Month after the abortion: how many days should begin, reviews


  • 1 Why there is no post-abortion menses
  • 2 When the starting month after abortion
    • 2.1 When will the monthly after curettage
    • 2.2 When coming month after vacuum abortion
    • 2.3 How many periods begin after medical abortion
  • 3 The first month after abortion
    • 3.1 How many days go month after abortion
    • 3.2 Abundant month after curettage
    • 3.3 Scanty menses, after an abortion
    • 3.4 Painful menstruation after abortion
  • 4 Delayed menstruation after abortion
  • 5 Recovery cycle after abortion
    • 5.1 How to call the month after abortion
  • 6 possible complications
  • 7 conclusion
  • 8 Reviews of menstruation after abortion

After curettage, vacuum or medical abortion for the body to restore the required time. Month after the abortion begin after 4-5 weeks. In the absence of health problems it becomes a regular cycle of 1-2 months. Doctors recommend follow not only the frequency of discharge, but also to pay attention to them abundantly in nature.

Why there is no post-abortion menses

If a woman after an abortion not go monthly, the required consultation of the gynecologist. To the doctor should contact the case when, after curettage has been more than 35 days and no signs of impending menstruation.

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Among the main reasons that provoke the appearance of failure month after the abortion, call:

  • hormone imbalance in the body caused by impaired functioning of the hypothalamus, ovaries, pituitary;
  • repeated pregnancy;
  • the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity.

Patients who have had an abortion to an irregular cycle may be a delay. However, doctors recommend not to delay the visit to the doctor. The doctor will conduct a visual inspection, manual inspection and send a woman to the ultrasound.

When the starting month after abortion

Say in advance when it is menstruation after an abortion, it is impossible. It depends on the timing of the recovery of the body and the following factors:

  • the type to have an abortion;
  • the gestational age, which is interrupted;
  • professional doctor who performed the procedure;
  • the state of health of the patient.

If there is no problem on the part of the reproductive organs of the menstrual cycle after abortion is quickly restored. After 4 weeks, due to start next month.

Month after curettage

When will the monthly after curettage

Surgical abortion refers to traumatic methods of abortion. The duration of the recovery period following the scraping depends on both the individual characteristics of the female body, and the physician of professionalism.

The first month after the cleaning begin in a month. Count should be from the date of the scraping. Normal is considered a delay of 5-7 days. This period is required by the body to normalize hormones, increase the endometrium.

The duration of recovery month after abortion depends on the purpose of the meeting. If scraping is prescribed in treatment and diagnostic purposes and was carried out in the 2nd phase of the cycle, the violations are rare. Sometimes women complain about the duration of the monthly change, the emergence of abundant or scanty.

Menses after cleaning endometrium in nature should not differ from normal menses. Cheerleaders must be a significant change in the volume, highlight color, odor.

Often prescribed for cleaning the uterus abortion for more than 7 weeks. The main cause of menstrual disruptions in such cases is hormone imbalance. The sharp interruption provokes a sudden decrease in the amount of progesterone, resulting in bodies involved in the production of sex hormones, not immediately involved in the work.

Important! One reason for the changing nature of menstruation after dilatation and curettage is uterine atony.

In this condition, the muscular body is not reduced and can not squeeze blood vessels, a woman develops bleeding.

Month after curettage

When coming month after vacuum abortion

vacuum aspiration Carrying fetus is considered more lenient one operation as compared with scraping. If complications resulting from the operation did not arise, the monthly will start on time. Patients in whom the duration of the menstrual cycle is 30 days, it is necessary to expect the flow of blood in exactly one month.

Counting from the date of implementation of abortion. In rare cases, the recovery process is delayed for 2-3 months. Delayed menstruation can occur due to hormonal changes in the body.

How many periods begin after medical abortion

The most intrusive option, which is used for the termination of pregnancy, is considered to be receiving special tablets. They alter the hormones, trigger the onset of bleeding. As a result, the endometrium is peeled, the ovum comes out of the uterus. If complications arise, additional medical procedures are not required. But make medical abortion only up to 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Date of taking the pills, which provoke miscarriage, is the first day of the cycle. The following month starting on the usual schedule for a woman. If the cycle was irregular to medical abortion, the probability of occurrence of the above delays.

Month after curettage

The first month after abortion

If, immediately after curettage were no problems, the state of the majority of women normalizes in 4-5 weeks. But the highlight of the nature and intensity in the first period after abortion curettage may vary. The reason for their change of character is a sharp hormonal changes. If within 3 months of the state is not normal, it is necessary in conjunction with the gynecologist to find out the causes of violations.

How many days go month after abortion

If a woman's body was able to recover quickly, the duration and the nature of the critical days will not change. menarche duration after scraping varies from 3 to 7 days.

Gynecologist consultation is required if the menses stopped on day 2 after the start. Cheerleaders must discharge if they are more than 7 days in a row.

Abundant month after curettage

The increase in discharge volume after surgery occurs in 10-12% of patients. The cause of heavy menstrual period after cleaning gynecologists called sharp hormonal changes undergone by the body.

Important! A woman should know how to distinguish from heavy monthly bleeding.

Call an ambulance or go to the gynecological department of the hospital should be immediately, if the gasket is not enough for 1-2 hours.

Month after curettage

If there is bleeding, and for women after abortion began plentiful monthly, then a comprehensive examination is appointed:

  • SPL;
  • vaginal smear, cervical surface;
  • analysis on hormones.

If necessary, selected hormonal and hemostatic therapy.

Scanty menses, after an abortion

A slight decrease in the volume of discharge in patients after curettage is not a cause for concern. To normalize hormonal levels and increase the required number of endometrial body needs time.

But after curettage scanty periods, in which at least 20 ml of blood is released per day, are the reason for the extraordinary consulted a gynecologist. Among the reasons that reduced the amount of discharge is called:

  • adhesions in the uterine cavity;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • damage to the basal layer (endometrium ceases to grow);
  • development of endometritis and other diseases of the uterus.

If you were scarce, only the first month, the problem could not be detected during a pelvic exam and ultrasound, the doctors recommend to monitor the status. If 2-3 to cycle the situation does not change, it is important to get a complete examination to determine the cause of the pathology.

Month after curettage

Painful menstruation after abortion

According to the severity of pain after an abortion menstruation should not differ from the usual monthly. But women after curettage faced with the fact that periods become painful. Strengthening of pain provoked prostaglandins. They act on receptors that are responsible for the appearance of pain, stimulate uterine contractions.

If the woman has intolerable pain, profuse discharge with an unpleasant odor, a large number of clusters, the need to check a doctor, ultrasound. Such symptoms can occur if left in the uterine cavity foreign objects (part of the fetus, placenta).

Delayed menstruation after abortion

If the patient conducted after curettage, vacuum or medical abortion complications have arisen, the monthly must come in time. The countdown is necessary to conduct the day of the procedure. An admissible delay is for up to 10 days. After intervention from the outside, a sharp hormonal changes the body needs time to recover.

In cases where there is no month after 3 months of abortion, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. Conception can occur at week 2 after scraping. If a woman is not pregnant, it is necessary to check the ovaries and other organs that produce female hormones.

Important! The absence of menstruation can be triggered by damage to the basal layer.

In such a situation will require long-term treatment for the normalization of uterine work.

Month after curettage

Recovery cycle after abortion

Gynecologists recommend that women who have had an abortion, for 3-6 months of taking oral contraceptives. With the help of pills manage to prevent the emergence of a new pregnancy and prevent the occurrence of hormonal failure.

On the timing of the reversal of the menstrual cycle affect:

  • the state of health of the patient;
  • age;
  • hormonal disorders, which have been before the curettage;
  • method of carrying out an abortion;
  • gestational age;
  • professionalism of the surgeon.

Reduce the likelihood of complications is possible, if you follow doctor recommendations and monitor their condition. Many gynecologists recommend that women come to the examinations and ultrasound after 1-1.5 weeks after the abortion. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe drugs that can enhance capacity and reduce uterine endometrium in the 2nd phase of the cycle.

How to call the month after abortion

If after termination of pregnancy or of medical diagnostic curettage menstruation does not start on time, the required examination and consultation of the attending gynecologist. Use traditional methods of approximating the coming month, it is strictly prohibited.

The physician should determine the reasons for the delay. Depending on the factors that led to the absence of menstruation, chosen therapy. Your doctor may prescribe progesterone drugs, cases where the bleeding starts. For the normalization of hormonal levels after the onset of menstruation selected oral contraceptives.

Month after curettage

possible complications

After the unexpected interruption of pregnancy or carrying out cleaning medically there is a possibility of complications. Women come to the doctor with complaints:

  • the continued bleeding after the intervention;
  • absence of menstruation for 35 days or more;
  • the appearance of secretions with a sharp unpleasant smell;
  • severe pain in the lower parts of the stomach.

After surgical abortion, there is a possibility of development:

  • endometritis;
  • pelvioperitonita;
  • parametritis.

Important! Dangerous complication of operation is a perforation of the uterus wall. During the scraping doctor does not see inside the cavity of the uterus, he wielded the tools to touch.

Common complications with which a woman may encounter after any of abortions are hormonal disorders, regular changes and the nature of menstruation. In cases where, after scraping began heavy menses with clots, there is a possibility that the developed infectious and inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity.

Month after curettage


In the absence of complications after abortion periods begin after 4 weeks. The small delay of 7-10 days is a variant of the norm. But the absence of menstruation for 2 or 3 months, a significant change in the nature of discharge, bleeding is cause for immediate consultation with the doctor.

Reviews of menstruation after abortion

Irina Valjevo, 31 years old, Omsk

Before abortion doctor warned that after the abortion is longer menstruating. But the duration of menstruation has not changed, they became only more painful.

Regina V. Umarov, 28 years, Rostov-on-Don

Due to missed abortion doctor sent for an abortion on a 9 week. Even in the House I was looking for, what would be the month after abortion curettage. Judging by the reviews, the nature and duration of menstruation depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of each woman. I had a delay of 8 days, then the cycle was restored without pills.

Ilona S. Parechnikova, 39 years, Samara

After medical abortion on the advice of a gynecologist immediately began to drink hormone pills. Monthly gone after the end of the first pack, the slim and they were painless.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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