Brown discharge before menstruation: Causes daub women reviews


  • 1 Can be before menstruation brown discharge
  • 2 What do the brown discharge before menstruation
    • 2.1 Brown discharge 2 days before menstruation
    • 2.2 Brown discharge for 3 days before menstruation
    • 2.3 Spotting before menstruation 4 days
    • 2.4 Brown discharge for 5 days before menstruation
    • 2.5 Brown discharge a week before menstruation
    • 2.6 Brown discharge 10 days prior to menstruation
  • 3 Types spotting before menstruation
    • 3.1 Light brown discharge before menstruation
    • 3.2 Brown discharge before menstruation
    • 3.3 Brown discharge before menstruation
    • 3.4 Black isolation before menstruation
  • 4 The causes of brown discharge before menstruation
    • 4.1 physiological
    • 4.2 pathological
  • 5 When should you see a doctor
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 conclusion
  • 8 Reviews with brown discharge before menstruation

A woman should be attentive to your body. Even such a minor symptom as brown discharge before menstruation, can tell a lot about changing her health.

Can be before menstruation brown discharge

Brown discharge before menstruation is not always the cause of disease. Bright secret with minor impurities of blood occurs in many women. And not necessarily in a panic run to the doctor for help! Normal isolation before menstruation characterized by the following features:

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  • last for a maximum of 3 days;
  • They have the character of anointing;
  • odorless;
  • not accompanied by pain in the abdomen or lower back;
  • no discomfort on the part of the external genitalia: itching, burning, redness;
  • menstruation is proceeding normally;
  • general condition of the woman is not changed.

If at least one of the features listed above is changed, should consult a doctor.

Allocation before menstruation

What do the brown discharge before menstruation

The cause of the brown secretions before menstruation can be assumed already at the time of its appearance. For a more accurate diagnosis, additional methods of examination: gynecological examination, pelvic ultrasound, to determine the level of sex hormones in the blood. Feasibility of further examination determines gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Allocation before menstruation

Brown discharge 2 days before menstruation

The emergence of the two days before menstruation brown discharge, blending smoothly into the flow of blood, is absolutely normal. This indicates the beginning of the rejection of the physiological layer of the endometrium - is a natural process that leads to a cyclic menstrual bleeding.

Some girls, they are accompanied by a slight pain in the abdomen. They can give in the waist, legs and pelvis.

Brown discharge for 3 days before menstruation

One reason for the brown spotting before menstruation - the beginning of detachment of the endometrium, as mentioned earlier. But it is more rare than the appearance of discharge two days before menstruation. Usually, the appearance of smearing secretion for 3 or more days - sign of pathology.

Many women who have had surgery on the uterus (curettage, removal of fibroids or other tumors), noted the changing nature of menstruation. The secret of the vagina for a few days before menstruation - one of the signs.

If before menstruation brown smears, but they do not begin menstruating, you should do a pregnancy test. It is, perhaps, one of the reasons. A single occurrence of a secret without deterioration of general health talks about the implantation of the ovum in the uterine wall. At this point, the embryo is attached to the mother's body for further development.

Spotting before menstruation 4 days

One of the reasons daub 4 days before menstruation - lack of progesterone during pregnancy. On normal for pregnant women secretions it has been written above. They usually do not last more than 3 days. Prolonged spotting tells that a woman's body synthesize enough of the hormone progesterone, necessary for the stabilization of the internal layer of the uterus.

This is a dangerous condition that requires constant monitoring gynecologist. It threatens detachment of endometrium and abortion.

Brown discharge for 5 days before menstruation

Highlight brown for 5-7 days before menstruation provoked several pathologies. One of them - endometriosis. This disease is characterized by the growth of endometrial cells where they normally should not be:

  • in the ovaries;
  • Fallopian tubes;
  • the cervix;
  • muscular layer of the uterus;
  • peritoneum;
  • internal organs.

Important! In endometriosis spotting can also occur in the middle of a cycle or 2-3 days after menstruation.

Allocation before menstruation

Another cause of brown discharge 25 day cycle - inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. Distinguish the following varieties:

  1. endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus);
  2. coleitis - inflammation of the cervix;
  3. adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries;
  4. salpingitis - a pathological process in the fallopian tubes.

At risk are women who have undergone surgical intervention on the uterus and its appendages, are subject to constant exposure to cold, chronic stress.

Brown discharge a week before menstruation

Another reason for spotting before menstruation - infectious diseases of the reproductive system. Usually brown discharge appear on the 23 day cycle or a little later. At this point, begins to occur the uterus preparation for menstruation, she is actively supplied with blood. And because the body is most vulnerable. If the girl was infected infection brown discharge are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • genital itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • redness;
  • secret with the smell of rotten fish;
  • fever;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Infection treated long, with large doses of antibiotics, which adversely affects the general condition of the girl. Syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea - all these infections are easier to prevent than to cure. Condom - most affordable and effective means of protection against infections transmitted during sexual contact.

Spotting a week before the month with a positive test for the characteristic pathological course of pregnancy. An urgent appeal to the gynecologist will help protect both the mother and the child!

Brown discharge 10 days prior to menstruation

Terms of occurrence of brown discharge during pregnancy is very variable. In most cases, it is 9-10 days after ovulation, but there may be terms ranging from 5 days to 3 weeks. Therefore, pregnant women may appear brown discharge and 10 days before menstruation.

If a negative pregnancy test, the cause of secretion closer to the middle of the cycle may be hormonal changes (late ovulation), impaired mucosal genital structures (endometriosis, cervical erosion, benign or malignant tumor).

Types spotting before menstruation

Color smearing secretion before menstruation can help determine the cause of its occurrence. More about this later in the article.

Allocation before menstruation

Light brown discharge before menstruation

Light brown goo before menstruation is not as dangerous symptom like dark isolation. As a rule, it becomes a cause spotting beginning oral contraceptive. The body needs time to adapt to the new hormonal background. If the discharge darken their duration increases, they do not go through a couple of menstrual cycles, this is not normal. In this case, replace the oral contraceptive.

Important! Selection or replacement of the contraceptive pill should be made only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Microscopic cracks vagina can also cause light brown discharge. Active sexual intercourse, gynecological examination - these factors damage the mucous membrane structure. In this case, selection should disappear during the next menstrual cycle.

Brown discharge before menstruation

The presence of brown or dark brown discharge before menstruation is almost certainly a symptom of pathology. Dark shade secretion means that blood certain time was in the internal cavity of the genitals. During this time, she could oxidize, curl up and acquired an appropriate hue. The darker secret, the longer it is inside the uterus or vagina.

Scant secret spreadable character observed in cervical erosion (small ulcers on her mucosa) and polyps of the body (outgrowths). In these pathologies selection - attribute endocervical damage. Therefore, they appear as sexual contact, during a gynecological examination.

Brown discharge before menstruation

Dark brown clots before menstruation indicate the presence of impurities recently coagulated blood. If the discharge appeared a few days before menstruation, it is one of the symptoms of endometriosis. In this disease, the secret to appear not only before but also after a month. Accompany him the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • painful menstruation;
  • plentiful monthly;
  • deterioration in general well-being of women.

Endometriosis is not difficult to diagnose by means of ultrasound (US), determining the level of hormones in the blood.

Important! When the dark discharge should immediately consult a gynecologist. After all, the worst complication of endometriosis - infertility.

Black isolation before menstruation

The emergence of a black secret before menstruation - an unfavorable symptom. He suggests that the blood for a long time was in the uterus or vagina. The cause of this symptom in young girls are most often the anomaly structure of organs of the reproductive system:

  • vaginal atresia - the narrowing of its lumen;
  • ginatreziya - a significant narrowing or complete imperforate opening in the hymen;
  • two-horned uterus.

If the restriction is expressed too much, menstruation is scarce or completely absent. The blood accumulates in the uterus. It is a provoking factor in the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

In older women the reason that long black smears before menstruation, may be adhesions in the uterus or vagina after surgical procedures, inflammatory diseases.

One of the most dangerous pathologies manifested separation of black secret between periods, - an ectopic pregnancy. The secret is very plentiful, there may be impurities of fresh blood. Emergency call an ambulance will protect a woman from rupture of the fallopian tube and abundant hemorrhage.

Allocation before menstruation

The causes of brown discharge before menstruation

As noted above, brown discharge before menstruation can be an absolute norm. But in some cases, the first symptom of serious diseases. The principal causes of physiological and pathological vaginal discharge.


For physiological reasons the appearance of secretions from the genitals include:

  • onset of menstruation in young girls;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • ovum implantation in pregnant women;
  • change of climatic zones;
  • severe stress;
  • physical exertion;
  • a sharp change in body weight.


If the brown smears before menstruation, the woman should think about the presence of pathological processes:

  • erosion, cervical polyps;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • infections, sexually transmitted;
  • violation of pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic fetus development);
  • benign tumors (fibroids);
  • malignant neoplasms (cancer of the body and cervix);
  • traumatic injury to the vaginal mucosa;
  • damage to the uterus IUD.

When should you see a doctor

Gynecologists say that any unusual for women vaginal discharge need to see a doctor. But there are signs that help distinguish physiological from pathological secret. Access to a doctor absolutely necessary if:

  • copious, clotted or fresh blood;
  • she feels a lot of pain in the abdomen;
  • secret has an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching, reddening or burning;
  • deteriorating overall health women;
  • after separation begins profuse secretion, extremely painful menstruation.


To determine the exact causes of the secretions from the vagina doctor examines a woman instrumental and laboratory methods. Be sure to make a general and biochemical blood tests to rule out inflammatory process.

If the doctor suspects a violation of hormonal background of the woman, it gives direction to determine the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, as well as the hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus.

Gynecological bimanual (two-handed) palpation and inspection of the cervix in the mirrors are required to avoid damage to the structure body mucosa, presence of polyps or erosion.

Ultrasonography (US) to help establish the presence of space-occupying lesions in the uterus and ovaries (tumors, cysts, endometriosis).

Allocation before menstruation


Brown discharge before menstruation - is very variable and insidious symptom. Therefore, put off a visit to the gynecologist is not necessary. The sooner the cause is established, the greater the chance of recovery.

Reviews with brown discharge before menstruation

Borisova Anna Petrovna, 40 years, city St. Petersburg

About six months ago I began spotting a week before menses. Pain, itching or other unpleasant symptoms were not. After a couple of menstrual cycles, I turned to the gynecologist. He did all the tests, carried out inspection. We found a small erosion of the cervix. Said observed twice a year, a special treatment is needed.

Prysyazhnyuk Lidia Ivanovna, 30 years, city Omsk

Almost always, I begin with a monthly brown spotting. Smears 2-3 days, then there is a normal menstruation. It was a gynecologist. The doctor said that if there is no pain and the monthly pass is good, then there is no reason for concern.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

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