Why during menstruation want sweet, is it possible to eat chocolate and ice cream


  • 1 Why menstruation want sweet
  • 2 Can I have a sweet tooth during menstruation
    • 2.1 Is it possible to eat chocolate during menstruation
    • 2.2 Can I have an ice cream at monthly
  • 3 How to overcome cravings during menstruation
  • 4 conclusion

Hormones throughout the cycle does not differ constancy. Physical and psycho-emotional state largely due to the individual response of the female body at the hormonal surges. They cause changes in taste preferences. It is known that the majority of women during menstruation want sweet.

Why you want before menstruation sweet

Why menstruation want sweet

Food cravings occur because of the influence of hormones. Often before menstruation want sweet, it is considered the norm. In the female organism affected by various hormones. However, for the feeling of hunger and satiety are responsible estrogen and progesterone.

The normal cycle comprises two phases (follicular, luteal) and has a duration of 3-5 weeks. The first phase is characterized by an increase in FSH level. Ovulation occurs due LH surge. After the mature follicle egg release membrane forms the corpus luteum, which produces a hormone for the development of pregnancy - progesterone.

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The proliferation of the uterine lining provides the implantation of the ovum. For the growth of the endometrium responds synthesized estrogen follicles.

Woman wants sweet menstruation due to the following factors:

  • accelerated metabolism, resulting in development of gastric juice and the feeling of hunger;
  • estrogen deficiency, affecting the production of regulating the concentration of sugar in the blood insulin;
  • reduction in the level of serotonin, endorphins and norepinephrine, which directly affect the good mood.

Important! When you want sweet during the month, which means that the body tries to compensate for the lack of necessary hormones at the expense of the respective products.

Can I have a sweet tooth during menstruation

Experts say that you should not give up the sweet consumption in the month, if you want. Favorite desserts and foods help move easier psycho-emotional changes and discomfort during the critical days.

Attention! Many women worry about the set of extra kilos due to the fact that I want to constantly have a sweet tooth.

Nutritionists recommend to comply with the measure and to eat fully, not forgetting about the useful fruits and vegetables.

Is it possible to eat chocolate during menstruation

Consumption of chocolate during menses is not recommended. This product provokes irritability, as has a stimulating effect. Chocolate can also cause the appearance of acne due to hormonal changes.

Why you want before menstruation sweet

Can I have an ice cream at monthly

Food cravings may indicate a lack of vitamins. It is known that vitamin deficiency adversely affects the functioning of the body, in particular the digestive system.

Why you want before menstruation sweet

Attention! Stool irregularities, weight gain are symptoms of a lack of vitamins. This leads to a change in the taste of food and the formation of eating habits.

Menstruating females often desirable sweet, such as ice cream. Dairies desirably excluded from the diet during menstruation, as they provoke flatulence and disturbance of the chair. In addition, cold dishes and products can cause spasms.

How to overcome cravings during menstruation

Hunger and saturation can be controlled if to think through the menu and observe a diet:

  1. Fractional and frequent meals. It is recommended to eat every 3 hours in small portions.
  2. Inclusion in the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, low-fat varieties of fish. If you want sweet, you can eat a banana and add a spoonful of honey in your tea or cottage cheese. Pastry can be replaced by cereals and bread, which also contain fiber.
  3. Drinking regime. Adequate fluid intake reduces the appetite. Please be aware that the juices and coffee can enhance the feeling of hunger.
Why you want before menstruation sweet

If possible, to be distracted from thinking about sweet. Long walks and lessons favorite hobbies also improve mood. Conflict situations and stress should be avoided. These factors provoke increased appetite.


If during menstruation want sweet, you should not ignore the needs of the organism. However, it is desirable not to use pastry and useful natural products.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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