- 1 Effect laparoscopy the menstrual cycle
2 On what day of the cycle do laparoscopy
- 2.1 Do make laparoscopy during menstruation
- 2.2 On what day of the cycle, it is best to do a laparoscopy
3 When coming month after laparoscopy
- 3.1 Month after laparoscopic ovarian cyst
- 3.2 Menses after laparoscopic tubal
4 Menstruation after laparoscopy
- 4.1 Could be monthly after the operation delay
- 4.2 The first month after laparoscopy
- 4.3 Painful periods after laparoscopy
- 4.4 Abundant month after laparoscopy
- 4.5 Scanty menses after laparoscopy
- 5 possible complications
- 6 rehabilitation period
- 7 conclusion
After carrying out minimally invasive operations on the ovaries with complications faced no more than 15% of patients. The most common violations of the regularity of the menstrual cycle. But for most women after laparoscopic ovarian month come on time and are unremarkable.
Effect laparoscopy the menstrual cycle
Laparoscopy refers to a minimally invasive surgical techniques. When carrying out its effect on the body is minimal. But after the operation may change the nature and regularity of menses. The first 1-2 monthly cycle delay after laparoscopy must not induce panic. It can occur because of the psycho-emotional surge, especially the influence of anesthesia on the female body, or the deterioration of the immune system.
Impact on the monthly directly related to the surgical intervention was performed for some reason. If you do a laparoscopy patient with polycystic ovaries, the menstrual period should be normalized. Minimally invasive intervention is often prescribed to women with cysts on the ovaries. After removing the delay should not be greater.
Important! It is necessary to observe the character of the month after the surgery. The peculiarities of their course judged on the recovery process.
The appearance of brown discharge with an unpleasant aroma shows the development of the inflammatory process and plentiful monthly accompanied by severe pain, may be a sign of an internal bleeding.
On what day of the cycle do laparoscopy
When planning a laparoscopy need to decide when it is best to do the operation. The exact date is selected depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. If ovarian cysts are best surgical plan for the period after ovulation.
If you want to check the patency of the fallopian tubes, the operation assigned to the period before ovulation. This will eliminate the chance of pregnancy.
If there are indications for urgent intervention the surgeon will not focus on the day of the menstrual cycle. Laparoscopy is done immediately after the patient's admission to hospital.
Do make laparoscopy during menstruation
During menstruation, the planned operation is not carried out. Menstruation blood clotting in women is broken, so increases the risk of bleeding. At occurrence of such complications is likely that the surgeon will have to make an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus completely removed to save the life of the patient.
Performing laparoscopy during menstruation is associated with risk of infectious-inflammatory process. If there are no indications for emergency surgery, the operation during menstruation do not, it is transferred.
Laparoscopy during menstruation can spend on the condition that the woman was admitted to hospital with a suspected one of these diagnoses:
- cyst gap;
- twisting legs cystic formation;
- ovarian apoplexy;
- development of pyo-inflammatory process in appendages.
When the need for urgent intervention of the doctor focuses only on the hemodynamic parameters and the results of patient tests.
On what day of the cycle, it is best to do a laparoscopy
Routine laparoscopy is best done after ovulation is completed. In phase 2 the Council to make medical-diagnostic laparoscopy with unexplained infertility, cysts, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
In the standard cycle lasting 28 days, the optimal period for its implementation is considered to be 15-24 days. It is better not to plan a laparoscopy in the last days of the cycle.
To carry out routine medical diagnostic laparoscopy fallopian tubes are choosing 5-7 day cycle. During this period the work of the blood coagulation system is normalized, and the organism will be enough time to recover before the next period.
When coming month after laparoscopy
The majority of patients who agreed to conduct laparoscopic surgery, disorders of menstruation does not occur. Immediately after surgery for 2-3 days may be the appearance of bleeding. They arise from the violation of the integrity of the internal organs and are not associated with menstruation.
If laparoscopic surgery done after ovulation, then wait for the onset of menstruation do not have long. In cases where a woman with a 28-day cycle operation was carried out for 18 days, menstruation will start in 10 days. But sometimes a laparoscopy is the cause of failure - the date of the operation becomes 1 day of the next cycle.
Occurrence delay monthly after surgery. If your period does not come in time, it is no more than a week from the expected start date, it should seem gynecologist.
Month after laparoscopic ovarian cyst
Patients suffering from delays caused by polycystic or cystic on the ovaries, menstrual cycles after surgery should be normalized quickly. Most women who have had a laparoscopy because of the cyst, monthly manages to forget about the violations.
Attention! Often patients with polycystic ovaries after laparoscopy prescribe hormone therapy. In this situation, the problems with the regularity of monthly will not.
Menses after laparoscopic tubal
In cases where the assigned medical-diagnostic operation for the assessment of the fallopian tubes, dissecting adhesions, menstrual disorders should not be. But delays occur in some women. Among the most common reasons for their occurrence is called:
- hormonal disorders;
- stress caused by the operation;
- infectious and inflammatory diseases;
- a weakened immune system.
For the prevention of hormonal disruption, many gynecologists advise women taking hormonal preparations with the onset of a new cycle. In such treatment the likelihood of delays is minimal.
Many doctors advise patients to try to get pregnant for 6 months after surgery. After all, there is the risk of a recurrence of adhesions, so there can be problems with the onset of pregnancy in the future.
Menstruation after laparoscopy
After the planned laparoscopic surgery, many women have spotting. But the date of the onset of menstruation, they have no effect. If complications do not arise, the monthly must come in time. According to the nature and intensity of the discharge may be a bit different from the usual.
Could be monthly after the operation delay
If your period does not start on time, then do not panic. Postoperative disorders menstrual cycles are considered a normal option. The majority of patients in the critical days are coming planning period, but may be reduced or lengthening the duration of the cycle. When the disturbances is desirable to consult with the attending gynecologist.
Some women after laparoscopic ovarian cyst menstruation delay continues for several months. The reason for this may be a violation of regularity:
- effect of narcosis;
- stress caused by the operation;
- hormonal disbalance.
It is advisable to be examined by a doctor to determine the cause of the lack of menstruation, if they are delayed for more than 2 weeks. The gynecologist should examine the patient, to give direction to the ultrasound. According to the results of complex examination determined the cause of delay and the selected therapy.
The first month after laparoscopy
Character first period after the operation depends on the cause of it. If the patient was removed cysts, adhesions were dissected, then the intensity of the discharge should not change significantly. In organizing the laparoscopic approach for the removal of endometriosis month begin immediately. They are distinguished by a profusion, some patients complain of pain amplification.
When the discharge of yellow-green color with an unpleasant odor should immediately appear doctor. It shows the development of infectious-inflammatory process. Alert should also a large number of clusters emerging from the uterus during menstruation.
Painful periods after laparoscopy
Increased pain during menstruation in women is a cause for consultation with a gynecologist. Some patients - is an individual reaction to surgical intervention. Strengthening pain most often occurs if the removed parts of organs, incisions are made in the ovaries, tissue scrapings.
Important! The appearance of pronounced pain during menstruation may indicate the development of infections.
Abundant month after laparoscopy
If the first menstruation after laparoscopy have become abundant, but laying enough for more than 2 hours, no reason to worry. In the postoperative period, the increase in excreta allowed. Viscera takes time for full recovery and healing of the wound surface.
In cases where the discharge becomes too heavy, the gaskets are not enough for 1-1.5 hours, it is necessary to see a doctor. It is important not to miss the start of bleeding.
When prolonged heavy menses may develop anemia, impaired general condition of the patient. Therefore, gynecologists recommend inform them of any variances.
Scanty menses after laparoscopy
Patients in whom laparoscopy after about ovarian cyst removal began scanty menses should consult a gynecologist. The changing nature of the first menstruation possibly due to myocardial stress, individual reactions to anesthesia and surgical intervention. But to avoid possible pathologies is necessary to seem to the gynecologist.
possible complications
After the laparoscopic likelihood of complications is minimal. Their appearance is possible with tackle art surgery, which resulted in damaged blood vessels or internal organs. This can provoke a massive bleeding, which can stop by following abdominal incision.
Failure to comply with the rules of antiseptics may develop infection. For the prevention of such complications in the postoperative period, doctors often prescribe antibiotics. Among the possible complications encountered menstrual cycle disruptions, adhesive disease, hormonal disorders.
rehabilitation period
After a laparoscopy is important to follow all the surgeon's recommendations. This will reduce the recovery period. For fast recovery is needed early activation of patients. The sooner a woman starts to move, the less likely the formation of adhesions.
The rehabilitation period is necessary to stick to the diet. It is desirable to give up salty, spicy foods, alcohol, to reduce the consumption of fatty, fried food. It is desirable to eat frequently but in small portions.
In the first 2 weeks after laparoscopy is necessary to completely eliminate sex. This is necessary to reduce the risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases. In the first month after laparoscopy is necessary to protect themselves. Begin planning pregnancy it is better after the menses.
Month after laparoscopy ovaries should pass without features. But some women have delays, changing the nature of discharge. During the first 1-2 cycles permitted deviations appearance, but long delays, heavy menstruation, occurrence of secretions or atypical odor requires consultation gynecologist.
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