Is it possible to turn the hoop for uterine fibroids


  • 1 Gymnastics as a way of preventing
  • 2 Indications and contraindications

Ten - fifteen years ago it was thought that physical activity is unacceptable for uterine myoma. Women were not allowed to engage in sports and light, even twist a hoop or do gymnastics.

However, thanks to the numerous studies have shown that in most cases, uterine fibroids can lead normal life, but with some restrictions. And in sports, in particular, to turn the hoop and do exercises as possible. Physical activity is not only allowed but welcome, as prevention and treatment of a disease process.

uterine fibroids in modern gynecology is considered one of the most common gynecological diseases. According to various sources, this pathology covers up to 85% of women of different age groups. This is largely due to the introduction of such diagnostic methods as ultrasound or hysteroscopy, which allows most accurately identify and classify myomas uterus.

Uterine fibroids - a gynecological disease that involves the formation and development of the tissues of the myometrium hormone-dependent tumors of benign nature.

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It is noteworthy that the tumor with fibroids is not true, that has allowed experts to consider it as a form of hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells.

The disease goes through several stages before uterine fibroids, it is possible to diagnose. Initially growth of the active area is formed, filled in small vessels. After some time, it formed a small nodule, which progresses to medium and large size.

The nodes of uterine fibroids may be concentrated in the mother's body or in the neck part. Sometimes the tumor is detected between the sheets of broad ligament.

Uterine components are:

  • interstitial or intramural;
  • subserous;
  • submucous or submucosal.

Often, uterine fibroids has interstitial localization, which is considered the most safe option. These units are slow-growing and rarely manifest symptoms.

Submucous nodes, as well as large tumors have several characteristic features.

  • Pain. Usually localized pain in the pelvic area, radiating to the back, rump and legs. The pains are aching in nature. They may increase during menstruation, intimacy, and if in sports, for example, to turn the hoop or do gymnastics.

Acute pain with signs of intoxication often show torsion unit legs or his necrosis that required emergency surgery.

  • Changing the nature of menstruation. Typically, uterine fibroids accompanied by an increase amount of bleeding during menstruation, as well as the total elongation amount menstruation days.
  • Bleeding. Uterine bleeding myoma not associated with the cycle and may lead to the development of anemia.
  • Compression of internal organs, located in the pelvis. Compression symptoms is frequent urination or constipation constant.
  • stomach volume growth. This manifestation is characteristic for uterine fibroids larger sizes.

In some cases, large knots or fibroids with the unfortunate location can become a cause of infertility, which is expressed in the impossibility of conceiving. Quite often illness provokes a spontaneous abortion on any terms.

Uterine fibroids in modern gynecology refers to a hormone-dependent disease. Evidence that the pathology appears in response to changes in hormonal status, is the development of a tumor only after the first month and its regress after menopause.

Uterine fibroids is susceptible to external influences. Women with the diagnosis history, should pay attention to factors that could cause progression of the disease:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • stress;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • surgical and medical termination of pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • prolonged sun exposure;
  • uncontrolled reception of hormonal drugs;
  • childlessness.

Through sport decreases the amount of adipose tissue, the cells of which contain the female sex hormone estrogen. Estradiol is the main cause of tumor growth. Sport helps prevent many diseases of the reproductive system, as well as providing supportive effect on the general condition.

Gymnastics as a way of preventing

The health benefits of sport is undeniable. With any disease you can choose the exercises and activities that will be allowed in a particular case.

Fibroids refers to diseases in which you need to adjust your lifestyle. It is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of exercise, so as not to aggravate the course of the pathological process. Before, for example, do gymnastics or twist the hoop, it is necessary to pass inspection and to consult a gynecologist.

Many women prefer to do light exercises at home. Very popular twist the hoop and do gymnastics. However, uterine fibroids, many physical activities are prohibited. This is due to the fact that excessive athletic activity may lead to increased blood flow and oxygen supply and cause uterine fibroid growth.

You must refrain from doing exercises and activities, which include:

  • lift weights;
  • active work of the abdominal muscles;
  • sudden movements, turns, tilts.

In addition, when a woman turns the hoop, you must constantly monitor their health. It is important to monitor the heart rate, which should not exceed 110 beats per 60 seconds. If at the time when a woman turns the hoop, she, pain, bleeding and deterioration of the general state of health, occupation necessarily have to stop.

Intensive classes associated with increased work the abdominal muscles can torsion legs provoke tumor growth or progression of fibroids.

When asymptomatic fibroids allowed many types of physical activity, you can even turn the hoop and do exercises. However, we must bear in mind a few points:

  • permanent control over his state of health;
  • Gymnastics developed plan;
  • the systemic nature of employment;
  • gradual introduction of the load and its combination with a special diet.

If uterine fibroids is accompanied by bleeding and pain, the load is to approach responsibly. Physical activity should be light so as not to provoke complications.

Indications and contraindications

Correctly selected exercises, including with the use of a hoop, can help in solving a number of problems:

  • cause the muscles in the desired tone;
  • improve overall health;
  • help with constipation;
  • lift your mood and provide a supply of energy;
  • strengthen the muscles of the uterus;
  • reduce pain.

If you twist the hoop and do exercises can improve the metabolism and functioning of the organs. Correctly matched load contributes to the normalization of the central nervous system. Sport helps to relieve psychological stress and get rid of stress.

If you turn the hoop, manages to involve groups of muscles in the waist area. It is known that some fibroids violate trophism of the abdomen, but the sport contribute to the improvement of microcirculation and the intestines. Consequently, many patients are wondering whether it is possible to twist the hoop with uterine fibroids and if allowed to do gymnastics.

Overall twist hoop, as do gymnastics, is permitted in the pathology, but with some reservations:

  • you can not do the exercises with weights of more than 3 kg;
  • when included in the class of the hoop can not apply weighting and different roller heads;
  • exercises to strengthen the press should be excluded;
  • not allowed to use elements, implying sharp intense movements.

It is important to remember that it is not allowed to continue classes when you feel unwell. Especially this concerns the patients with large tumors.

If you turn the wrong hoop may further progression unit growth, which can lead to central necrosis and emergency surgical intervention.

Abdominal exercises are not allowed to do with uterine myoma. However, if you turn the hoop, it is possible not only to remove the extra inches from the waist, but also to strengthen the abdominal muscles. We should not forget that the patients with uterine myoma history is allowed to turn a lightweight hoop. This is due to the fact that the additional weights increase the force of impact and create unnecessary strain.

If properly and systematically turn the hoop that is allowed in most cases, to adhere to the recommended food and give up bad habits, it is also possible to eliminate the factors that often contribute to the appearance of fibroids uterus.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
  • 32
  • 199