SDA 2 infertility: application of treatment


  • 1 Infertility fraction and SDA 2
  • 2 The composition and dosage form
  • 3 pharmachologic effect
  • 4 Indications and contraindications
  • 5 Dosage

Sooner or later there comes a time when a woman decides to become a mother. However, it happens that the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur after long-term planning. In such situations, it is important not to fall into despair, and to study the information and look for workarounds.

Infertility - a verdict, heard that every woman fears, but it is not a sentence. Sometimes, after many examinations and courses of therapy, the reason for the lack of pregnancy and persists. In some cases, in addition to official medicine, a desperate woman can help reception 2 ASD fraction 2 drug.

Infertility fraction and SDA 2

The diagnosis of infertility is set to a woman living a regular sex life, do not use any method of contraception during the year. Considering only the female factor as the reason for the absence of pregnancy, there are several main causes of infertility:

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  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere;
  • pathology cervix, fallopian tubes;
  • endometrial trauma history;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • immunologic incompatibility;
  • insufficient or excess body weight.

Modern medicine has made great progress. Millions of women, it has a chance to beat infertility and experience the joy of motherhood. In cases where women prefer to be treated by alternative means or wants to try all available methods, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation ASD.

The drug was invented by A. AT. Dorogov during the Second World War. Later, it was synthesized by the second and third fractions. In fertility treatment worked well is the second. SDA 2 can be used both internally and externally. Using his day vaginal douching, the probability of getting rid of pathogens of chronic bacterial or viral infections. Many women who were treated according to the drug were able to get rid of infertility and give birth to healthy children.

Officially, the drug has not been registered, therefore not used in the official medicine.

The composition and dosage form

The second fraction ASD produced in only one form - as a solution having a specific smell. He may have a color from yellow to dark red. Presence of fine sediment. The drug is produced in glass vials.

The drug has an original composition. It includes:

  • substance having one or more carboxyl groups;
  • substances comprising in its composition and tsiklopentakarbonovuyu tsiklogeksakarbonovuyu acid;
  • aliphatic amines;
  • carboxylic acid derivatives;
  • cyclic acid;
  • water.

SDA 2 is prepared by the thermal decomposition of various objects of animal origin: animal bones, meat and bone meal, meat waste. During the dry distillation organic substances are broken down into low molecular weight compounds.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has anti-inflammatory activity, antibacterial activity, active against certain viruses, stimulate regeneration and immune defense.

The main components of the drug - adaptogens substances secreted by the cell before its death. Penetrating into the body, they contribute to the regeneration of injured cells mobilize the body's defenses.

The second fraction SDA involved in metabolic processes of the body. Through her reception there is a restoration of normal cell function, all vital systems begin to work as productively as possible. The positive effect of receiving two fractions SDA infertility caused by the totality of all areas of its action.

Indications and contraindications

The second fraction SDA may be effective in some pathologies.

  1. Acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the gall bladder and pancreas.
  2. Inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Diseases of the eye and the visual analyzer.
  4. Pathology of Hearing.
  5. Acute respiratory infections.
  6. Resistant hypertension.
  7. Inflammatory diseases of the lungs and airways.
  8. Benign or malignant tumor, prevention of metastasis.
  9. Disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  10. Mild forms of urinary incontinence.
  11. Enuresis.
  12. Erectile dysfunction.
  13. Prostatitis.
  14. Inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system.
  15. Disease, sexually transmitted diseases.
  16. Infertility (2 ASD fraction can help not only in female factor, but also for men).
  17. Skin diseases.
  18. The long-term scarring wounds.
  19. Fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes.
  20. Excess weight.

The use of the drug is not obtained official permission, so to appoint him officially doctors are not eligible. Deciding to use the drug to treat infertility or other diseases, the patient should be aware that in case of adverse effects the whole responsibility lies on his shoulders.

The second fraction of SDA is prohibited to apply in the following situations:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • immunodeficiency condition;
  • severe pathology;
  • diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • breastfeeding;
  • severe hypertension.

In most cases, the drug was well tolerated, the occurrence of side effects is extremely rare. The most common possible are nausea and dizziness.


In the treatment of infertility SDA second fraction taken orally and topically (douching 1% aqueous solution).

There are two standard regimens for infertility. The first is as follows. To 100 ml of water at room temperature, diluted with 2 fractions 15-30 drops SDA. Taken orally half an hour before meals. Multiplicity: 5 days of drug used, followed by a break for 3 days. Then - in the same way. The second fraction of the SDA should be used to complete cure from infertility.

The second scheme involves the following embodiment. Course admission SDA 2 of infertility is 80 days:

  • 1 day: One drop of the preparation is diluted with boiled water at room temperature and ingested during a meal;
  • Day 2: 2 drops;
  • Day 3: 3 drops.

Further ASD fraction 2 taken incrementally to 40 days. Starting from day 41 a dose reduction occurs in the opposite direction:

  • 41 days: 39 drops;
  • 42 Day: 38 drops.

To achieve a positive effect in the treatment of infertility, during reception of the SDA 2 fractions necessary to completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages. Diluting the drug only permitted boiled and cooled with water to room temperature.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 76
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