Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the uterus in women


  • 1 inflammation of the uterus in women
  • 2 symptoms
  • 3 Treatment

Pain in the lower abdomen are familiar, perhaps, to every woman. In cat-they occur in the first days of menstruation, some are starting to bother even a few days before they begin, and sometimes they arise quite suddenly and can bring a lot of inconvenience, making it difficult to lead a normal life and are forced to take painkillers drugs.

Abdominal pain - always a disturbing symptom, which may be a sign of many diseases, including inflammation of the pelvic organs and the uterus in women, and requires immediate treatment. What is this disease? What symptoms indicate its development, and how to treat it, consider further.

inflammation of the uterus in women

inflammation of the uterus occurs when its cavity get viruses, bacteria or fungal infections. There are several types, depending on the localization of the process in the body:

  • cervicitis - an inflammation of the cervical canal;
  • endometritis - an inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus;
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  • idiometritis - inflammation in the muscle layer of the uterine myometrium;
  • endomyometritis - a disease of two layers - the myometrium and endometrium.

inflammatory processes do not start accidentally. The infection can get so deep only the weakening of natural defenses of the female reproductive system. In most cases, the acidic environment of the vaginal mucosa and cervical barrier does not allow infections to enter the uterus.

The main causes of inflammation of the uterus:

  • Obstructed labor (weak labor, poor opening of the cervix, postpartum hemorrhage, incomplete emptying of the cavity by the placenta).
  • Surgery in the pelvic area (non-compliance with the rules of septic tanks and antiseptics, careless manipulation, providing treatment if infection present in the body).
  • Diagnostic research methods (curettage, biopsy, hysteroscopy, cervicoscopy, colposcopy, and others).
  • Cesarean section.
  • Abortion or after curettage missed abortion or incomplete abortion.
  • Keeping sex life during the critical days.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene of genitals after delivery and operations during critical days.
  • Running or numerous diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • The large number of sexual partners.
  • Early onset of sexual activity.
  • Installation, removal of ingrown or intrauterine device.
  • Elution of the natural microflora of the vagina using douching.
  • cervical ectopy (presence of mucosal surfaces in the neck).

It is not always possible to pinpoint the cause of the inflammatory process, if it was not caused by physical interference with the body cavity.


Inflammatory processes are acute and chronic. Depending on this will change and the intensity of their symptoms.

acute inflammation impossible to miss:

  • sharp increase in body temperature (38-40 degrees);
  • Symptoms of intoxication - fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, dizziness;
  • bleeding or other abnormal discharge from the genital tract (purulent, serous, sukrovichnye);
  • malodor precipitates;
  • acute or pulling may have cramping pain in the lower abdomen and back.

Acute inflammation of the uterus most often it occurs after curettage, childbirth, abortion, cesarean delivery, diagnostic procedures and other interventions in the internal organs of women. Treat these diseases is necessary as soon as possible, as soon as the first symptoms, otherwise the disease will pass into a chronic form.

The symptoms of the chronic inflammatory process in the uterus similar to the symptoms of many diseases affecting women. It is necessary to consult a doctor-gynecologist and begin to treat the disease, if you have:

  • have unusual discharge from the vagina;
  • periodically there are pains in the lower abdomen or sacral (pain while also are not critical days of absolute norm);
  • unpleasant smell from the genital tract;
  • dryness, itching and burning sensation in the labia and vagina;
  • It appears pain during sexual intercourse or after;
  • slightly increased body temperature (37-37,5 ° C);
  • there are uterine bleeding at the wrong time;
  • appeared irritability, lack of energy, you become quickly tired for no reason, often raises the pulse and there are hot flushes;
  • there are failures of the menstrual cycle (the delay is too short cycle, absence of menstruation).
  • excessively heavy or scanty from the genital tract during critical days.

Symptoms in women with uterine inflammation can be very different, and can generally be omitted. Therefore, you must undergo routine checkups at the gynecologist at least once a year to ensure that, if necessary, begin treatment of any disease in time.


Acute inflammatory processes in women after childbirth, operations and diagnostic procedures are treated in a hospital. Treatment always begins with gynecological cleaning, which is necessary in order to get rid of the cause, cause inflammation (tissue residues gestational sac, placenta, suture material). And also cleaning is carried out to accelerate the recovery of endometriosis and metroendometrioze when to empty the uterus of infected mucosal tissue layer (manually perform a complete exfoliation of the patient and the withdrawal of the endometrium, which normally takes place during critical days). After surgery, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and hormones that stimulate proper growth of new tissue in the uterus.

treatment with antibiotics the acute form of the disease can help relieve the symptoms within one to two days.

Chronic inflammation of the uterus in women can be treated as outpatients. To do this, designate:

  • antibacterials "Metrogil" or "Metronidozol" stop and prevents further spread of infection, sulfonamides;
  • vitamin complexes in the composition which is required to present Vitamin 'C', vitamins of group "B" and "E", folic acid and others;
  • antihistamines for relief of symptoms (itching, edema) - "Ketotifen" or "Tavegil";
  • pills to improve blood flow and metabolism in the tissues of the pelvic organs;
  • immunomodulators to prevent recurrence of the disease - "Immunal", "Dekaris";
  • medicines to improve blood clotting;
  • biostimulants - "Torfot" or "Bioset";
  • physiotherapy.

After treatment commonly prescribed combined oral contraceptives for two - four months to normalize hormonal levels and accelerate the recovery process in the organs and tissues of the body.

During treatment, sexual partners need to be examined and, if necessary, therapy prescribed by a doctor. On the recovery period is necessary to completely eliminate sex. And two - three months both partners need to re-pass all tests and make sure there are no infections in the urogenital system.

inflammation of the uterus in women - a very common disease that can be successfully dispose only with timely and proper treatment. Otherwise, the inflammation can cause complications such as adhesions, cysts, fibroids, pregnancy complications (placental abruption, bleeding, prematurity, congenital infection, multiple miscarriages), infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, increased malignancies and the development of sepsis. Do not delay treatment of any form of inflammation of the uterus.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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