Multi-ovarian cyst: treatment of the two-chamber and three-chamber formation


  • 1 Ovarian cyst with a partition: it is, a kind of education
    • 1.1 Two-chamber left ovarian cyst
    • 1.2 Two-chamber cyst of the right ovary
    • 1.3 Three-chamber cyst
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 How dangerous multilocular cystic
  • 5 Multi-ovarian cyst: treatment
  • 6 conclusion
  • 7 Reviews of treatment without surgery multi ovarian cysts

The multi ovarian cyst - a pathological condition in which tumors arise with partitions based ovary tissues. Danger multi cysts lies in the possibility of fluid accumulation, growth and rupture, which significantly worsen the health of women. Multi-compartment formation necessarily subject to observation by a gynecologist and treatment.

Ovarian cyst with a partition: it is, a kind of education

When a patient is diagnosed, "multi-chamber ovarian cyst," the doctor explains that this term refers to a neoplasm of the tissue or organ epithelial walls. If the normal cyst - a hollow vesicle with fluid, the multi-chamber type is divided by these walls, partitions.

Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

Depending on the reasons for the formation distinguish several types of tumors:

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  1. Follicular. This type of education for multi-ovary talks about running the inflammatory process. He was treated with medication for 2-3 months.
  2. Luteal. The fluid within the cavity will be mixed with blood, the foreign symptoms are observed. If you do not treat the pathology, there is the risk of rupture.
  3. Paraovarialnaya. In the formation captures adjacent organs and subject to removal.

Depending on the location, the cavity can be placed on the right and the left, and be two-chamber and three-chamber. More information about this can be found in the video:

Two-chamber left ovarian cyst

Neoplasm of the two chambers are often filled with a light yellow color liquid. It appears as on the right, so the left ovary. Symptoms and manifestations of disease are the same, but in the case of various localization, they will be different.

Attention! Two-cell formation is more dangerous than single chamber. There is a risk of rupture or torsion legs.

Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

The symptoms of the two-chamber formation in the ovary on the left are as follows:

  • pain localized in the lower abdomen, extending to the left side;
  • vomiting;
  • allocation with blood;
  • problems with conception;
  • bloating;
  • temperature indicators change;
  • dizziness.

A woman may feel that pain is not an area of ​​cysts, and pancreas and left kidney, because the pain is distributed throughout the left side. It may also be present discomfort when bending to the left, lifting heavy objects. To prevent deterioration of health, an urgent need to seek medical help.

Two-chamber cyst of the right ovary

The multi-cyst often occurs in women of reproductive age, bringing the patient a lot of problems. At the initial stage of development, it does not bring the pain - they appear some time later, when the tumor begins to grow. Right cavernous formation is characterized by such symptoms:

  • feeling of fullness in the abdomen, localized on the right side;
  • spotting, not associated with menstruation;
  • flatulence and constipation;
  • possible arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • increased sweating;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

Such features are typical for multi left ovarian cyst, the pain only in this case will be given to the right side of the body. It may seem that hurts the liver and right kidney, but inspection at the gynecologist and ultrasound confirmed the presence of a two-chamber ovarian cyst.

Three-chamber cyst

Three-compartment tumor is more dangerous than the same cyst of two sections, separated by partitions. Risk for women is the possibility of malignant cells in the cavity. Furthermore, in the initial phase of development it is easy to mix with the first stage of oncology.

Warning! If the cyst is small, watching her for about 6 months. When large amounts of the tumor to be removed.

Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

Three-chamber ovarian cyst - a cluster of three cavities, which are separated by partitions or walls of epithelial ovarian tissues. Inside the bubbles accumulated mucous fluid. One of the prerequisites for the appearance of the compound will be a few bubbles in a single cavity and simultaneous growth.

Causes of

Multi-compartment tumor rarely occurs alone. This is usually preceded by the following reasons:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • early menstruation;
  • unskilled operation gynecology;
  • constant stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • sex related diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • abortion, miscarriage, curettage.
Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

Often the multilocular cyst occurs during pregnancy, often localized in the left ovary. In this case, you need to carefully watch the new formation, preventing rupture or torsion. The presence in the medical card of diseases such as endometriosis, adnexitis salpingo and increase the risk of tumors.


The patient comes to the pelvic exam, where the doctor initially produces an oral interview with a survey on women's complaints. After that there is inspection on the chair, in which the doctor can palpate the cyst multi-chamber. Further diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  1. A blood test for hormones.
  2. Analysis of tumor markers.
  3. US.
  4. Examination of vaginal condition.
  5. Metrosalpingography.
Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

The latter procedure involves an x-ray of the fallopian tubes to the study of the uterine cavity, where the contrast enhancement applied. This is necessary for the detection of pathological changes in the uterus, which could lead to a multi-chamber ovarian cyst larger.

How dangerous multilocular cystic

Multi-ovarian cyst carries more complications and dangers than other varieties. This is due to the large number of the bubbles themselves and their partitions. Hazardous factors include:

  • ovarian apoplexy - cyst can rupture even under strong shaking at the time of driving, and the contents of the tumors can penetrate into the abdominal cavity;
  • suppuration - the liquid inside the vial becomes purulent, this manifests headaches, loss of appetite, and fever: the treatment is performed by the operation;
  • malignancy - multi-chamber ovarian cyst becomes a substrate for oncology.

Given these factors, you should not hesitate when it detects multi cysts. It becomes mandatory visit to the physician and the implementation of its orders.

Multi-ovarian cyst: treatment

Gynecology offers two types of treatment - surgery and medication therapy. The absence of any treatment threatens to transfer disease from one ovary to another, which greatly complicates and slows down the healing process.

dual-chamber ovarian cyst treatment is as follows:

  1. Treatment without surgery. It is a combination of hormonal and anti-inflammatory medicines. This type of treatment is possible at early stages, provided accurate detection of neoplasms etiology.
  2. Surgery. If diagnosed with a large ovarian cyst multi-chamber, its removal is appointed. It uses a conservative technique or laparoscopy. The operation is performed with maximum preservation of healthy tissue.
Three-chamber and dual chamber ovarian cyst

Good projections observed in the treatment without surgery multi ovarian cysts at the initial stage. If the tumor was diagnosed during pregnancy, do not worry: the doctor will watch him, will appoint the operation if necessary. Surgery is carried out a safe method, not life threatening to the fetus.


If a woman has been diagnosed with "multi-chamber ovarian cyst", do not despair and believe that only surgery can cure it. When diagnosed early, this pathology is fully subject to medical treatment, and statistics show that the recurrence unlikely.

Reviews of treatment without surgery multi ovarian cysts

Belichenko Tatyana, 27 years, city Stavropol

On the three-chamber ultrasound diagnosed with a cyst of the left ovary. Well, that go to the gynecologist every six months, and was able to detect it at an early stage. The doctor said that surgery should not do it, you can try to cure with medication. Injections appointed Limfomiazot Traumel and C-10. After appropriate treatment again made US, it showed a significant reduction in size, the doctor hopes resorption neoplasms.

Saks, Irina, 35 years, city Tomsk

At an early stage was diagnosed multilocular cyst of the right ovary, the doctor prescribed the drug "Djufaston" - hormone pills. I saw them for 2 months, and then went to the US. The study found little change for the better, but there was a lot of advantages: the menstrual cycle returned to normal, to feel better. The doctor noted that when large amounts would have to operate on her, since the risk of degeneration into cancer is very high.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

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