What is the globular uterus


  • 1 adenomyosis
    • 1.1 Classification
  • 2 The causes of the disease
  • 3 The main symptoms
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 Treatment

In some cases, the uterus can change shape and become spherical, though the normal body is pear-shaped. Such changes occur either during pregnancy, or if adenomyosis.


Spherical shape of the uterus - is a change in the shape and structure of an organ, which is most often caused by an illness or pregnancy. The main reason is still a adenomyosis.

Adenomyosis - a germination of the uterine endometrium into the muscle layer. Propagation of cells occurs by contact. In this case, the body grows in size and becomes a spherical shape. The uterus reaches such a volume, which is usually typical for 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. This pathological process, namely the ingrowth of endometrial cells in the muscle layer, gives the contractile function of the organ also leads to a number of serious consequences.

The disease usually occurs in women of childbearing age, especially after 27-30 years. Adenomyosis is the third most common disease of the female reproductive system and often occurs in conjunction with fibroids or external endometriosis. Since the inner spherical shell divided uterine cells, their occurrence in the muscle layer can cause the formation of cysts, tumors or adhesive processes in the surrounding tissues.

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Recently conducted studies to determine the relationship between adenomyosis and infertility in science and medicine. It is believed that the pathological processes that occur at the same time in a globular uterus can impede conception of the child.


There are two main classifications of adenomyosis, which is characterized by globular uterus. The first of these is based on morphology, cytology and histology. Are 4 main forms:

  • focal type. In this case the inner shell cells invade the muscular layer, forming individual pockets.
  • nodular type. In this case the endometrial cells spread on the muscle layer in the form of nodes. Nodes often surrounded by connective tissue and have a cavity filled with blood.
  • diffuse type. For this type characterized by the formation of nodes or endometrial lesions during penetration into the myometrium. Uterus becomes a spherical shape and increases significantly in size.
  • mixed type. In this case, a spherical morphology and structure of the uterus includes features diffuse and nodular type.

The classification based on the second embodiment lies in the separation pathology grade 4:

  1. 1 degree. Violations observed only in the submucosa of the spherical form of the uterus.
  2. 2 degree. endometrial cells penetrate into the myometrium at a small depth.
  3. 3 degree. Distribution of mucosal cells occurs in most of the spherical muscular layer of the uterus.
  4. 4 degree. Structural changes observed over the entire depth of the myometrium, in addition, the pathology may spread to adjacent organs and tissues.

In the later stages the disease can cause not only changes shape of the uterus, but also the spread of disease in the organs and muscle fibers of the abdominal cavity.

The causes of the disease

Spherical shape of the uterus has several ways of development. There are certain causes endometrial proliferation, characterized by changing the shape of the uterus on the spherical. First of all, a mechanical damage, injury or disorder inner mucosal integrity. Because of this, there is a strong growth of endometrial cells and its penetration into the muscle layer of the uterus spherical. Damage can be abortion, intrauterine misuse, surgical curettage and complicated labor.

The second important reason is the change in hormonal levels. This fact, according to many gynecologists, and is fundamental to a change in the shape of the uterus spherical. It follows that obesity or irregular menstruation (menses started too early or too late) are also causes of the disease. Since both of these factors is most often provoked serious disturbances in the hormonal system of women.

Changes in the immune system play a key role in the development of the disease. The normal immune response will prevent endometrial cells settle down in his unusual conditions.

The reason globular uterus It may be a genetic predisposition.

Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system inflammatory disorders, excessive exercise regularly, stress and hard work - all this is a prerequisite for the functioning of the reproductive system disorders women. It is therefore to eliminate a particular disease, doctors first recommended more rest and normalize your work schedule.

The main symptoms

There are both quite specific symptoms unique to this disease, and general signs of disruption of the reproductive system. Some of them may not appear practical and deliver patient discomfort in everyday life, while others can be quite severe and lead to complications.

What is the globular uterusSymptoms typical for adenomyosis, the main feature of which is spherical uterus:

  • Heavy menstruation. Endometrium plays an important role in the menstrual cycle, as if fertilization has not occurred, its cells are isolated from the body with blood. The growth of the endometrium into the muscle layer causes excessive bleeding. Often this process started form can lead to anemia.
  • Brown discharge before menstruation.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen. Especially often such pain associated with the menstrual cycle. Many women mistakenly believe that strong pain before, during menstruation or after them - this is normal. However, this is not the case. This symptom may indicate a serious disease of the reproductive system.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse. The growth of the endometrium may cause discomfort or pain during sex. This is what becomes women reason to see a doctor, and then diagnosed pathology of the sexual organs.
  • Difficulty conceiving and carrying a child. Spherical uterus muscle and disturbance of organ integrity layer is often caused by adhesions process in the fallopian tubes, which further prevents the exit of the egg and its merging with spermatozoon. Increased tone of the myometrium due to the penetration of endometrial cells can cause spontaneous abortion, ie, abortion.

Apart from all these symptoms, the patient may disturb frequent headaches, malaise, nausea, disruption of the digestive tract or urinary frequency. However, these features are only common to most diseases of internal genital organs.


The first thing you do for the diagnosis of any disease - a patient survey and the study of history. Next, the gynecologist is necessary to conduct inspection on the chair with the help of special tools. It is best to carry out a survey a few days before the onset of menstruation - this applies ultrasound. During the examination, the doctor sets a changing shape of the uterus and an increase in body size. It may also be marked tuberosity endometrial presence of knots or lumps on the walls of the uterine lining.

The main method of diagnosis of many diseases of internal genital organs is ultrasound. This method allows you to get the most accurate information about the location of the uterus, especially its structure and composition, as well as size and shape.

Hysteroscopy is another important method. With it you can spend scraping and histological examination of the endometrium on the glass, as well as to detect the penetration of the place of endometrial cells in the uterine myometrium with video support.

The use of several diagnostic methods It will provide the most complete and accurate information about the patient's condition, as well as to pick up an effective and safe treatment.


adenomyosis treatment, One of the main signs of which is spherical uterus, depends on the extent and type of disease. Also takes into account the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism and whether the woman plans to continue the pregnancy.

There are two types of treatment.

  • Conservative. It means itself only medication. In this case, the doctor prescribes anti-hormonal drugs, vitamin complexes, and also means that activate the immune system.
  • Surgery. If treatment drugs did not help, surgery is performed. It can be of two types: a radical, in which the diseased organ is completely removed, or sparing with uterine preservation. Complete removal is rare, in the most extreme cases and only patients older than 40-45 years. In other cases, a cauterizing the lesion endometrial laser or electric shock.

What is the globular uterusAdenomyosis and change the shape of the uterus as a result of the disease - those are the states, which are characterized by a chronic course and regular recurrence. In 70% of patients after appropriate treatment of the disease there is renewed for 5 years. Least of all susceptible women relapse after 40 years, because the functioning of the ovaries begins to fade.

Globular uterus can occur in two cases: in the 5-6 weeks of gestation, as well as the sprouting of the endometrium into the myometrium. In the second case, developing adenomyosis, diagnosis and treatment which helps prevent anemia, a problem in conceiving and carrying a pregnancy.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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