Language is one of the strongest muscles of the human body. Daily exposing her to a huge load, a person sometimes does not notice any minor damage.
Despite the ability of the mucosa to rapid regeneration, the implementation of competent and rapid medical measures in the event of trauma to the tongue is required.
- Language trauma:
- theory Mechanical effects
- Chemical burn
- Painful exposure from the outside
- Basics of treatment
- Biting tongue is familiar to everyone
- Folk medicine in the service of the people
- Best way to avoid injury
Traumatism of language: theory
Before proceeding to treatmentlanguage should carefully study the nature of the injury and its causes.
Mechanical effects
The first type of damage - mechanical - is the most common cause of language trauma. Due to mechanical damage, ulcers and surface erosions are formed in the tongue.
The conditions under which the occurrence of mechanical injuries are typical are of a household nature:
- damage to covers with dental instruments - a probe, a boron, a disk;
- the appearance of a wound under the action of a sharp object - bone, knife, fork;
- bite of the tongue during a meal, epileptic seizure;
- the occurrence of a language injury from blows in the face.
The healing of a wound caused by mechanical action occurs depending on the depth and the area of the mucous membrane.
Chemical burn
Chemical trauma of the tongue, as a second type of damage, occurs due to the ingress of a chemical substance of acidic or alkaline nature onto the mucous membrane.
Under the action of a stimulus, chemical burns occur on the tongue. For the latter, appearance in the language of dark areas, cicatricial wounds, blisters and blisters appears in the tongue( in severe cases).
Instant mouthwash solutions with neutralizing properties - the key to rapid restoration of the integument.
For chemical burns, it is preferable to seek medical help from medical institutions.
Painful exposure from the outside
Damage to the mucosa by steam, hot water, fire, electric current, or ionizing radiation - is called physical trauma to the tongue.
Characteristic for this type of damage is gradually subside from the moment of injury.
The main danger of physical trauma is the development of acute catarrhal glossitis( inflammation).Consultation with a doctor for complex stages of injury is mandatory.
Deep damage to the tongue caused by various external stimuli can be accompanied by complications: abscess or phlegmon of the tongue.
Painful swelling and accompanying difficulties with swallowing and speech are symptoms of an abscess. In the later stages, with an increase in inflammation of the tongue, the abscess turns into phlegmon. The victim requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.
Basics of
treatment As mentioned earlier, treatment for trauma to a language depends on the nature of the lesion. While for the healing of superficial injuries it is enough to keep the home medicine chest, the elimination of the consequences of the actions of traumatic factors in case of serious injuries requires, first of all, consultation with a doctor who will select the necessary medications and prescribe the recommended procedures.
What to do, depending on the type of injury:
- Standard method of treatment or initial treatment of mechanical damages - use of antiseptics( alcohol, iodine, brilliant greens).In the recovery of the mucous membrane, rinses with disinfectants are used: water-dissolved furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate in the proportion of 1k3000 or baking soda in the calculation of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. Do not neglect the broths of plants with soothing properties.
- Knowledge of chemical neutralizing reactions is useful for chemical burns , because the "golden rule" of first aid with this is as follows: rinse with neutralizing solution. Timely implementation of the necessary procedures will avoid further treatment. Arising in the language of the blisters indicate a strong defeat. Opening of formations with after treatment should be performed only by specialists. After neutralizing bubbles, doctors often prescribe rinsing of the mouth with disinfectants.
- The bleeding wounds of require immediate tamponade. Inadmissible self-extraction from the ulcers of foreign bodies.
Has bitten language - it is familiar to everyone
A bite of tongue, cheeks or a lip is accompanied by painful sensations as there is a damage of a mucous membrane.
Obviously, the initial task after bite is to reduce pain. So, how should you act if you bite your tongue, how and how to relieve pain and inflammation?
The main rule - stay calm. Calm down and try to put up with the pain, because hysterics and tears will not help to heal the damage.
And then you should do the following:
- Be sure to stop bleeding , if any. An elementary solution will be repeated rinsing with cold water: it will help narrow the blood vessels and reduce the activity of bleeding. A worthy alternative to it will be a piece of ice.
- In the fight against painful sensations, cotton swabs, soaked in 2% Lidocaine , help. Another variation for pain reduction is eye drops with anesthetic - Tetracaine, Alkain.
- Important: disinfect the entire mouth of : brush your teeth thoroughly, rinse your mouth.
- Observe the regularity of rinses : it is advisable to wash the remains of food eaten after each meal.
- Use antiseptics of the type Antianggin, Trachisan, Furacilin in the form most suitable for you: spray, lollipop or solution.
- Avoid eating rough, cold or hot food .For the time of recovery of the oral mucosa, it is desirable to make a daily menu of liquid soft products of medium temperature: mashed potatoes, soups.
- Eliminate cold food - ice cream, frozen juice and other products with a temperature below zero - it slows down the healing process.
- Drink a course of vitamins , contributing to the restoration of damaged areas. The optimal solution will be to include in the diet of vitamin C and group B.
Do not forget to adhere to sanitary and hygienic measures: do not enter the oral cavity with dirty hands, do not put pressure on the resulting injury.
Never fill iodine or green matter in the wound, peroxide: give preference to the treatment of the environment of the damage. Antibiotics can only be used as directed by a doctor.
Traditional medicine in the service of the people
To your attention a selection of solution recipes, the use of which will contribute to the disinfection, healing of the wound and the reduction of pain:
- To cope with the pain of the tongue, helps decoction of the matron .Brew 1 tablespoon of dried herb with steep boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain the resulting potion. The broth is suitable for both rinsing and for internal use.
- Sage tincture is an assistant in the fight against painful sensations during the treatment of oral injuries. Brewing 2 tablespoons of the substance with half a liter of boiling water and giving a tincture "to relax" for 30 minutes, you will get an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medication. Rinsing frequency: 5-11 times a day.
- Pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile with 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew. The filtered solution should be used after eating and before bedtime for healing of wounds and removal of inflammatory processes.
- Spirituous-hawthorn tincture - a panacea for pain with a trauma to the tongue. Use 40% alcohol and dried grass in a proportion of 5 to 1, respectively. In 250 ml of water, add 30-40 drops and rinse the mouth.
- To find potatoes in a cellar or a box is not difficult, and it's only two minutes to clean it. Feel free to use a plate-cut raw vegetable to relieve pain from burns.
The best way to avoid injury
Statistics show that most of the language traumas are mechanical, which in turn is a sign of imprudence. To avoid damage to the oral cavity, follow the following simple rules:
- do not dive into thoughts while eating;
- while taking food, do not get distracted;
- do not talk with a full mouth meal;
- chew food carefully and slowly.
Often the cause of wounds is an incorrect bite, unsuitable dentures. An incorrectly growing or split tooth also poses a danger to the integrity of the oral cavity.
Be extremely careful and remember that it is better to prevent the occurrence of a traumatic situation than to suffer, trying to cope with its consequences. In case of observation of suspicious symptoms, always seek the help of a dentist or an ENT doctor.