lamp is 1500 rubles, and 12V for a lamp is about 2500 rubles.

Lighting for seedlings at home with their own hands

To make LED home lighting, it is not necessary to have special knowledge. It is important to compactly and efficiently place the lamps on the shelves so that they can illuminate the necessary area. To create a ribbon luminaire you will need:

  • LEDs blue, red;
  • thermal grease or hot melt;
  • is a piece of aluminum that will serve as a base;
  • power supply providing stability of current;
  • plug, cord.

For optimum illumination, it is required to alternate on the tape 1 blue and 2 red elements. Connect them with soldering and lead to the power supply unit, which is connected to the plug and switch. Fasten tape with double tape, rivets or bolts on the prepared base, after which it is assembled with a driver, switch, plug and cord into a single circuit.

To make a rack on which you will grow seedlings, you will need a wooden beam or a metal corner. The design is simple: shelves with hollow compartments for boxes are fastened together by bolts or self-tapping screws. The dimensions of the shelves depend on the seed boxes, and the height is recommended at the level of no more than 3 rows. For each row is attached one LED tape, fixed on the top drawer.

Which lights or light panels to highlight the seedlings, the garden decides independently. Someone more like fluorescent light bulbs, and someone prefers metal halide sodium light sources. Watch your plants, conduct experiments, and you will certainly find the most optimal way to grow them.

Video recommendations: what lamps are needed for seedlings

Properly made lighting with observance of the necessary parameters is a guarantee of obtaining strong and healthy seedlings. Very rarely plants have enough daylight, mostly gardeners have to organize additional artificial lighting. Modern manufacturers offer a huge assortment of luminaires for seedlings, and how to choose them, see the video below.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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