- 1 Hormones in menopause
- 2 Norm and violation of the ratio of female sex hormones in menopause
3 Causes and symptoms of hormonal failure
- 3.1 Effects
- 4 Diagnostics
5 hormone therapy
- 5.1 Benefits and harms
- 5.2 Indications and contraindications
- 5.3 names of drugs
Extinction hormonal ovarian function leads to a change in the functioning of the whole organism, which is adapting to the new environment for him. Sex hormone levels and the rate of extinction of reproductive function predetermine appearance of symptoms during menopause.
Hormones in menopause
Translated from the Greek language means climax ladder. This natural process as symbolized by step in the transition from the heyday of the female body to its withering. Climax is age stage in a woman's life in which the genital function is gradually completed. Despite the fact that changes in the ovaries begin directly synthesizing sex hormones, the whole body is experiencing estrogen deficiency. As a result, there are characteristic signs and symptoms that indicate the entry of women in menopause.
At birth, the female body has about three million eggs. The major sex hormones - estrogens - are synthesized in the ovarian follicular unit. After puberty, menstruation observed. The menstrual cycle is governed by a number of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries.
The menstrual cycle involves two phases. In the first phase of the cycle on the rise of several follicles, which are temporary hormonal structures. Full development cycle takes only one follicle having healthy viable ovum. By the end of the first phase of the follicle is mature egg leaves, breaking its shell. In place of the follicle is formed cystic corpus luteum, synthesizing progesterone.
The egg is ready for fertilization for 1-2 days. By this time, the inner layer of the uterus is also prepared for possible pregnancy. Because of the effect of hormones first phase of the cycle the inner layer of the uterus grows. It provides the necessary conditions for the development and implantation of the ovum. If pregnancy does not occur yellow body dissipated, and the inner layer of the uterus is rejected under the influence of sex hormones of the second phase of the cycle. Thus occur monthly.
During ovulation lost a small percentage of eggs. A significant number of oocytes exposed atresia. In particular, before the onset of menopause is still about 10,000 eggs. After completion of the menstrual function observed individual follicles, which will soon regress. The ovaries decrease.
Sex hormones, estrogens are synthesized in the ovary, regulate the operation of all the woman's body:
- promote absorption of calcium and phosphorus in bones;
- provide skin elasticity, healthy looking hair and nails;
- responsible for the formation of the female type figure;
- involved in metabolic processes and thermoregulation;
- influence on the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and musculoskeletal system.
When menopause starts hormonal changes, which consist in a sharp drop in estrogen levels. In this case, the level of FSH and LH repeatedly rises to compensate for estrogen deficiency. However, the synthesis of estrogen eventually stops. This leads to various violations on the part of the functioning of internal organs, which are adapted to the new conditions of life.
After the extinction of hormonal function of the estrogen level is maintained at the expense of other tissues nonferrous nature. For example, estrogens are synthesized by adipose tissue. Intensity of symptoms during menopause is directly dependent on the level of estrogens and their rate of contraction.
Reduced sex hormone synthesis occurs in premenopausal women. This is the first phase of menopause, when menstrual function is disrupted as a result of hormonal failure. Periods may become both scarce and abundant offensive earlier or later than expected. Cycle changes due to changes in the level of sex hormones. Gradually, the internal organs begin to experience estrogen deficiency that causes the appearance of the first symptoms:
- headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure;
- pain in the heart, tachycardia and palpitations;
- tides, accompanied by fever or chills, redness of the skin, sweating.
Premenopausal prepares the body to stop the synthesis of sex hormones. The duration of the first phase of menopause is around 4-5 years. Comes premenopausal women differently. The starting point is considered the age of 45 years, since the exact time of onset of hormonal failure, indicating the onset of menopause, it is not. In some women, due to a genetic predisposition, conditions of work and life climax comes sooner or later.
In 3-5% of the representatives of early or late menopause is associated with a genetic predisposition. It is also noted that menopause occurs earlier in women living in mountainous areas.
smokers faced with an early onset of menopause, which is a kind of prevention of uterine cancer. Nevertheless, the risk of cervical cancer in this group of individuals is considerably higher.
Early menopause, coming up to 40 years, may indicate a POF syndrome. This is a serious pathology which is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones in the operation of a young organism. Sharp hormonal failure causes severe symptoms in pre-menopausal women. When the total form, when, during the survey is not detected any follicle, reproductive function is not possible. The only way out - IVF with donor egg. Sometimes early menopause runs more smoothly, there are spontaneous ovulation. In this case, a more favorable prognosis.
Late menopause should also be alert as a physician, and the woman herself. Often late onset premenopausal associated with various hormone-dependent tumors, which can have a malignant nature. In particular, endometrial uterine cancer is in first place among malignant tumors in women.
It is noteworthy that women with fibroids in the history of the climax comes late and has a slight current. This is due to the fact that the basis of the benign tumor growth is active estrogen synthesis.
A few years after the start of pre-menopausal menstrual function is completed finally. This period is called the menopause and includes the date of the last menstrual period. Menopause is continued for a further year and eliminates spotting in any quantity.
In menopause the fore symptoms associated with atrophy of the vaginal mucosa and bladder. Women worried about dryness in the vagina during sexual intercourse, frequent recurrences of thrush, painful urination.
Menopause is the longest phase of menopause, as it takes up to 69 years, after which the woman comes old age. During this period, the symptoms are most pronounced. This is due to a complete lack of synthesis of estrogen hormones in the ovaries. Significantly increases the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's disease.
In premenopausal pregnancy is not ruled out, while maintaining ovulatory cycles. In menopausal and postmenopausal women any bleeding is normal should be absent. Otherwise, you must visit a doctor and get tested. Spotting may indicate the presence of dangerous pathologies, such as cancer of the uterus.
Often accompany menopause phase of various psychological disorders that are associated with both the physiological causes, and the revaluation of themselves as women. In severe menopause flow against various pathologies can be observed the occurrence of climacteric syndrome and neurosis.
It has been proven that the body needs to adapt 8-10 years to learn how to function without hormones. That is why menopause occurs for many years and does not occur suddenly. An exception is the premature depletion of ovarian syndrome, surgical removal of or damage to the follicular unit.
During the menopause there are various hormonal changes. Gynecologists emphasize that the main hormones that regulate reproductive function are:
- estrogens, mainly estradiol;
- progesterone;
- FSH;
- LH.
Each hormone performs its function. It is known that estrogens have a surprising ability to samoprevrascheniyu. In the tissues of estradiol can be transformed, for example, to estrone and vice versa.
After 35 years of production of estrogen starts to decline gradually. Stocks are depleted follicles, as they are irreplaceable. The girl is born with a certain amount of eggs that body functioning as wasted, unlike male spermatozoa.
At forty oocyte maturation occurs less frequently. This leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, which becomes a single phase. After menopause, menstrual function ceases.
Simultaneously with the reduction of estrogen synthesis is decreasing levels of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the continuation of pregnancy. That is why the progesterone is also called the pregnancy hormone. Progesterone also responsible for updating the epithelial layers. When progesterone levels drop the endometrium starts to thin, which also has a direct impact on the cessation of menstrual function.
Norm and violation of the ratio of female sex hormones in menopause
The normal functioning of the body is ensured by adequate ratio of sex hormones. The major sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are in close cooperation, since the output of one is regulated by steroid production due another. At menopause, this mechanism is disrupted, leading to the cessation of reproductive function.
Gynecologists called these sex hormones that provide reproductive function.
- Estrogens. All changes caused during menopause, due to physiological decline of this hormone. Estrogens are also called hormones of youth and beauty. They regulate the activities of all organs and systems. A significant part of estrogens are synthesized in the ovaries. After the cessation of ovarian hormone synthesis, their products meet the adipose tissue and the adrenal glands. Normal estradiol in menopause is 11-95 pg / ml. When a substantial increase in available estrogen at menopause tumor, ovarian cystic lesion, liver cirrhosis. Low levels of the hormone oestradiol indicates a decline of ovarian operation, increasing concentrations of prolactin.
- Progesterone. There is a decrease of progesterone production during menopause, which also triggers hormonal failure.
- FSH. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. In the reproductive cycle FSH maximum concentration observed in the first phase. This phenomenon occurs to stimulate estrogen production. On the approach of menopause FSH says, is more than 30 IU / l.
- LH. This hormone is involved in the process of egg maturation. In different phases of the cycle are marked with different figures LH. Normally, the level of LH is 29.7-43.9 mU / l. On pituitary tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome and renal failure indicates the level of LH, FSH exceeding.
Causes and symptoms of hormonal failure
Gynecologists tend to believe that the basis of menopause are many processes that are associated with the aging of the hypothalamic structures. This department is located in the brain and regulates the basic processes in the body:
- falling asleep and waking;
- thirst and hunger;
- fear and pleasure.
Reduction of estrogen and progesterone causes corresponding hypothalamic reaction. He is trying to stimulate the functioning of the ovaries due to increased synthesis of FSH. As a result of hormonal failure occur hot flashes, sweating, weakness, heart palpitations.
Hormonal changes leads to autonomic manifestations:
- unexplained anxiety;
- mood swings;
- fatigue;
- insomnia.
Deficiency of sex hormones adversely affects mineral metabolism. Hormonal failure leads to a reduction in strength of tissues, osteoporosis, poor dental health. Osteoporosis has no specific symptoms. Over time, a woman may notice a decrease in growth, changes in posture. The first alarm signal fractures are frequent. The most serious complication of osteoporosis is a fracture of the femoral neck, leading to disability.
Breast and thyroid respond to changes in hormonal levels. Often occurs during menopause breast. With a shortage of thyroid hormones hypothyroidism develops. Thyroid abnormalities occur:
- irritability;
- depression;
- memory impairment;
- obesity or weight loss;
- hair loss;
- trembling hands and feet;
- fatigue.
One of the manifestations of estrogen deficiency is vaginal dryness and loss of libido. These symptoms affect the quality of sexual life.
Often during menopause develops hypertension, tachycardia. In the case of diabetes may be a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. Often there is the emergence of obesity.
Hormonal failure at menopause is inevitable, because it is associated with the natural processes of the extinction of the synthesis of sex hormones. In the absence of serious somatic pathologies menopause it occurs with negligible discomfort. there are marked symptoms of the pathological course of menopause, which not only significantly impair the quality of a woman's life, but also point to the development of dangerous pathologies.
At the expressed symptoms of abnormal menopause a woman in need of treatment by the relevant specialist. Ignoring the alarm can lead to serious consequences. Untreated pathological menopause may result climacteric neurosis. That is why women in menopause is necessary to visit a doctor in a timely manner to protect your health.
Hormones react to various external and internal factors. In this connection, to obtain reliable results of the survey it is necessary to observe certain rules:
- donate blood for hormones strictly on an empty stomach in the morning;
- immediately before the diagnosis is prohibited taking hormonal agents;
- turn before analysis should be deleted physical activity and sex;
- the eve of the examination is not desirable to consume strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages;
- smoking and stress can affect the test results.
analysis of results held after a series of hormonal studies performed. Only after blood tests for hormones in the different phases of the cycle, we can draw conclusions about the severity of hormonal failure.
hormone therapy
Hormone replacement therapy is often given to women during menopause and menopause in general. There are factors that determine the effectiveness of hormone therapy:
- Timely administration of hormones and their cancellation;
- the use of small doses of hormones;
- selection hormonal preparations after the test;
- the preferential use of natural sex hormones;
- regular intake;
- account of the indications and contraindications.
Benefits and harms
There are many myths about the use of hormone replacement therapy. In particular, many patients believe that the hormone is unnatural. In fact, quite often infringements occurring during menopause, hormonal drugs require admission.
Modern hormone drugs are natural and well absorbed by the body. Also mistakenly believed that the hormone treatment is obesity. Hormonal drugs are not addictive, they help the body to compensate for the lack of their own sex hormones.
Hormonal drugs inhibit the growth of unwanted hair on the body. Tablet formulations may be adversely affected. That is why women are assigned the minimum dose. Besides hormones may be administered in various dosage forms.
Correctly selected hormone therapy reduces the risk of development of malignant tumors. However, hormone replacement therapy is canceled after 60 years, as it may contribute to the development of some forms of cancer.
HRT shall be appointed and to treat and to prevent. In particular, the appointment of hormonal drugs can prevent mental disorders, osteoporosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
Incorrectly selected hormone therapy may carry a health hazard. There are the following side effects while taking hormone;
- breast;
- increased risk of developing breast cancer;
- PMS;
- anovulation;
- appearance uterine benign tumors;
- emotional instability;
- swelling;
- possibility of gallstone disease and stroke;
- hyperplasia and uterine bleeding;
- bloody issues;
- seals in the mammary glands;
- flatulence;
- weight gain in monotherapy.
usually hormone It is a complex reception of estrogens and progesterone. Monotherapy is carried out after removal of the uterus.
Indications and contraindications
Hormone therapy is shown in the following cases:
- pathological course of menopause;
- early menopause;
- menopausal related pathologies, such as hypertension, osteoporosis;
- improving quality of life, including sex.
Contraindications to the reception of hormones are:
- cancer of the reproductive system;
- bleeding;
- tendency to thrombosis;
- stroke and heart attack;
- severe hypertension;
- liver injury;
- idiosyncrasy;
- heavy varicose veins;
- autoimmune disease.
Relative contraindications to the use of hormone replacement therapy are:
- uterine fibroids;
- endometriosis;
- migraine and epilepsy;
- gallstone pathology;
- precancerous lesions of breast and uterus.
Admission hormonal drugs is an alternative in the form of phytoestrogen and herbs. Many medicinal plants are officially recognized in medicine and effectively used for the treatment and prevention of menopausal disorders. Phytoestrogens and medicinal herbs have a minimum of contraindications and impact on the female body gently.
names of drugs
Gynecologists in medical practice used in menopause following combined hormonal preparations containing estrogen and progesterone:
- klimonorma;
- Klimov;
- Angelique;
- Femoston;
- Divino;
- Cyclo-Proginova;
- Esterlan;
- Estrimaks;
- Ovestin;
- Ovipol Clio;
- Estroil.
Estrogenic drugs:
- Divigel;
- Dermestril;
- Oktodiol;
- proginova;
Drugs with progesterone:
- utrozhestan;
- Duphaston;
- Norkolut;
- Prozhestozhel;
- Mirena IUD.
Selection drugs doctor performs guided survey data and taking into menopause listening phase, the patient's condition. Independent selection of drugs for hormone therapy is strictly prohibited.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.