Monthly at teenagers: the reasons for the delay, what to do


  • 1 Menstruation in adolescents
    • 1.1 At what age should begin early menstruation
    • 1.2 How many monthly cycle is set in adolescents
    • 1.3 What is the monthly cycle is considered normal in adolescents
    • 1.4 As should be held monthly in adolescents
    • 1.5 How many teenagers last month
  • 2 The reasons for the delay menstruation in adolescents
  • 3 Menstrual irregularities teens
    • 3.1 Frequent periods in adolescents
    • 3.2 Long-term monthly adolescent
    • 3.3 Very plentiful monthly at the teenager
    • 3.4 Irregular periods a teenager
    • 3.5 Delayed menstruation during adolescence
    • 3.6 Stopped monthly adolescent
  • 4 Why not come on time monthly adolescent
    • 4.1 Delayed menstruation at age 17
    • 4.2 Why in 16 years there is no monthly
    • 4.3 Why in 15 years there is no monthly
    • 4.4 Why in 14 years there is no monthly
    • 4.5 Why in 13 years there is no monthly
    • 4.6 Why in 12 years there is no monthly
  • 5 What if a teenager month delay
  • 6 What if a teenager plentiful monthly
  • 7 According to doctors
  • 8 conclusion

The beginning of monthly adolescent often irregular. The normal cycle is set for several years. To identify problems in time to reproductive health, to prevent the development of complications, delayed menstruation can not be ignored. When violations of the regularity of the adolescent cycle requires consultation gynecologist.

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Menstruation in adolescents

The first signs of the onset of puberty girls may appear as early as 8 years of age. About the beginning of hormonal changes the body of teenagers show the following signs:

  • growth of hair in the armpits, on the pubic hair;
  • the increase in adipose tissue;
  • seal, breast growth.

Parents need to prepare the girl to explain the mechanism of occurrence of blood from the genital tract.

Important! At the time of first menstruation child needs to explain all about the monthly adolescents.

Girls need to understand that the selection of blood is a natural physiological process. Normally menarche begins between the ages of 11-14 years. The majority of the first spotting appeared in 12-13 years.

At what age should begin early menstruation

Parents should be alerted to changes in the body, evidence of hormonal reorganization incurred before 9 years of age. Also, the problems indicated by the absence of any changes in the body of a teenager in 12-13 years. Consult with a girl to the children's gynecologist or endocrinologist is necessary if the monthly gone before 11 years. Medical consultation is also required if under 14 years of critical days have not begun.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

If your period does not start until 15 years, diagnosed with primary amenorrhea. It can cause genetic, hormonal, metabolic disorders. Absence of menstrual periods may be due to a violation of the structure of the genital organs.

In large girls who grow faster peers, monthly often begin earlier than that slender teenagers. But stress, poor nutrition, hormonal disruptions can cause a delay of the start.

How many monthly cycle is set in adolescents

Adolescents periods become regular after 1-2 years after the start. During this period the normal process of production of female sex hormones. Irregular menses at the teenager in the first year is not considered a problem. But you need to keep track of their regularity, from day 1.

If you are no longer a teenager to go monthly, refer to the children's gynecologist. The reason for the cessation of menstruation can be a hormonal disturbances. Medical consultation is also necessary, if the cycle is not established during the year.

What is the monthly cycle is considered normal in adolescents

Adult women are accustomed to, that the menstrual cycle is regular. In women, the monthly run every 28 days, but allowed slight deviations. Not to worry, if the duration of the cycle varies from 21 to 35 days.

For teenagers there is no established standards, the first month in girls may be irregular. But if the duration of critical days more than 10 days or a break between periods exceeding 3 months, it is a chance for an extraordinary consultation with a gynecologist.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

As should be held monthly in adolescents

The body for several months preparing for the first period. But it is offensive to many as a surprise. Parents are required to prepare in advance the child to tell at what points need to pay attention. The first month in the majority of teens scant. Starting from 2-3 cycles discharge volume increases markedly.

Comment! If the gasket is enough for 3-4 hours, no problem. The maximum amount of blood is released in the first 2-3 days of menstruation, then its volume is reduced.

Some of the girls for a few days before the critical days appear spotting of blood, they often continue after the end of menstruation. In the first 2 years, until the process of installing a regular cycle, it is a variant of the norm. If spotting does not stop to 16 years of age, this is evidence of violations by the work of the reproductive system.

Pain during menstruation in adolescents considered rejected. Their appearance can be provoked by underdevelopment of the reproductive organs.

How many teenagers last month

The duration of menstruation in adult women and adolescent girls is not significantly different. Most teens first menstruation scarce, they last no more than 2-3 days. The duration of the first period is influenced by:

  • Body features;
  • hormones;
  • health status.

Subsequent periods become more abundant longer. The maximum duration of menstruation - 7 days, including the days when there are only slight spotting. If you go long periods in teenage girls, it testifies to a hormonal imbalance in the body, or malfunction of the blood coagulation system.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

The reasons for the delay menstruation in adolescents

If the next menstrual period does not start within 3 months, talk about the delay. Among the main reasons that provoke violations of the regularity of the menstrual cycle is called:

  • frequent stress;
  • improper diet;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • intense exercise (such as professional sport);
  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • deficiency of hemoglobin.

There is also a delay in menstruation, menstrual disorders in adolescents resulting in substantial climate change, for example, a trip to warmer climates in the winter.

Menstrual irregularities teens

The emergence of problems with menstruation in adolescents - a very common phenomenon. The intensity of menstrual bleeding, how often it depends on various factors, including nutrition, the nervous system, the ecological situation in the region of residence.

To the children's gynecologist will have to contact if a teenager:

  • There are no monthly in 15 years;
  • not started to appear secondary sexual characteristics to 13 years;
  • the delay period after the start of menstruation than 3 months;
  • heavy periods, in which the change pads or tampons have to more than 1 time in 2:00;
  • menstrual period more than 7 days;
  • periodically arise acyclic discharge blood from the genital tract;
  • menstrual bleeding accompanied by severe pain.

After examination, the comprehensive examination the doctor can determine the cause of cycle disorders, prescribe treatment. Ignoring the problem can lead to the progression of the problem in the future, it threatens to infertility.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

Frequent periods in adolescents

Short menstrual cycle, even during the establishment of menstruation should alert the teen and the parents. If the monthly start more than 1 time in 21 days, this is evidence of violations of the organs that regulate the menstrual cycle.

Comment! Do not panic if the short interval between menses was observed in the first 12-24 months after the start of the critical days.

If such a disruption of the menstrual cycle in girls at age 16, it is advisable to check the hormones. This state is provoked violation process hormone by the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries. When heavy, frequent menstruation need to make in the absence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Increasing the frequency of menstrual periods is also called:

  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • endometriosis;
  • myoma of the uterus;
  • cervical erosion;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Doctors recommend a pelvic exam, to do ultrasound, to check the functioning of the adrenal gland, the thyroid gland.

Long-term monthly adolescent

When the imbalance of progesterone, estrogen in the body breaks down the ripening process and the rejection of the endometrium. This leads to an increase in the duration of menstrual bleeding. This is not the only reason why the monthly adolescent are more than 7 days. Prolonged bleeding occur when:

  • violation of the thyroid gland works;
  • disorders of hemostasis;
  • occurrence of infections.

When complaints about the long, heavy periods should undergo a pelvic exam, ultrasound done, check to see if the girl had developed anemia.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

Treatment is prescribed after finding out the reason for which was to increase the duration of critical days, assess the general condition of the teenager. Importance especially menses flow, the amount of exiting blood, being a period of menstruation.

Very plentiful monthly at the teenager

When the heavy menstrual flow teenager needs help. In such menses exits from the genital tract of more than 150 ml of blood. The amount of discharge is directly related to the ability of the uterus to contract. If low contractility, the endometrium is not immediately rejected by its detachment uterine cavity formed in bleeding wounds.

Poor contractility is innate, but more often it occurs for the following reasons:

  • inflammation of the uterine cavity;
  • the formation of fibroids, fibroids;
  • polyps in the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • poor blood clotting.

To resolve this problem, it is important to determine the cause of heavy menstrual period.

Blood clotting problems arise when:

  • lack of vitamins K, P, C, mineral substances that regulate the process of thrombus formation;
  • receiving medicines blood thinners;
  • a diet with a lot of dairy products (such power generation process increases enzymes that prevent clotting).

Important! If the hygiene has to be replaced every 30-120 minutes, then it started bleeding.

Lack of timely medical aid could provoke a serious deterioration of health or cause of death.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

Irregular periods a teenager

During the 12-24 months from the start of menses irregular periods are the norm. Delayed menstruation at age 13 - it is normal. During this period, there is an active hormonal changes. The body needs time to adapt to cyclical changes, fluctuations in hormone levels.

With irregular cycles often faced lean adolescents underweight. On examination reveals that the uterus, the ovaries decrease in size.

In the absence of pathologies affecting the regularity of menstruation, the doctor may recommend:

  • revise the power to give up fast food, snacks, included in the diet of meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruit;
  • start to engage in sports, moderate exercise a beneficial effect on the state of health of adolescents;
  • lead to normal psychological state.

Changing your lifestyle contributes to a more rapid establishment of a regular cycle.

Delayed menstruation during adolescence

Minor delay variation cycle length are not a cause for panic. You need to worry if a teenager is no menstruation for more than 3 months. In most cases the cause are hormonal disorders.

Long delays can result in:

  • excessive exercise;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • stress;
  • deficiency of hemoglobin.

If there are no hormonal problems, after the elimination of triggering factors cycle is normalized independently.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

Stopped monthly adolescent

Cessation of menstruation after the installation of a regular cycle, or the absence of discharge for 3 months in adolescents - a cause, requiring consultation literate child gynecologist. By precipitating factors that lead to the appearance of secondary amenorrhea include:

  • a sharp change in weight;
  • endocrine disease;
  • anorexia;
  • stress;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Sometimes amenorrhea facing professional athletes who adhere to a strict diet to maintain weight. More likely to suffer from problems of girls engaged in ballet, gymnastics, figure skating.

Why not come on time monthly adolescent

Menstrual girls depends on the work of the pituitary, hypothalamus. While synchronous operation of the brain has not been established, the adolescent cycle is irregular.

Parents should be alert delay menstruation in adolescents under 15 years. If menstruation began in 12-13 years, by this age cycle set. Lack of regular menstrual periods is a sign of hormonal disruption, infectious and inflammatory diseases, physiological disorders.

Delayed menstruation at age 17

Girls aged 16-17 years cycle has already established infringement of its regularity are the reason for consulting a doctor. The delay is caused by:

  • pregnancy (assuming that the girl is sexually active);
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors (malignant and benign).

Attention! Changing lifestyles, stress, excessive exercise provoke the emergence of delays.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

Why in 16 years there is no monthly

The lack of critical days before the age of 16 indicates a delay of sexual development. If 12-14 years, teenager delineated chest appeared pubic hair, armpits, then monthly to start soon. When menarche does not occur, check the development of sexual organs. There are situations when, due to violations of fetal organs bookmark the child is absent uterus, vagina.

If problems with the structure of the genital organs is not the cause of amenorrhea may be a malfunction of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland that produce sex hormones. It is also one of the possible reasons for the lack of monthly adolescent is underweight. If there is no desired amount of fat mass, the brain does not receive signals about the need of awakening centers regulating sexual maturation.

Why in 15 years there is no monthly

If no menarche before the age of 15, you should check the development of sexual organs. One reason could be an anomaly of the reproductive system structure, the underdevelopment of the uterus and ovaries.

If a teenager secondary sexual signs began to appear in 13-14 years, menstruation will begin at 15 years of age. If amenorrhea is recommended to test the adolescent reproductive system.

Why in 14 years there is no monthly

Delayed menstruation in adolescents 14 years of age is not considered a reason for experiences on condition of formation of secondary sexual characteristics. Many girls begin to form in this age.

Important! As practice shows, in the northern regions of the beginning of puberty at age 14 is the normal process. In many southern edges are already starting to panic, if not monthly in 14 years.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents

For the timely detection of problems better show Woman children's gynecologist, make sure that there are no anomalies in the development of the reproductive system.

Why in 13 years there is no monthly

The lack of critical days in the 13-year-olds considered a variant of the norm. At this age, many people started the process of puberty. There are teens who monthly start earlier, but the standard age considered between 11 - 14 years.

Show the child the gynecologist recommended if a teenager does not have started to appear secondary sexual characteristics. Doctor will prescribe tests, if necessary, select corrective therapy.

Why in 12 years there is no monthly

The appearance of menses in the age of 12 is typical for teens who started early to develop. The lack of body hair, breast growth refers to the normal development options. For early detection of problems experienced parents are advised to consult a gynecologist children, to hand over analyzes on hormones.

Do not be afraid to irregular periods in girls 12 years. In this age of the hormonal system is improved. Changing the duration of the period between menstrual bleeding is considered normal. Experience is worth it if the delay time is greater than 3 months.

What if a teenager month delay

If a girl of 13 years delay menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, atypical secretions of the genital tract, it requires a doctor's consultation. The appearance of this condition leads to:

  • hypothermia;
  • the development of the inflammatory process;
  • infectious diseases.
Delayed menstruation in adolescents

delays also occur in adolescents with polycystic ovaries, functional and pathological cysts. The cause of amenorrhea are exercise, diet and sports. Determine the cause of the problem only by a gynecologist after survey, receiving ultrasound results of analyzes.

Treatment is given on the results of the survey. The doctor may recommend a correct diet, give up the professional sport, protect the teenager from the stress.

What if a teenager plentiful monthly

When heavy menstruation need to consult a gynecologist children. The girls stand out in a single cycle of 50-150 mg of blood. A more intense release talking about the development of bleeding. In this case not cope without the help of doctors. Doctors prescribe hemostatic drugs, pick up treatment for the reduction of blood loss, prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

If a girl complains of heavy menses, you need to check the operation of the blood coagulation system, make sure there are no problems with the endocrine system. One of the possible causes of excessive amounts of blood are growths in the uterus. Treatment strategy selects gynecologist after determining the cause of the pathological condition.

According to doctors

Gynecologists say that mothers should promptly led the girls on preventive examinations. This will allow time to identify the problem, to prevent the development of pathological processes in adolescents. The recommended age for the survey are:

  • 9-12 months;
  • 7, 12 years;
  • every year since the age of 14.
Delayed menstruation in adolescents

Subject to the recommendations dealing with the child on intimate topics, explaining the causes physiological changes that adolescents are no longer afraid of the parents, doctors. Girls will be able in time to report violations of the menstrual cycle. After all, parents are not always aware that the child monthly in 14 years irregular. Preventive examinations, consultations allow time to identify violations, to prevent worsening condition.


Monthly adolescent begin at 11-14 years. To the untrained girls appearance of blood can be a cause for panic, so parents kindly requested to talk to your child about the changes occurring in the body and explain their importance, necessity. You need to have a personal calendar for tracking regularity critical days.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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