Infertility after Postinor, Gardasil, Ibuprofen, Kagocel


  • 1 Effect of drugs on the reproductive function
    • 1.1 postinor
    • 1.2 The vaccine Gardasil
    • 1.3 ibuprofen
    • 1.4 Kagocel
  • 2 The risk of infertility and cancer after the tea bag

For emergency prevention of unwanted conception can take postinor - a means of preventing a successful fertilization. But to use a contraceptive drug is allowed no more than twice within 6 months. Abuse of hormonal medicines leads to many side-effects, one of which relates infertility.

Effect of drugs on the reproductive function

To one of the factors leading to both female and male infertility, it relates taking certain medications. Substances that are part of certain medicines, can negatively impact on ovulatory function and sperm.

Seminal fluid can become inactive, initiating the inability to conceive. This is due to long-term use of anabolic steroids, some antiviral drugs, antibiotics. For male infertility results not only in impaired spermatogenesis, but decreased libido, erection problems.

The greatest danger for female fertility hormone products are pharmacological directional control pills, initiating failure in an organism. Regular use of funds for emergency prevention of unwanted conception, or the uncontrolled use of contraceptive medications significantly impair fertility.

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Depending on the period of application and dosage of medication can cause complete and temporary infertility. Typically, after the cessation of the use of fertility drugs is restored.


Levonorgestrel is the active component of birth control pills. The concentration of this substance in a single pill Postinor corresponds to any 20 tablets contraceptive. The package contains 2 tablets to be taken within 72 hours after intercourse unsafe, with an interval of 12 hours.

Postinor action mechanism is based on:

  • blocking ovulation, which prevents the egg matured in time to get out of the ovary;
  • changes in the quality of cervical secretions - mucus becomes thick, which prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus;
  • inhibition of movement of the fertilized egg - fertilized egg can not implant in the uterine wall.

After receiving pharmacological product body is experiencing hormonal powerful shot, as a single tablet contains "killing" the dose of active component. That is why postinor may only be used in emergency cases.

Birth control pills It can be taken no more than 4 times during the year.

Permanent reception contraceptive leads to infertility. This is due to the influence of Postinor on the ovaries, the functioning of which is broken. It reduces the production of its own hormones that affect the menstrual cyclicity and the ability to conceive.

Due to the lack of progesterone and estrogen synthesis menstruation does not begin to come regularly, and then completely disappear. Due to the development of amenorrhea woman becomes infertile. With timely treatment to the gynecologist can be solved.

The vaccine Gardasil

Pharmacological product is designed in the 90s of the 20th century American scientists. A drug created to combat the human papilloma virus that causes cervical cancer. The vaccine can be administered to girls beginning at 9 years old and women to 45 years. Using Gadrdasila girls before sexual debut is preferred.

After the conducted studies have shown that the vaccine is able to aggravate the condition of the female body, which initially HPV infection is present in an inactive form, chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of internal genital authorities. After administration of the drug on a background of a lack of immune response the virus begins to intensify, leading to infertility.

Vaccination is necessary only healthy girls and young women.

Unequivocal opinion about the vaccine is not. Many doctors deny the information about the negative effects Gadrdasila, claiming that part of the drug contains only recombinant virus particles, which are not able to harm the body.


According to the results of international studies found that treatment Ibuprobenom during pregnancy adversely affects the fertility of female embryos. Scientists have studied the ovarian tissue structure in embryos up to 12 weeks. It was found that the number of eggs was reduced by 2 times.

Ibuprofen kills egg or stops their growth even during fetal development. It threatens to infertility and early menopause onset in adulthood. Ibuprofen is found in umbilical cord blood, which proves its ability to penetrate the placenta, exposing the fetus adversely affected.

French scientists say that Ibuprofen is also hurting and men's health. Prolonged use of an analgesic effect on the development of hypogonadism - testicular pathological condition in which testosterone concentration is reduced. Such a breach can cause infertility.


Antiviral tablets Kagocel used for treatment of influenza infections and viral nature. The composition of the drug include gossypol, which provokes sterility. After studies conducted established that the agent significantly reduces spermatogenesis. Gossypol is particularly harmful to young boys. Long reception Kagocel provoked long pass fertility problems.

Many physicians prescribe tablets to patients, since in their production is only polymerized gossypol, enters the bloodstream minimum concentration element. Unbound gossypol in a free condition capable of reducing the quality of semen, inhibiting the development of germ cells.

The risk of infertility and cancer after the tea bag

There is a theory that tea bags negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, bone and provokes infertility and cancer.

People who regularly drink this tea at the same time use the following harmful substances:

  • chlorine, which is bleached paper to create bags;
  • epichlorohydrin - pesticide breakdown products which initiates reduction of the immune status, infertility, cancer;
  • nylon or plastic, of which produce bags that emit toxic elements.

According to experts, the tea bag can be useful, because the product is made from the old small leaves that have managed to accumulate fluoride. These compounds are destroying the kidneys, skeletal system. The repeated one brewing sachet increases the concentration of toxic compounds.

Postinor, Ibuprofen, Kagocel - really effective medicines, treatment which provokes unexpected consequences. Birth control pills postinor can harm the body if taken frequently and uncontrollably. Popular painkiller Ibuprofen should also be taken strictly according to instructions and in rare cases.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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