- 1 Removal by abdominal surgery
- 2 Recovery and rehabilitation period
Uterine fibroids is one of the most frequently detected diseases, diseases related to female genitalia. The disease is typical for representatives of childbearing age.
Myoma of the uterus is called the education that occurs in the myometrium and having benign. In the medical literature there are also terms fibroma and leiomyoma.
Causes of tumors is not fully understood. It is believed that the growth of uterine fibroids cause hormonal disturbances, and the germ of a tumor is formed as early as during embryonic development under the influence of adverse factors on the mother's body.
Among the factors that can trigger the development of education, said:
- change in the balance of sex hormones;
- high blood pressure;
- lack of physical activity;
- overweight;
- multiple operations and surgery in the genital area;
- endocrine disease;
- venous stasis;
- early onset of menstruation;
- first childbirth after 30 years.
There are also studies that suggest that uterine cancer is a form of hyperplasia rather than cancer. uterine fibroids has many varieties. Often it is the nodal character, however, it is sometimes diagnosed diffuse form.
Fibroids are:
- multiple, single;
- small, medium, large, and gigantic.
As a rule, during the examination revealed multiple fibroids. The size of tumors has predetermining value when treatment strategy. Major components generally require removal by open surgery. Despite the difficult recovery during rehabilitation and the introduction of more modern techniques, removal of uterine fibroids way to open surgery is used quite often.
Uterine fibroids is localized:
- in the body of the body;
- in the neck part.
Distinguish the following types of units according to their location in relation to the uterus:
- intramural growing within the myometrium;
- intraligamentarnaya that are formed between the sheets of the broad ligament;
- retroperitoneal, progressing from the neck part;
- submucous localized under the mucous membrane inside the body;
- subserous located outside under serous membrane.
In their cellular structure uterine fibroids can be considered:
- plain;
- proliferating;
- predsarkomoy.
Uterine fibroids can also be
- on the leg;
- on a broad basis.
In the development of uterine fibroids are three stages:
- formation zone characterized by active growth;
- definition microscopic nodule;
- identification issued education, which can be diagnosed macroscopically.
The clinical picture of uterine fibroids also determines the choice of treatment. For small sites often used expectant management. This is due to the fact that such fibroids are usually not accompanied by symptoms.
At large sites the clinical picture includes:
- Pain of varying intensity;
- increase and duration of menses critical days;
- acyclic selection of bloody character, resulting in anemia;
- frequent urination;
- systematic constipation;
- the impossibility of conceiving naturally;
- miscarriages and premature births.
Uterine myoma, is located on the leg, possible torsion legs and node necrosis.
In such cases, developing symptoms "acute abdomen", which manifests itself by severe pain, fever, vomiting. When the symptom is used surgery to remove fibroids, particularly abdominal varieties. Such operations are recommended for larger tumors. Despite the fact that abdominal surgery to remove the fibroid has a more difficult recovery and rehabilitation, the interference avoiding many complications.
Removal by abdominal surgery
In the treatment of uterine fibroids is often used surgery to remove it. Doctors tend to use ablative surgery, such as laparoscopic myomectomy, FUS ablation or embolization of uterine arteries. However, in some cases illustrated removal using abdominal surgery.
Abdominal surgery involves direct interference with the entry into the abdominal cavity.
Surgery to remove uterine fibroids can be:
- emergency and planned;
- radical or conservative;
- endoscopic or open.
Removing means may be accomplished by abdominal surgery:
- incision in the abdomen;
- endoscopic method;
- vaginal access.
Conservative abdominal surgery involves myomectomy. Subject only to the removal of uterine fibroids. Such abdominal surgery differs easier recovery and rehabilitation period. Radical abdominal surgery performed by hysterectomy and extirpation. After abdominal surgery to remove uterine fibroids radical method of recovery during rehabilitation takes longer.
Gynecologists say the following advantages abdominal surgery with access through the abdomen:
- technical convenience in removing uterine fibroids;
- visualization of internal organs and the operation stroke changes as needed;
- implementation of prevention of postoperative bleeding;
- radical removal detection of malignant tumors.
Among the disadvantages of open surgery to remove uterine fibroids are:
- postoperative complications;
- long rehabilitation and recovery;
- scars and adhesions.
Indications for open surgery for myomectomy:
- neoplasms, accompanied by bleeding and heavy menstrual period;
- severe anemia advantageously degree caused severe bleeding;
- larger units;
- compression of internal organs;
- the rapid growth of tumors;
- subserous node growing on a stem, provoking pain syndrome;
- torsion and necrosis of leiomyoma;
- the cervical neck-localization;
- fibroma combination with other gynecological diseases, which requires operation;
- infertility due leiomyoma;
- oncological alertness.
Contraindications to remove uterine fibroids through abdominal operation include:
- infectious process;
- abdominal skin;
- serious pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- liver or kidney disease.
The preparatory phase prior to surgery involves performing tests urine and blood tests, ECG, ultrasound gynecological; swabs from the vagina, curettage and hysteroscopy, urography, CT scan or MRI.
If necessary, the woman consulted a cardiologist, proctologist and therapist. Performing abdominal surgery takes place in several stages:
- anesthesia;
- dissection of the skin of the vagina up to 25 centimeters;
- node or organ removal;
- layering suturing tissues.
Recovery and rehabilitation period
After surgical treatment of the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor and take the necessary preparations. Rehabilitation after removal of uterine fibroids abdominal operation occurs within one or two months.
During the first day provided for being in the intensive care unit. It is necessary to monitor the patient in the aspect of prevention of bleeding in the first place. As soon as the anesthesia wears off, a woman may feel abdominal pain, weakness, and nausea.
Pain may be present for several days rehabilitation. For relief of pain the patient is recommended reception narcotic painkillers. Wake up the patient is allowed after two or three days.
Recovery period of rehabilitation goes rather slowly due to cutting the tissue of the abdominal cavity. However, light physical activity contributes to the shortening of the period of rehabilitation and the prevention of adhesions.
During the rehabilitation and recovery it is very important to follow the diet. And it is desirable to feed liquid food easily digestible for the purpose of prevention of constipation. Recovery of bowel operation lasts up to several weeks.
Diet during rehabilitation includes:
- lean meat and fish;
- oat and buckwheat;
- viscous soups;
- fruits, vegetables, greens in the stewed and baked form;
- dairy products;
- Rye bread.
During recovery is undesirable to use:
- or rice porridge;
- jelly;
- jelly;
- sweets;
- baking;
- carbonated drinks;
- fatty meat varieties.
In the early period of rehabilitation, the following complications:
- bleeding;
- violation of the integrity of the internal organs;
- infection;
- pulmonary embolism;
- suppuration of postoperative wounds.
To avoid complications during rehabilitation should follow the doctor's recommendation, which usually include:
- sexual rest for two months;
- systematic observation and inspection;
- protection from possible pregnancy within six months;
- reception of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
- light physical activity and avoiding lifting heavy objects.
In general, the duration of rehabilitation and recovery depends on the nature of the intervention, the size of the fibroids and the individual characteristics of the female body.
During rehabilitation, women should avoid stress, prolonged sun exposure. During recovery is strictly prohibited access to the sauna and take a bath. Rehabilitation also involves regular monitoring by a doctor. The rehabilitation period should visit the gynecologist and undergo examination, including a pelvic ultrasound.
During recovery after surgery a woman takes hormone drugs to prevent re-growth of fibroids. This rehabilitation avoids complications and recurrence of uterine fibroids. Doctors also recommend taking immunostimulatory agents and drugs, prevents adhesions.
If the period of recovery and rehabilitation were copious differing unpleasant smell, fever, contact a health care facility and to avoid the development of complications.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.