Can I donate blood during menstruation


  • 1 Can I donate blood during menstruation
    • 1.1 on hormones
    • 1.2 Can I take biochemistry during menstruation
    • 1.3 Can I take common tests during menstruation
    • 1.4 other tests
      • 1.4.1 immunological
      • 1.4.2 PCR analysis
    • 1.5 Is it possible to be a donor during menstruation
    • 1.6 Can I donate plasma
  • 2 Why can not donate blood during menstruation
  • 3 When is the best blood tests
  • 4 conclusion

When visiting the clinic doctors often offer first pass all the tests, and then to come to him at the reception. reasonable request. Study of bodily fluids often tell the doctor more than it can tell the patient. But due to female physiology results may be incorrect. In some cases, you can donate blood during menstruation, and when it is better to abstain?

Can I donate blood during menstruation

Men in this respect is much easier, they have hormones is relatively stable. In women, the same proportion of the different hormones varies depending on total menstrual cycle phase. Blood for most types of research is better to take in the interval between periods. But one of the types of analyzes not only possible, but also need to take it during menstruation. This analysis on hormones.

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Can I donate blood during menstruation

on hormones

Blood on hormones is recommended to take 5-7 day periods, as at this time it is possible to obtain the most objective picture of the hormonal state of the body. Research on hormones can provide information about the presence or absence of:

  • infertility;
  • benign tumors in the uterus;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

The analysis on hormones carried out in the event of a woman's problems with conception. A study carried out on the following hormones:

  • progesterone;
  • lyuteotropin;
  • prolactin;
  • follitropin;
  • testosterone;
  • estradiol;
  • dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate.

Some women have painful periods so that they are forced to take painkillers. But some drugs affect the levels of hormones, so before blood donation is better to be patient.

Disease, diagnosed by means of research on hormones:

  • violation of pituitary function;
  • violation of ovarian function;
  • ovaries decrease;
  • tumors in the pituitary gland;
  • brain tumor;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • violation of the adrenal glands;
  • a tumor in the ovaries.

Also, the level of hormones affects obesity and alcohol abuse.

Important! During menstruation can also take serology.

In this case, periods will not affect the presence of the antigens when infecting organism infectious disease. During menstruation can also be tested for syphilis. Almost all other tests pass in the absence of monthly bleeding.

Can I take biochemistry during menstruation

When the biochemical analysis of physician receives information on the internal organs and metabolism. Since menstruation is disturbed normal hormones, the doctor will not be able to obtain reliable information about the organism. Therefore, women are forbidden to donate blood biochemistry during menstruation.

Although, if it is "a matter of life and death", the harm is not cause health research. Is that the woman is afraid of the sight of blood. But in the analysis, taken during monthly bleeding, the doctor will have to take into account the instability of hormonal background, in order to properly interpret the results.

Comment! On the biochemistry results affect not only hormones, but also the nutrients derived from food.

Therefore biochemistry pass not only during the absence of menstruation, but also on an empty stomach.

Can I donate blood during menstruation

Can I take common tests during menstruation

The overall clinical analysis is necessary to estimate the amount of hemoglobin, the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. When menstruation for the "convenience" of getting rid of endometrial all these figures are not correct. Hemoglobin levels are usually low, blood clots worse. This means that these studies will be wrong:

  • white cell count can be increasedAs in the presence of infection or inflammation in the body;
  • erythrocytes increase under normal conditions indicates a problem with the CCC, dehydration or contamination;
  • a reduced amount of red blood cells "Normal" is at constant blood loss, pregnancy or high salt content;
  • Ptranspose hemoglobin indicates anemia;
  • elevated hemoglobin - a signal of problems with blood clotting, or chronic leukemia;
  • increased color index numbers They say that the body is the synthesis of hemoglobin, or reduced the size of red blood cells;
  • a reduced color index - flag B12 vitamin deficiency, folic acid deficiency anemia or macrocytosis;
  • too high hematocrit - flag erythrocytosis, leukemias, dehydration, reduction in plasma volume;
  • too low hematocritt - anemia, protein poisoning, excess water in the body (edema).

But all these figures are valid only under the condition that the woman handed over the blood during the absence of her menstrual period. If there was a need to donate blood during menstruation, it is necessary to consider that the result might turn out wrong for objective reasons.

Comment! Ideally, total blood count, too, pass on an empty stomach.

Although this is a study, about which they say "blood from a finger" and special requirements to it do not show. Therefore, this analysis often sit in the middle of the day and after a hearty lunch.

Can I donate blood during menstruation

other tests

Blood on almost all of the studies, except hormonal better to take in the absence of bleeding. Sugar is also recommended to take the other days of the cycle, as data may be corrupted. Clotting during menstruation reduced, so in the days of bleeding are not recommended to do research on blood coagulation.


Appointed for a sufficiently serious and chronic diseases:

  • HIV;
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • oncology;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes);
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • depletion, or dietary restrictions: strict diets, including vegetarianism;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • a sharp drop in weight for no reason;
  • organ transplantation.

Carried out in many ways, depending on the need.

PCR analysis

This study for the presence of viral infections, including those viruses that have long not manifest themselves in humans. For analysis using the polymerase chain reaction and other body exudates. When menstrual bleeding results may be distorted. If the PCR assay, surrendered during the month, there was a positive reaction to the viruses, it is better to pass it again after the end of bleeding.

Can I donate blood during menstruation

Is it possible to be a donor during menstruation

Is that to keep silent about the occurrence of menstruation. Doctors categorically reject gusts women to become donors during their periods. And it's not only in the hormonal background, but also in the fact that at the time of menstrual bleeding in women falls hemoglobin. Blood sampling at this time may be fraught with syncope.

Comment! The total volume of blood in the human body - 7-8% of the total weight.

That is, with a weight of 65 kg maximum blood volume will be 5.2 liters. If you lose 50% of people die. At blood banks take 0.4-0.5 liters. That is, the total allowable blood loss is about 20%. No wonder the donors after donating give weekend prescribed extra food and recommend to lie down immediately after the procedure.

At monthly women lose an average of about 100 ml of pure blood. That is, for a standard normal donor added another 20-25%. Under standard conditions, such blood loss is unacceptable. Therefore, in women with menstrual bleeding does not take any whole blood or plasma.

Can I donate plasma

The plasma can donate more frequently, and its loss is less impact on health. However, women with menstrual bleeding to the plasma delivery is also not allowed. In this case, its removal is less painful for the body, and delivery may be more likely than whole blood.

Can I donate blood during menstruation

Why can not donate blood during menstruation

Due to the body's need to quickly get rid of the old endometrial amount of hormones in the female body during menstruation is much higher than normal, and other indicators are strongly distorted. Theoretically, take into account these changes and to amend the result can be. But in women, these changes are individual and different, as a rule, from cycle to cycle. Therefore, in addition to hormonal, others research is best done when the body has already got rid of unneeded components.

When is the best blood tests

Checking on hormones - an exception to the rule. Other types of assays optimally pass on the 5th day after the bleeding stops. Terms of delivery of blood may vary depending on the type of test. In some cases the analysis made in the interval between 2 and 7, the day after the cessation of menstruation. At this time the body has already got rid of the extra hormones and recovered from blood loss, but has not yet entered a new hormonal cycle.

Can I donate blood during menstruation


Donating blood during monthly tests for undesirable but possible, if necessary. If you can delay the procedure, it is best to do it. Donor during menstruation can not be.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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