Treatment after curettage with endometrial hyperplasia


  • 1 What is endometrial hyperplasia
  • 2 Reasons and the main features of
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 curettage procedure
  • 5 Treatment
  • 6 Treatment of relapse
  • 7 rehabilitation period

Undoubtedly, such a procedure as curettage in endometrial hyperplasia scares many women. In fact, the procedure is required, and its pain and trauma are often too exaggerated.

To understand why you need to scraping, you should know that this hyperplasia of the endometrium and the damage this disease is able to put women's health.

What is endometrial hyperplasia

Hyperplasia - pathological process in which the observed irregularities in the internal structure of the mucous layer of the uterus. At the same illness glandular cells responsible for covering the cavity, start fast grow and thicken, thereby changing the size and structure of the uterus, there is a risk development of oncology.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia must! Drug therapy usually does not bring the proper result, so after all necessary tests, the patient is sent to a diagnostic and surgical scraping the mucous layer uterus.

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Total there are several types of endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus:

  • glandular;
  • glandulocystica;
  • alopecia;
  • atypical.

Reasons and the main features of

The main symptom of hormonal disorders are diseases. In this regard, the main risk group includes women predklimaksny period and girls who have reached puberty. It was during this time and the greatest hormonal disruptions occur. Violations can lead and some other factors, such as:

  • sharp rejection of hormonal preparations;
  • gynecological surgery;
  • abortion;
  • polycystic;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

Sharp weight gain may also negatively affect the hormonal background and cause of its violation. The fact that adipose tissue contributes to increased production of female hormones estrogen and their abundance body enhances work endometrial glandular cells, which often leads to an active proliferation of mucous.

The cause of the hyperplasia and could be a hereditary factor. The risk of developing the disease in women increases significantly if the disease has been diagnosed in her mother.


Unfortunately, so arranged by nature that the uterus has almost no pain receptors, so many disease processes in its cavity are quite noticeable. Learn about the disease a woman can accidentally by ultrasound, or by passing a preventive examination by a gynecologist.

If the disease has been diagnosed in the US, which took place in the last days of the cycle - it should be repeated after the end of menstruation. This is necessary because the endometrial thickness may vary considerably in different periods of the cycle. If and reanalyze a thickness of 15 mm and above - assigned scraping.

In some cases, the disease is still making itself felt a number of features that need to be noticed in time. Main hyperplasia symptoms.

  • Irregular, too long or atypically heavy menstruation.
  • Sukrovichnyh appearance of precipitates in the middle of the cycle. In most cases this attribute indicates the presence of polyps, since for their sprouting vascular walls become fragile and in secretions blood blotches appear.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. Aggravation occurs during menstruation. Many women suffer from mild pain during menstruation and without any gynecological ailments. If before such a feature is not mentioned - an occasion consult a specialist.
  • Long, but unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant. Hormonal failure and severe defeat endometrium prevent fertilized egg.

curettage procedure

Since the entire operation is performed under general anesthesia, no discomfort and pain the patient will not feel. The most suitable period for the procedure - before the onset of menstruation. During this period the body is ready to replace the layer of the endometrium and in this case the scraping hyperplasia does not cause damage to it functional.

Is the operation using one of two basic ways: by means of curettage or hysteroscope.

  1. Curettage.

The method is based on the fence samples of the endometrium special medical instrument - curette. After dilatation specialist introduces curette and collect the required number of mucous from its cavity. The resulting material is sent for further diagnostic study, and a woman is assigned a course of treatment to prevent recurrence.

  1. hysteroscopy

The essence of this method is not much different from the curettage, but apart from a curette, which is produced and diagnostic curettage and endometrial sampling in uterus introduce a special optical device - hysteroscope. Uterus itself filled with liquid or gas, which lift the abdominal wall and allow the skilled to visually monitor the progress of the operation. Hysteroscopy more preferred by many surgeons and gynecologists, as it reduces the percentage inaccuracy or injury potential blind during cleaning.


Curettage in endometrial hyperplasiaThe main task, after it was carried out the surgical or diagnostic curettage, is to prevent the development of inflammatory processes. To this end, after the procedure required to be appointed a course of antibiotics. Additional steps are therapy.

  • Saturation of the body microelements. In particular, the B vitamins, which help to accelerate the healing process and restoring the epithelium.
  • Treatment of hormonal drugs. You can adjust the hormonal balance and prevent recurrence of the disease.
  • It shows very well the course of reflexology and electrophoresis.

Also, treatment should include preparations containing gestogeny - Djufaston or Provera. And with existing endocrine disorders, treatment should be supplemented with combination therapy containing both progestin and estrogen - Janine, Trikvilar.

Regular monitoring specialist is also mandatory in the treatment after scraping. At the end of the therapy, carried out a diagnostic study of the endometrial tissue.

Treatment of relapse

If after repeated curettage notes repeated overgrowth of the endometrium, possibly a radical solution to the problem. What treatment is chosen, a specialist decides, based on a number of factors.

A single relapse is possible, and if not properly carrying out scraping. Most often, this is the fault of an inexperienced doctor, or in cases where the operation was carried out "blindly", without the use of a hysteroscope.

If the client is not interested in preserving the reproductive functions may be assigned to repeated scraping with complete removal of the uterus mucosa.

If there is concomitant diseases of the reproductive system, which can harm the health of women taking on uterus removal solution, ovaries and appendages. Treatment after such a procedure is lengthy and complex, and does not exclude an option of taking the drugs for life to maintain the hormonal levels in women.

If the patient insists on maintaining its fertility, a second curettage procedure.

rehabilitation period

After curettage as after any other operation, to be followed elementary preventive measures for a quick recovery and more effective treatment. The rehabilitation period should be:

  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • carefully follow the hygiene;
  • to refrain from physical exertion;
  • renounce sexual activity for at least 2 weeks.

The recovery period is recommended completely eliminate the foods, drinks and substances that have a negative impact on tissue regeneration, these include: caffeine, tobacco, trans fats and alcohol.

Typically, the recovery process is carried out after scraping passes quickly enough. The mucous layer of the endometrium is reduced already within two weeks, and after 1-2 months the patient can become pregnant.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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