- 1 How to stop bleeding during menstruation folk remedies
2 What herbs to drink during menstruation
- 2.1 Borovaya uterus
- 2.2 water pepper
- 2.3 carnation
- 2.4 Viburnum
- 2.5 Nettle
- 2.6 Red brush
- 2.7 Corn silk
- 2.8 lady's purse
- 2.9 Lilac
- 2.10 Yarrow during heavy menstruation
- 2.11 Thyme
- 2.12 equisetum
- 3 Hemostatic grass with heavy menstrual period after 45
- 4 Contraindications and side effects
- 5 conclusion
Hemostatic grass with heavy menstrual period is recommended to use to reduce the intensity of the discharge. But before the application is advisable to consult a gynecologist, pass a comprehensive examination. It is important to identify the factors that provoke heavy menstrual flow. When bleeding opening to use traditional methods of treatment is possible only in cases where the lives and health of women are not in danger.
How to stop bleeding during menstruation folk remedies
With strong uterine bleeding the patient requires hospitalization. It can be stopped only by means of special preparations or scraping of the uterine cavity. Waiting for the arrival of an ambulance, a woman needs:
- to lie;
- Raise your feet on a small hill (suitable cushion);
- put on the underbelly bottle with cold water.
You can try to use herbs from bleeding during menstruation when the gasket is enough for 2-3 hours. For therapeutic purposes, using broth, water and alcoholic extracts of herbs. Hemostatic properties are raspberry, nettle, mint, yarrow, manzhentka, parsley.
Also hemostatic effect was observed in the use of lemon. Reduce the amount of blood that comes out during menstruation, it is possible to include in the diet of foods with a high content of magnesium. The emphasis should be on oats, pumpkins, watermelons, soybeans, avocados.
What herbs to drink during menstruation
Reduce blood loss during menstruation is possible, if you take herbal teas, infusions hemostatic herbs during menstruation. The positive effect is observed in the use of pharmaceutical tinctures and independently prepared medicaments. But it takes them only after the installation of the causes of heavy menstrual period in consultation with the attending gynecologist.
Most often, to reduce the discharge amount of use such hemostatic herbs:
- nettle;
- cloves;
- yarrow;
- shepherd's purse;
- red brush;
- water pepper;
- upland uterus.
Also for medicinal purposes can be used in heavy monthly bleeding and other herbs. Some reduce the intensity of discharge helps horsetail, corn silk.
But before taking herbs have to deal with the principle of action of each of them, to find out the list of indications and contraindications for use.
Borovaya uterus
When heavy menstrual flow, many are beginning to drink the infusion of upland uterus. This herb, stopping bleeding during menstruation, help those women who have disrupted the hormonal balance in the body in the premenopausal period.
Important! Borovaja uterus capable of enhancing isolation. But in women with uterine fibroids and endometriosis herb has a particular action, it reduces the intensity of menstruation.
In patients with endometriosis in the use of upland uterus decreases the number of endometrial lesions. When fibroids use of infusion of the herb helps to reduce the activity of benign tumor cells.
Pharmacies can be found ready-alcoholic infusion. Use for medical purposes can also be independently prepared styptic decoctions, infusions. To achieve the therapeutic effect is necessary to take them for 3 consecutive cycles, with the exception of days of menstruation.
Broth made of 200 ml of water and 1 tablespoon. l. dried upland uterus. Boil the grass should be ¼ hours on low heat. After cooling fluid must be drained through the sieve. Take upland uterus patients with heavy menstruation should be three times a day at a dose of 1 tbsp. l. Ready hemostatic agent must only be stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life - 5 days.
To prepare an alcohol tincture should be 60 g of grass to fill in 0.5 liters of vodka and let stand in a dark place for 2 weeks. Accept made hemostatic remedy for heavy menstrual period necessary to thrice daily and 1 hour. l.
water pepper
Tincture of water pepper is often prescribed by gynecologists for women after miscarriage, abortion. This plant reduces the permeability of blood vessels, enhancing blood clotting process and increase uterine muscle tone.
Hemostatic effect of this folk remedy for menstruation becomes noticeable in the first month of treatment. The recommended duration of treatment - 3 months. The easiest way to use one pharmacy tincture, but you can make your own decoction.
To prepare the aqueous infusion must be 1 tbsp. l. grass of water pepper to fall asleep in a glass of boiling water. After 2 chasa filtered liquid. Take medicine made from heavy menstrual period three times a day for 1 st. l. Pharmacy extract is necessary to use 30 drops twice a day on an empty stomach.
With abundant menstruation as a styptic use broth cloves. It is most effective in cases where the patient copious caused by uterine atony. The plant has a hemostatic, astringent and analgesic effect.
The dried chopped herbs pour boiling water and allow it to infuse for 2 hours. On one glass raw water is taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. It should be cooked remedy three times a day for 1 st. l.
For therapeutic purposes, patients with heavy menstruation are advised to use a decoction of the bark of Viburnum. It has hemostatic, astringent action, reduces the activity of the uterine contractions.
To prepare the therapeutic agent taking 25 g of dried bark, pour ¼ liter of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. After cooling liquid is filtered and is adjusted to the original volume of boiled water. Means it is necessary to drink at 15-20 ml to 5 times a day.
Hemostatic effect of nettle is known since ancient times. It is due to being a member of a large amount of vitamin C.
To prepare a decoction require 200 ml of water and dried nettle leaves in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. Grass pour boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. The cooled broth hemostatic need to strain. Take it should be for 1 st. l. 4-5 times a day.
You can use ready-made nettle extract. During heavy menstruation, bleeding his advice to drink on an empty stomach 30-40 drops. They are diluted in 100 ml of water and chugging. There can be only half an hour after the drug use.
Attention! When using nettle decreases uterine blood circulation, stimulates the blood circulation in the pelvic area.
There are other methods of preparing nettle:
Red brush
Patients with abundant menstruation, whose appearance failure caused by a hormonal or myoma of the uterus, it is recommended to take red brush having hemostatic properties. From the root of the plant make a decoction or infusion of alcohol. It can be treated by a combination of red and brush upland uterus to amplify hemostatic action.
Said folk remedy used for heavy menstrual period clotted. If you start to take it after the start of menstruation, then the effect will be visible not earlier than 3 days of treatment.
To prepare the broth will need finely chopped root in an amount of '50 Raw materials necessary to pour ½ liters of water and protomai on low heat for about 1 hour. Take hemostatic broth recommend 100 three times a day. To improve the palatability of the beverage is allowed to add a cup of broth for 1 hour. l. honey.
Alcoholate is prepared from 50 g of root and vodka bottle volume of 0.5 liters. It must be insisted in a dark place for a month. With abundant monthly means should take 40 drops three times a day. The recommended course of treatment - 2 weeks.
Corn silk
With abundant secretions during menstruation can take tincture of maize stigmas. It has a strong hemostatic influence. Increase its efficiency is possible, if the lower part of the stomach to put the cold.
To make a tincture should be steamed cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. stigmas. Accept after cooling agent can be 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hour.
lady's purse
The herb is known as an effective hemostatics. When receiving the infusion operation is activated clotting. Due to this heavy periods become normal and the pain passes.
For the preparation of a therapeutic agent of item 1. l. dried herb zaparivayut 200 ml of boiling water. Capacity is necessary to wrap up and insist for 1 hour. Takes to make the infusion shepherd's purse is recommended three times a day before meals for 1 st. l.
It recommends the use of a decoction of the seeds of lilac with heavy menstrual period. For its preparation 1 h. l. seeds need to pour ½ liters of boiling water and not allowing a strong boil, boil for ¼ hour. After cooling means should drain.
Hemostatic drink a decoction is recommended for 2 tablespoons. l. in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast.
Yarrow during heavy menstruation
Yarrow is known as hemostatic and pain reliever. With his use of the concentration of platelets in the blood increases, thereby decreasing the duration of any bleeding. Under its influence accelerates the healing process of wounds, including those that occur when the rejection endometrium within the uterus.
The infusion is prepared for 15 minutes from a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs yarrow. Take it should be three times during the day for 1 st. l.
Taking decoctions or infusions of thyme women with heavy menstruation contraindicated. This plant is able to induce menses at delays, amplify the intensity of the discharge.
Attention! Thyme causes contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus fibers. The use of broth during pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
As a hemostatic agent to patients with heavy menstruation are recommended to use an infusion of horsetail. With it possible to normalize the amount of bleeding, reduction of the pain syndrome.
Possible to prepare the infusion of 1 tbsp. l. horsetail and ½ liter of boiling water. After cooling fluid filter. Take during heavy menstruation every possible means 2 hours on the 1 st. l. as long as no manifest hemostatic properties. After reducing the discharge intensity is recommended to continue to drink the infusion of horsetail 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
Hemostatic grass with heavy menstrual period after 45
In premenopausal women due to hormonal changes may appear periodically bleeding. In order to prevent their occurrence use the methods of alternative medicine. Also in women older than 45 years with abundant monthly folk remedies can be used. These include herbal teas medicinal herbs that could affect the balance of hormones in the body. Most often, gynecologists advise:
- red brush;
- knotweed;
- upland uterus.
To prepare the broth knotweed you need 2 tbsp. l. Herbs make ½ liter of boiling water and protomai 20 minutes in a saucepan with a tight lid. After cooling it is filtered broth. Taking medicine from knotweed 40 ml before each scheduled meal. A large amount of do not - in the refrigerator liquid can be stored no more than 2 days. Application knotweed is an excellent preventive tool, with which you can prevent the occurrence of bleeding.
In addition to the infusions and decoctions of herbs gynecologists advise to drink syrup from the berries of Viburnum. To prepare the required 100 g of ripe berries and 50 g sugar. Berries should be crushed in a blender (or grind through a screen) fill with sugar and bring on low heat until boiling, protomai to heat until the sugar is dissolved. The resulting syrup hemostatic must dissolve in a concentration of 1: 1 with water and taken three times per day.
Contraindications and side effects
Contrary to the belief of many women, not all folk remedies are safe during heavy menstrual period. If you change the intensity of the emissions in the first place to go gynecological examination and determine why heavy menstrual period began.
Important! Herbs can be used only on doctor's advice.
Contraindications to the use of hemostatic folk methods include the appearance of malignant tumors. For each herb has its own list of contraindications:
- infusion of horsetail It is forbidden to drink with acute kidney disease;
- from drinking upland uterus we must abandon in gastritis and poor blood clotting;
- red brush impossible patients whose mental disorders, tubal occlusion, hypertension, heart failure;
- water pepper banned in hypertension, ischemic heart disease, nephritis, renal insufficiency, enterocolitis, which is accompanied by constipation;
- lilac not used in gastritis with acidity, renal failure in chronic form, atonic constipation;
- from infusion of yarrow It should be avoided when enhanced clotting, increased tendency to thrombosis intensive;
- corn silk and shepherd's bag it is impossible for women with varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, enhanced blood clotting.
Even in the absence of contraindications to the uncontrolled drinking infusions, decoctions of herbs can not. At their reception there is a possibility of side effects. Most often, women are faced with the emergence of allergic reactions to the reception styptic. Some complain of nausea and tachycardia.
Hemostatic grass with heavy menstrual period help to reduce the intensity of emissions. Drink them start a few days before the expected menstruation. Infusions, decoctions of certain plants should take a long course. Start a therapeutic course of methods of alternative medicine should be to resolve the gynecologist.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.