1 Calendula and thrush
- 1.1 Beneficial features
2 application
- 2.1 syringing
- 2.2 trays
- 2.3 tampons
- 3 Indications and contraindications
- 4 Side effects
The fungus Candida albicans in most women is the vagina without causing trouble. The adverse factors lead to active multiplication, the expression of the pathogenic properties of pathogens, development of thrush. Popular "means grandmother's" treatment of thrush, recognized by official medicine, a tincture of calendula.
Calendula and thrush
There are many diseases, the clinical course similar to the symptoms of thrush. Calendula can be used not only for thrush, but other infectious and inflammatory pathologies of female genital tract. The pharmacological effects of the drug caused by plant biologically active substances that have anti-inflammatory action.
Marigold extract contains:
- oil-soluble pigments;
- hydroxy derivatives of flavones;
- polysaccharides;
- polyphenols;
- organic acids;
- various essential oils;
- nitrogen-containing mucus.
Distinguish local and general therapeutic measures for thrush. Specialist selects the diet and medicines strictly individually each particular patient. The gynecologist may advise marigold preparations as an additional medicament.
Beneficial features
Calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis), popularly referred to as marigold, is listed in the Russian Pharmacopoeia dosage. Medicinal plants are considered to be flowers.
By the properties of medicinal plants are:
- reduction in inflammatory phenomena;
- bactericidal effect;
- tissue regeneration;
- anti-virus;
- hypotensive;
- choleretic;
- astringent;
- helps to reduce spasms.
Thus, thrush, topical application of calendula helps reduce inflammation and improve healing.
Of calendula made tinctures, decoctions and infusions. Tincture is prepared on alcohol. When applied topically, tinctures, it necessarily should be diluted with water to avoid vaginal chemical burn. Decoction involves boiling, part of the active ingredients at the same time destroyed.
In practice, the most commonly used infusion of marigold. Dried marigold flowers is poured boiling water, allowed to infuse fluids time, cooled, filtered, if necessary, diluted with boiled water. Home-cooked infusion is suitable for use throughout the day. Store it in a cool darkened place.
You can buy dried marigold flowers, ointment, based on calendula tincture, alcohol tincture for oral use, as well as tablets Kaleflon - dry extract of the flowers of the plant.
Various manuals on the use of medicinal herbs offer different concentrations. When applied to plants drugs on the mucous membranes, to be specified at the doctor concentration dilutions. This is especially important when the tincture dilutions.
It must be remembered that the infusions, tinctures and decoctions are undosed liquid dosage forms. With self preparation clearly determine the concentration of active substances is not possible.
To improve the efficiency of antifungal agents and improve the healing process, the specialist may recommend calendula application as syringing, baths, vaginal insertion of tampons wetted with the preparation prepared in marigolds. The multiplicity of procedures and duration of treatment is determined by a specialist. It depends on the condition of the patient and the disease activity.
Douching with thrush conducted to leaching and fungi secretions from the vagina. It refers to invasive procedures. It is necessary to observe the rules of asepsis, control the temperature of the fluid, to abandon the procedure at the time of menstruation.
vaginal irrigation by introducing solutions via syringe or douches circles carried calendula extract. You should not use the infusion of marigold even after pre-dilution. Your doctor may recommend to carry out douche for thrush fitosbory - a mixture of herbs from marigold flowers, chamomile, yarrow and sage herbs.
Carrying out vaginal baths appointed as an additional procedure in the treatment of thrush. Vaginal part of the cervix at the same time immersed in the drug solution. Baths holds a specialist with a special spoon-shaped mirror. A woman should be in the time of the procedure in a gynecological chair.
Local baths or lotions can be performed using dissolved in boiled water tincture of calendula. One tablespoon must be dissolved in 500 ml of warm water. With gauze lotions must perform the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. Lotion Calendula allow relieve the itching, burning, inflammation, thrush.
One of the "granny methods" administration is treatment of thrush calendula tincture via vaginal swabs. Tampons are recommended to make your own from a sterile gauze should know that touching non-sterile gauze and hands scissors, can contribute to the ingress of pathogens in the vagina, is much more hazardous than the causative agent of thrush. The tampon is proposed to leave for the night, which may also lead to a worsening of the inflammatory process. If the woman is still decided to use a tampon with tincture of marigold for the treatment of thrush, it makes sense to inform your gynecologist. You can use tampons factory production.
Indications and contraindications
Application calendula not limited to gynecology. Medications, made on the basis of marigolds is used in cardiology, gastroenterology, dermatology, oncology, pediatrics, nephrology, stomatology, ophthalmology. Marigold drugs are drugs may be contraindicated in certain diseases and conditions.
It should be used with caution in this plant with:
- allergic diseases;
- bronchial asthma;
- reduced blood pressure.
During pregnancy and lactation use drugs calendula is necessary only after consulting your doctor.
Side effects
Tincture Calendula potentiates the action choleretic and anti-inflammatory agents, causes a decrease in blood pressure, causes bradycardia.
treat candidiasis It must be a complex, affecting the pathogen, increasing immune strength of the body, eliminating the adverse effects. It is therefore essential at the slightest suspicion of thrush, see a specialist.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.