Analog fljukostat thrush


  • 1 Causes
  • 2 Therapy
  • 3 Flucostat
    • 3.1 Read more about analogues
    • 3.2 Big difference

Treatment of thrush - an urgent problem for many women. Due to frequent relapses of the disease, the possibility to adapt and to develop pathogen resistance to basic medication drugs required to understand how to choose the cheaper analog Flucostat. Recent years, gynecologists often prescribe it to get rid of fungal pathologies. Women who have experienced chronic candidiasis over just need to know what Flucostat cheap analogues in the treatment of yeast infection are shown in the pharmacy market.


The disease causes a yeast-like fungus genus Candida. The causative agent is present in the normal vaginal biocenosis. Under certain conditions when the number of main flora - Lactobacillus reduced, opportunistic Candida colonizes vulva. As a result, the fungus acquires the pathogenicity and calls the appropriate clinical picture.

The main causes of yeast infection:

  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic inflammation of the urogenital sphere;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • long uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
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Selection of a medicament carries the physician. Self-medication, even proven Flucostat, can only lead to an imaginary improvement. year break, incorrect use and Flucostat dosage increases the risk of resistance - resistance to the main active ingredient. As a result, the disease becomes chronic, it is difficult to be corrected. Therefore, the appearance of unpleasant sensations, strange discharge should immediately contact a specialist.

During the examination the doctor will determine whether there are signs of thrush. If you suspect a disease carried out a smear on flora fence, seeding tank to the definition of the type of pathogen and antibiotic susceptibility. Treatment is given immediately. Gynecologists often prescribed Flucostat - actively hitting candida. Patients are often asked to provide an analogue of the drug recommended to choose the cheapest.

The major classes of antifungal antibiotics acting on the yeast:

  • triazoles: Flucostat, diflucan;
  • polyenes: Nystatin, Amfotsil;
  • imidazoles: clotrimazole, Candide;
  • Macrolides: Pimafutsin, Ekofutsin;
  • combined means: Polizhinaks, pimafukort.

Each of these categories has its own advantages and disadvantages, cheap and expensive counterparts. Experts prescribe effective means of broad-spectrum. After receiving a response antibiotikogrammy therapy may change.


Flucostat - prescribed medication for the treatment of candidiasis. For the price is quite cheap, it has high efficacy against yeasts. The active substance - fluconazole. Triazole antibiotic blocks synthesis of ergosterol in the cell of the pathogen - the growth and multiplication of the fungus is inhibited. Hormonal balance is not changed. The drug is well absorbed - bioavailability is 90%. Produced dose of 50, 150 mg.

Main counterparts Flukostata from yeast:

  • Diflucan;
  • Fluconazole STADA;
  • Mikosist;
  • fluconazole;
  • Maicon.

It should be borne in mind, that choosing the cheapest product containing the active substance analogue branded drug, you can get the same effect.

Read more about analogues

There are more than 30 unique Flucostat thrush different value.

Fluconazole - the cheapest analogue Flucostat. Active component coincides with the name. It is used to treat yeast infections of any shape and location. Means well tolerated. Produced in capsules, in the form of injections. Among the side effects are a violation of the chair, and allergic reactions. Precautions taken at accompanying chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, arterial hypertension. Not assigned pregnant women, children, lactation.

Fluconazole STADA similar to the previous analog. The essential difference - you can assign children with thrush.

Mikosist. The preparation for the integrated treatment of thrush, is able to effectively influence the disease of any location. Furthermore tablets available injectable solution, which has worked well for the treatment of severe thrush. Course: 150 mg capsule once. With the purpose of prevention of relapse again after 4 months. Contraindicated in pregnancy - have a negative impact on the fetus. It not recommended during lactation. May develop an allergic rash on funds components. A significant drawback is the high price. In fact, Flucostat - cheaper counterpart Mikosista.

Diflucan. Popular Flucostat analogue, effectively acting on fungal agents. The drug is recommended for use with reduced immunity in HIV-positive for the prevention of systemic yeast infection. The tablet is drunk once every 4 months. When gestation is used only for health reasons.

Maicon. Highly specific, selective inhibits cytochrome P450 fungus membrane without damaging the cells of the patient corresponding element. Excreted by the kidneys. Caution should be used in liver failure, severe diseases of the heart muscle - arrhythmias. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Big difference

Modern approach to treatment - evidence-based medicine. Pharmaceutical companies spend heavy and long-term studies of a new drug before entering the market. Spend large amounts of time and money as the study drug, and advertising. Substance takes a long study on animals and humans. As a result, the cost of such drugs is high. Patent invention delays up to 10-12 years. Upon expiration of the company is not obliged to disclose the secrets of the synthesis technology of the product and additional components. Only becomes famous formula.

All subsequent drugs that were released as an analogue of the primary are called generics. The only similarity - one active agent. As part of the generic no auxiliary components that can significantly affect the quality. Such means a cheaper option. Good generics are those stitched further preclinical studies of its members. In this case no means inferior to the original. Such a preparation can rightly be called "a cheap analog".

Flucostat proven itself as a fairly cheap and highly effective preparation from yeast. At pharmacy counters represented a wide range of analogues with the same active substance. It is not necessary to choose the means cheaper. It is necessary to ask about cheap analogue Flucostat doctor.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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