Why menstruation sore lower back: causes of back pain, what to do


  • 1 It can hurt the waist before menstruation
  • 2 Why back pain during menstruation
  • 3 Why back pain during menstruation
    • 3.1 Why hurt the waist before menstruation
    • 3.2 Why sore lower back in the middle of the cycle
    • 3.3 Why back pain during menstruation
    • 3.4 Why after a month sore lower back and abdomen
  • 4 Possible causes of abnormal pain during menstruation
  • 5 What should I do if the monthly sore lower back
    • 5.1 Medications from severe back pain during menstruation
    • 5.2 Folk remedies for back pain during menstruation
    • 5.3 Massage from back pain before menstruation
    • 5.4 Exercising with strong back pain before menstruation
  • 6 When should you see a doctor
  • 7 Prevention of back pain during menstruation
  • 8 conclusion

Most women notice that the monthly sore lower back. The symptom is a physiological origin, but sometimes it is the result of pathology. Most often it occurs just before the onset of menses. But sometimes it is stored and after its completion. In situations where the back pain affects quality of life, you need to see a gynecologist.

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It can hurt the waist before menstruation

In most cases, critical days are accompanied by a pronounced soreness. This phenomenon is due to the individual characteristics of the structure of the female reproductive system. During monthly loin pain due to an increase in uterine volume. She starts to put pressure on the digestive organs and the back.

Menstrual blood that has accumulated behind the uterus, creating additional discomfort. Because of this pain appear in the stomach and in the lumbar region. As a result of intensive uterine contractions are stimulated nerve receptors that also precedes pain syndrome.

In some women, menstruation takes place virtually painless. They do not feel pain and pronounced symptoms of the premenstrual period. This is attributed to characteristics of the organism.

Why during menstruation pain loin

Why back pain during menstruation

When it hurts the waist before menstruation, the causes are identified on an individual basis after carrying out a gynecological examination. If the problem is triggered by nervous tension or the special structure of the genital organs, treatment is not required. Provoke pain can even weight lifting. Therefore, during menstruation should take good care of your body.

Attention! During menstruation the risk of inflammation increases.

Why back pain during menstruation

menstruation brings physical discomfort in many aspects. Most often during menstruation intense stomach ache, and lower back. But in some women the pain gives only one area. The most common cause of disease is the increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs. To eject blood and endometrium, the uterus begins to contract. This provokes a shot in the back or abdomen. Strengthen painful sensations contribute to the following factors:

  • lack of sleep;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • neurological disease;
  • hernia;
  • renal work.
Why during menstruation pain loin

Why hurt the waist before menstruation

At the end of the luteal phase, there is a sharp change in hormone levels. As a result, there are warning signs. These include increased nervousness, decreased performance, headache and heaviness in the lower back. usually hurts because of hormonal fluctuations before menstruation spin. But in some cases the pain occurs due to exacerbation of chronic diseases. To identify the cause of the disease, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Comment! Pregnancy can act as factors causing pain.

Why sore lower back in the middle of the cycle

Physiological pain in the back in the middle of a cycle - a rarity. It provokes the process of rupture of the follicle wall. Ovum together with liquid from the ovulatory ovary sent into the abdominal cavity. Getting in pozadimatochnoe space fluid irritates the peritoneum. Because of this, there are painful. In rare cases, ovulation is accompanied by negligible release of blood from the genital tract.

Why back pain during menstruation

Every woman has ever noticed how she pulls the waist before menstruation. Most often with the onset of menstrual discomfort passes. But sometimes he goes on, influencing the health of women. This is due to increased swelling that provokes water retention on the background of hormonal disorders. In most cases, in the lumbar region pulls only the first 3 days of menstruation.

Why during menstruation pain loin

Why after a month sore lower back and abdomen

After the completion of the critical days, all discomfort should disappear. If this does not happen, it is required to visit a female doctor. In this case, the pain is not associated with physiological processes. After a month back pain due to the following factors:

  • cysts;
  • inflammation;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesions;
  • infectious diseases.

Pelvic pathology accompanied not only by pain but also other symptoms. These include:

  • itching of the vagina;
  • frequent urge to the bathroom;
  • atypical genital discharge;
  • stench;
  • increase in body temperature.
Why during menstruation pain loin

Possible causes of abnormal pain during menstruation

To cope with the pain, you need to determine its origin. If before menstruation strongly hurts the waist, the problem may be in serious diseases. By pathological condition causes discomfort include:

  • infectious diseases;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • complications after placement of an intrauterine contraceptive;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • adhesions;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome.

What should I do if the monthly sore lower back

Self-medication is not useful. If the sacrum or lower back pain before menstruation, should consult a specialist. In order to identify the causes of disease should be to donate blood for hormones, tests for infection, undergo ultrasound examination of reproductive organs. Additionally, you may need the help of the therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist.

From a physiological pain to help cope exercise and breathing exercises. In more complex cases shown taking medication. In the presence of adhesions in the pelvis or endometrial foci, laparoscopic surgery is required. In cases where a stomach ache, and lower back, and no monthly, to take action on their own is strictly prohibited.

Medications from severe back pain during menstruation

The state of health has a direct impact on mood. When pulling the lower back in a week to a month, the emotional state of the woman is oppressed. With an impact on its performance. At the time of arrest the pain to help the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of origin and antispasmodics. The most effective medications include:

  • "Baralgin";
  • "No-spa";
  • "Papaverine";
  • "Analgin".
Why during menstruation pain loin

Elimination of the symptoms of premenstrual period promotes oral contraceptives. They contain the hormones that block the process of ovulation and menstrual cycle equalization. Among the most popular contraceptive pills isolated:

  • "Jess";
  • "Three-regolith";
  • "Yarina";
  • "Silhouette";
  • "Klayra";
  • "Regulon".

Important! The optimum period of oral contraceptives in order to eliminate discomfort before menstruation is 3-6 months.

Folk remedies for back pain during menstruation

Folk remedies of treatment is used in cases where the lower back pain is not due to serious pathologies. Before their use should eliminate the risk of having an allergic reaction. Minimize back pain help the following means:

  • decoction of plantain;
  • ointment containing badger fat;
  • infusion of hops;
  • wearing woolen belt;
  • decoction of strawberry.
Why during menstruation pain loin

Broths are inside of 200 mL daily. Ointment from badger fat is applied to the back surface of up to 3 times a day. It improves blood circulation, has a soothing effect. Woolen belt helps to improve the efficiency of an ointment, providing thermal effects.

Massage from back pain before menstruation

When the pain in the back before the onset of menstruation is recommended to resort to the help of massage. It is desirable to carry out in a specialist's office. Manual treatment can reduce the intensity of pain by improving blood circulation. The session lasts about 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to massage for 5-7 days before the onset of menstruation.

Why during menstruation pain loin

Exercising with strong back pain before menstruation

To cope with severe pain in the lower back help to gymnastics. They have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the back. It is important to avoid undue stress, because they aggravate the situation. Workouts combine with breathing exercises. In this case, the result will be more pronounced.

When should you see a doctor

See a doctor, preferably before the moment of pain amplification. It is recommended to pay attention to the associated symptoms. They will help determine whether or not to refer to a gynecologist. If the lower abdomen and lumbar region hurt at a delay menstruation, there is a possibility of having pregnancy. You would like to test or take a blood test. A negative result indicates the possibility of problems with hormones or presence of tumors in pelvis.

To the doctor it is recommended to apply in the following cases:

  • excessive bleeding;
  • duration of pain more than 3 days;
  • the presence of vomiting and nausea;
  • high body temperature;
  • acute pain;
  • abnormal discharge.
Why during menstruation pain loin

Prevention of back pain during menstruation

In healthy members of the fairer sex after menstruation aches abdomen and waist less likely than those who suffer from chronic diseases of the reproductive organs. Therefore, preventive measures are primarily directed at the prevention of gynecological diseases. This helps the following:

  • respect for the foundations of right living;
  • elimination of overheating and overcooling of reproductive organs;
  • regular sexual life;
  • timely visit to a gynecologist.


If the monthly sore lower back, a woman should treat yourself more carefully. Do not neglect regular diagnostic studies. Early detection of problems increases the chances of rapid and successful recovery.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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