Candles to restore microflora after the treatment of thrush


  • 1 Thrush and vaginal microflora violation
  • 2 Causes and symptoms
    • 2.1 Diagnostics
  • 3 Using candles
    • 3.1 testimony
    • 3.2 Normalization of microflora after antibiotic and pregnancy
    • 3.3 Names economy preparations
  • 4 Prevention of dysbiosis after candidiasis

In the body lives a huge number of microscopic bacteria, they are found everywhere - in the mouth, gut, skin and even the women in the vagina. These microorganisms serve essential functions, including growth and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the mucous membranes.

However, infectious disease, change of climate zone, decreased immunity and other factors could lead to the death of useful microorganisms that inhabit our bodies. In such a case an immediate restoration of the microflora.

The development of dysbiosis after thrush - is one of the most common phenomena in gynecological practice. What are its causes and symptoms, and what there are the most effective way to restore microflora?

Thrush and vaginal microflora violation

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Candidiasis or thrush - is a complex pathological condition which is characterized by abundant breeding the yeast Candida. Most often it develops due to lower immunity, major hormonal changes in the body or of infection.

The populations of the fungus thrush quickly start to grow and multiply, thus destroying the beneficial vaginal bacteria. As a result, it required the removal of the site of infection and microflora recovery.

Causes and symptoms

Violation of the normal vaginal microflora can occur for many reasons. Among the main factors of development of dysbiosis release:

  • decreased immunity;
  • serious hormonal disorders;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • change of climatic zones;
  • prolonged use of antibiotic drugs;
  • presence of chronic pathologies.

All of these changes can trigger the growth of fungi and yeast infections develop. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of itching, discomfort, burning, copious white precipitates cheesy consistency. It may appear discomfort during urination, sleep or sex.


In order to make sure that this is exactly the thrush, and not another infection, sexually transmitted, you must undergo a series of diagnostic procedures. This will reveal the genus and species of the pathogen and assign the most effective treatment to restore vaginal microflora.

Primarily conducted microscopic examination of a smear taken from the vagina. With this method it is possible to ascertain the presence of pathogenic microorganisms causing thrush.

Additionally, for the diagnosis of candidiasis using PCR method. With the surface of the cervix and urethra scraping is taken, which is subsequently used to accurately determine the DNA of the microorganism causing the infection.

PCR method sowing and separated on nutrient medium commonly used in laboratory practice, as for the detection and diagnosis of thrush comprehensive diagnosis is required more often.

However, the performance of conventional smear microscopy and vaginal cleanness is sufficient for diagnosis.

Using candles

microflora recovery - this is one of the most important stages in the treatment of thrush. After beneficial bacteria organism create a natural barrier, not allowing pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate internal organs, thereby participating in the formation of immunity in general.

There are several ways to restore microflora, one of which is the use of special candles. In its composition it contains lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, as well as additional components may comprise vitamin C, lactic acid and herbal extracts, anti-inflammatory act.


Candles to restore the natural microflora of the vagina are not only used in the treatment of thrush. In addition, they can be displayed in the following cases:

  • before performing any routine gynecological surgery, including cesarean section;
  • during pregnancy at high risk of pathologies associated with infection;
  • after prolonged treatment with antimicrobial drugs.

As with other medicinal products, candles to restore microflora are assigned strictly by the attending physician.

Normalization of microflora after antibiotic and pregnancy

Antibiotics leads to the fact that destroyed not only pathogens, but also beneficial bacteria, it is necessary for our body. That is why, after the use of antibiotics is important to undergo a course of restoration of natural microflora.

Usually for this purpose, preparations on the basis of probiotics, or immunomodulators, activating the protective functions of the human body.

In addition, these drugs is important to use during pregnancy. Especially at high risk of developing a disease associated with infection of the genital tract. Vaginal microflora plays an important role in protecting the fetus from viruses, diseases and infections. In order to restore the cream you use most often, candles or tablets.

Throughout pregnancy it is important to monitor the nature of vaginal discharge, and no apparent changes in color or consistency to see a doctor.

Names economy preparations

There are several dozen different drugs in the form of suppositories for restoring microflora thrush. Here as an example the most cost, but at the same time effective drugs.

  • Lactobacterin - in its composition candles contain lactic acid bacteria, which are able to restore the vaginal mucosa, to enhance local immunity and recreate the natural protective barrier;
  • Bifidumbacterin - is an analogue of the drug Lactobacterin, but contains in its composition bifidobacteria;
  • Vaginorm C - candles are assigned in conjunction with other medications, since they are full nutrient medium for the growth and reproduction of lactobacilli contain useful acid;
  • Gynoflor E - contains lactobacilli capable of suppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms and estriol in restoring the vaginal epithelial cells;
  • atsilakt - these candles are not only restore the natural microflora, but also acid-alkaline balance in the vagina.

Before using any drug, including candles, it is important to consult with your doctor about the dosage and possible side effects.

Candles to restore microflora They may only be used after the base treatment of thrush.

Prevention of dysbiosis after candidiasis

The process of restoring the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina thrush - is a very complicated way. Therefore, in order to avoid relapses need to follow certain preventive measures.

Firstly, you need to constantly monitor their health, avoid casual sex, being in stressful situations and try to regularly monitor the hormonal changes in the body.

Secondly, one of the most important rules of prevention of diseases of the reproductive system - a careful personal hygiene.

And, thirdly, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced and nutritious food - is the basis of the normal functioning of the whole organism and the female reproductive system in particular.

Since yeast is a co-morbidities, and the treatment should be complete and individualized. To eliminate the effects of treatment of candidiasis is recommended to use candles to restore microflora.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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