Free fluid in the uterus, and body organs: Causes and Treatment


  • 1 accumulation of fluid in the uterus and body body
  • 2 Causes
    • 2.1 After childbirth and caesarean section
    • 2.2 In old age,
  • 3 Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • 4 Treatment

During the ultrasound examination can be determined by the presence of free liquid contents in the uterus and her body. Typically, this feature is an occasion for further diagnosis.

accumulation of fluid in the uterus and body body

The liquid in the uterus or of its boundaries secretion accumulation means liquid consistency of various etiologies. The presence of the pathology determined by means of ultrasonic diagnostics. It is noteworthy that the free liquid ehopriznaki not always show clinical picture. free liquid Identification of the uterus or within it can only indicate the presence of certain gynecological pathologies. Thus, "fluid in the uterus," or "liquid for uterine body" are not separate diagnoses.

After the free liquid detection advisable to conduct surveys to determine the cause of the pathological condition. In some cases, the availability of free content indicates a severe uterine disease. Sometimes free liquid associated with harmless physiological processes.

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Free fluid accumulates in the body for various reasons. The composition of this secretion can also be different. Often secret character indicates the reason for its occurrence.

  1. Serozometra. This accumulation in the body of serous fluid.
  2. Lohiometra. This term denote accumulation of fluid in the uterus, which is associated with postpartum secretions.
  3. Pyometra. fluid accumulation due to infectious and inflammatory processes lead to the formation of pus.
  4. Hematometra. After scraping the uterine blood flow into the uterus of the damaged vessels. Usually spotting independently evacuated from the uterus. Nevertheless, under the influence of some pathological causes an accumulation of bloody clots.
  5. Hydrosalpinx. In some cases, the secret is stored in the tubes and then descends into the uterus.

Causes congestion free liquid content associated with the impossibility of evacuation of the uterine cavity. These reasons can be divided into several groups:

  • organic, implying the presence of mechanical obstacles to the outflow of the secret;
  • functional, refers to conventional hormonal disorders or inflammation.

Sometimes free fluid in the uterus during pregnancy is detected. In this case, the value is the amount of secretion and its nature. Treatment is carried out without delay in detecting the liquid contents of bloody or purulent nature.

It is noteworthy that the liquid content in the body can build almost any age. However, the accumulation of free fluid has its reasons in different age periods. For example, in the reproductive age to identify the cause of a free secretion in the uterus is often the inflammatory process, and during the menopause - hormonal disorders.

If a free secret in the uterus is found in small quantities and is not accompanied by pathological symptoms, this phenomenon is not dangerous. Nevertheless, it should be screened to detect the causes of congestion in the mother's body exudate. Over time, free fluid can cause purulent inflammation.

Purpose of the treatment is carried out after preliminary diagnosis and determine the cause of the accumulation of free liquid in the uterine body. Thus, while eliminating the secret in the uterus at the same time have an impact on the cause of the pathology. Sometimes, you must first eliminate the content and then the therapy.


The reason of formation fluids in the uterus is an active mucosal glandular structures. They produce serous fluid in small quantities. With the development of the inflammatory process activates the glands that produce the fluid by means of trying to wash away the infection and prevent damage to the deeper layers. Mechanism of development of the inflammatory process involves increasing the amount of liquid, and then it suppuration accession infection.

The source of bloody content in the uterus may be damaged when vessels. A significant amount of blood observed after curettage and childbirth.

Fluid buildup in the uterus sometimes called work cervical glandular structures. With the active production of mucus accumulation of fluid into the uterine cavity may occur due to the inflammatory process.

It is noteworthy that the liquid accumulates in the body of the uterus in the event of obstruction on the outflow tract. Among the reasons for accumulation of the mother liquor to a mechanical release:

  • myoma nodes in the vicinity of the cervical canal;
  • fibroids of significant size, which distorts the uterine cavity;
  • polyps and uterine cervix;
  • narrowing the cervical canal;
  • abnormal development of reproductive organs;
  • adenomyosis and endometriosis.

In most cases, the appearance of liquid in the uterus caused by inflammation, and hormonal disorders.

The fluid may emerge for the uterus, as well as in pipes. Inflammation causes a change in blood flow and lymph flow in the tubes. As a result, it begins to accumulate fluid serous nature, causing the development of hydrosalpinx. There stretching and deformation pipe, which leads to a breakthrough in the uterine cavity. If the pipe is accumulated pus develops piosalpinks. This pathology is dangerous development of purulent inflammation in the mother's body.

The fluid in the uterus may accumulate at the nature of an ectopic pregnancy. The fluid behind the uterus could be a sign of inflammation with concomitant symptoms. Often fluid accumulation behind the uterine cavity indicates ovulation has occurred.

accumulation of fluid in the uterus contribute to the following adverse effects:

  • bad habits that weaken the immune system and triggers hormonal imbalances;
  • traumatizing the cervix tissue, particularly the cervical canal, uterine cavity during diagnostic and therapeutic manipulation, which leads to adhesions and scar deformation;
  • abortion greatly increases the risk of disease;
  • lack of monogamous lifestyle and the use of barrier methods of contraception, causing infection of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • cycle violation, based on hormonal imbalance and abnormal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • HRT in climacteric and concomitant inflammatory process, leading to a change in tissue;
  • atresia of the internal os in the menopause and postmenopause.

The secret is in the mother's body during pregnancy suggests a possible disease. In the early stages of pregnancy free content appearing in the uterine cavity may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. The presence of blood is placental abruption.

After childbirth and caesarean section

Lohiometra seen as a complication of the early postpartum period. After delivery, the uterine cavity is still gradually healing wound surface. Thus, there is tissue regeneration and involution, implying return to normal body size.

involution processes are most actively proceed the first two days. When uterine contractions lochia emission occurs, signifying postnatal selection. At first, a lot of bleeding. After six weeks, the discharge becomes light and sparse.

Cluster lochia observed in the presence of mechanical obstacles, which can be represented by fragment placenta, blood clot. The pathology can be provoked by mild reduction of the uterine wall:

  • hypotension - the lack of contractile activity;
  • atony -no cuts.

As a result of clots accumulate in the uterine cavity, which causes the characteristic clinical picture.

Often, there is accumulation of blood after an abortion, when there is a lack of contractile activity and spasm of the cervical canal. In the presence of pain and inflammation can be concluded inflammation. Accumulation of the liquid contents in the region of the cervical canal leading to the development of cysts.

In old age,

Accumulation of secretions in the mother's body contribute to the many changes that accompany menopause. Reduced estrogen levels leads to a thinning of the mucous membranes of the genitals and urinary bladder. Protective mucous quality also weaken. As a result, often there are inflammatory processes are a major factor secretion accumulations in the uterine cavity.

A slight accumulation of liquid contents in healthy women in the middle of the cycle indicates ovulation has occurred, rather than pathology.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Gynecologists emphasize that there is no special indication that the presence of liquid in the uterus and beyond. Often the symptoms are caused by reason of a pathological condition. Often, fluid accumulation within the uterine body detected by chance when performing ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

The clinical picture is due to the nature of the content. When the presence of free fluid in the womb of a woman can be confusing for the following symptoms.

  1. Increased uterine body sizes. This feature is characteristic for a substantial content volume. Can detect abnormalities by ultrasound and by palpation during a gynecological examination on the chair.
  2. Pain syndrome. Usually pain are pulling or aching in nature. Their origin is connected with a compression of nerve endings. Sometimes the pain associated with inflammation.
  3. Abnormal vaginal discharge. When the partial opening of the uterine cavity fluid contents leaking into the vagina. If the discharge has serous nature, they are light and watery. Pus assumes the appearance of thick yellow-green precipitates odor. Often there are signs of intoxication. Allocation may increase during exercise, and sexual contact.
  4. Violation of the cycle. The fluid is the cause of rejection disorders processes functional layer endometrium. It may also occur monthly delay. Sometimes there is accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity. If hemometra noted menstruation scarce or non-existent.

Accumulation of lochia has a specific clinical picture. Symptoms appear in the first week postpartum period. The amount of bleeding at the same time drastically reduced. Thus, lochia accumulate, stretching the cavity and causing pain, fever. During the inspection is determined by an enlarged painful body.

The presence of free fluid in the implementation of ultrasound may be determined by the following criteria:

  • an increase in body size;
  • the outer contour of the deformation;
  • irregular shape of the cavity;
  • changing the shape of the cavity of the cervical canal;
  • lochia heterogeneity due to the presence of membrane fragments clotted blood;
  • in some cases in the process of US determined lochia reason, for example, polyposis or fibroids;
  • in the presence or adenomyosis foci are visualized heterotopia.

In order to identify concomitant inflammation and hormonal disorders require additional diagnostic methods. To study the structure of the endometrium carried scraping.

In the initial stages of pregnancy the presence of free fluid in the uterus may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is important to US in dynamics, as well as to donate blood hCG every 2 days. HCG gain when an ectopic pregnancy may not be sufficient. However, there are cases of the normal amount of hCG with an ectopic pregnancy.

Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy for a long time is not accompanied by a clinical picture. Suspected ectopic pregnancy can be on the following grounds:

  • free liquid contents in the body in the absence of ovum;
  • presence of menstruation;
  • positive pregnancy test;
  • the occurrence of subjective sensations of pregnancy;
  • spotting.

Free liquid contents in the body cavity during menopause often indicates hyperplasia. It is known that in old age the excessive overgrowth of the endometrium is a factor in the development of malignant tumors.

Gynecologists point out that the cause of the free liquid content in the body of the body a lot. In each case needs a thorough diagnosis and determining the cause of the pathology.


Treatment depends on the cause, the composition and amount of free liquid contents. Treatment is carried out in two stages:

  • emptying;
  • reasons for the removal.

In the absence of signs of inflammation and a small amount of free liquid contents can be observed by using the ultrasonic diagnosis. Typically, the assigned drug therapy, including drugs to increase uterine blood flow and tissue regeneration, and vitamins.

Drug therapy may be supplemented by physical therapy techniques. After a course of treatment is assigned a control ultrasound.

Sometimes the treatment does not have the desired result. Thus, the pathology progresses, which can lead to complications. There is a body of the risk of infection. In this case, the mechanical removal is carried out using free content artificially enlarged cervical canal. Then assigned to antibiotic therapy.

In the presence of a small volume of the contents with signs of inflammation, gynecologists administered antibacterial treatment and forced emptying contents. When cluster spotting is performed surgery. Performed sensing cavity and search the causes of pathology. When the accumulation of blood after abortion and childbirth to eliminate pathology only by scraping.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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