Water pepper at monthly: how to apply for deferral and abundant selection


  • 1 Useful properties and action smartweed
  • 2 Indications and contraindications
  • 3 As used pepper tincture water at monthly
    • 3.1 How to drink water pepper during heavy menstruation
    • 3.2 Tincture smartweed to delay menses
    • 3.3 Additional effects of the extract
  • 4 Possible side effects
  • 5 conclusion
  • 6 Comments on the application of water pepper at monthly

Heavy bleeding during menstruation - is a serious problem. They not only bring discomfort, but also lead to anemia (a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood). Water pepper a heavy menstrual period - a highly effective tool that not only reduces the amount of secretions, but postpones the onset of menstruation.

Useful properties and action smartweed

Efficacy water pepper extract under heavy menstruation due to the high concentration of vitamin K and its glycoside poligoperina. They increase the viscosity of the blood, thereby reducing the amount of bleeding.

Many means are used because of the presence of bioflavonoids:

  • routine;
  • kaempferol;
  • hyperoside;
  • quercetin.
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These substances improve vascular wall structure and protect from destruction ascorbic acid which is contained in the water pepper. This property also helps to reduce the monthly volume.

Due to the content of tannins, infusion is widely used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Tannins have anti-inflammatory effect.

The plant looks like this:

Tincture of water pepper a heavy menstrual period: reviews, instructions

Indications and contraindications

In an official statement it noted that the drug is recommended for use as an aid in such pathological conditions:

  • post-partum bleeding from the uterus;
  • uterine subinvoljutcija - slow recovery of normal size of the uterus, which had been before the birth;
  • hypermenorrhoea - monthly with copious release of blood.
Tincture of water pepper a heavy menstrual period: reviews, instructions

You can use water pepper, not only during heavy menstruation or other gynecological pathology. It is widely used to stop bleeding from internal organs (stomach, intestines) and hemorrhoidal veins.

In folk medicine, the drug is used for the following problems:

  • headache;
  • problems with urination;
  • ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • damaged skin;
  • malaria;
  • diseases of the joints.

In all the above cases, the drug reduces the intensity of pain and inflammation drowns.

In general, water pepper are well tolerated by the body. It is not recommended to apply in such cases:

  • individuals with hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • children under the age of 12 years, since its action is not yet sufficiently investigated in young children;
  • pregnant because the drug increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus;
  • people with severe liver disease, accompanied by its failure;
  • people with heart and vascular disease (increased blood pressure, angina, myocardial);
  • people with impaired kidney function due to various etiologies nephritis.

As used pepper tincture water at monthly

Pepper tincture water used to reduce the duration of menses, excreta reduction of volume and delay of menstruation. Dosing depends on what effect it would be desirable to obtain.

Attention! To avoid adverse reactions, should not use the drug parties of the categories listed above.

It is also necessary to adhere to the instructions for use of tincture of water pepper during menstruation. This will be discussed later in the article.

How to drink water pepper during heavy menstruation

To reduce painful spasms and reduce secretions during menstruation, should apply a remedy for a long time. Minimum course - 90 days. On the day should drink 60 drops, divided into two stages, half an hour before meals. If necessary, treatment can be carried out again, but only after a month's break.

It is also allowed to use the broth during menstruation that lasts longer than a week. Its easy to make your own:

  1. To do this, take 40 g of dry pepper previously finely ground.
  2. The plant is filled with 500 ml of water and the mixture was boiled for 5 minutes.
  3. After the need to give the broth brew. Minimum holding period - 2 hours.
  4. Broth taking 100 ml of a 3 - 4 times per day.

Tincture smartweed to delay menses

If water pepper extract is used for the delay menstruation, the scheme is somewhat different:

  1. The medicine should be applied a few days before the expected date of menstruation.
  2. The extract is drunk in an amount of 45 drops three times a day.
  3. The first time the drug should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. The other two times to drink pepper water for half an hour before meals.

Usually after treatment periods are delayed by 3 - 4 days.

Tincture of water pepper a heavy menstrual period: reviews, instructions

Important! All information in the article is a recommendation. The final decision on the advisability of taking water pepper takes the doctor!

Additional effects of the extract

Already mentioned the efficiency of water pepper extract for reducing monthly and delay for a few days. But there is a drugs and other effects if applied during or just before menstruation. The main ones are as follows:

  1. Reducing pain. The drug reduces the spasm of smooth muscle of the uterus, which is the main cause of pain during menstruation.
  2. Reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome. The drug, taken a few days before menstruation, reduces irritability, aggressiveness, emotional lability.
  3. Normalizes the bowels. Indigestion - frequent problems during menstruation, which is associated with high concentrations of progestin hormones in the body. Water pepper in this case helps to reduce the formation of gas in the intestine and eliminates diarrhea.
  4. The decrease in the intensity of the rash on the skin during menstruation. These appear because of the increased levels of progesterone and the medicament reduces the amount of this hormone in the blood.

Possible side effects

Drink drug must be strictly according to the instructions for use of liquid extract smartweed at monthly. If you take an overdose or drinking the drug longer than the due date, you may experience these side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Already after a single application in humans allergic reaction may occur with increased reactivity of the immune system. It is like a small and do not require care (skin rash, redness, itch), and life-threatening (anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema).

Allergic rash looks like this:

Tincture of water pepper a heavy menstrual period: reviews, instructions

Warning! If you experience any of the side effects listed above, the drug should be discontinued.


Water pepper a heavy menstrual period - a common medicine in modern medicine. To achieve the best effect on the application, you should carefully follow the instructions and consult a physician. Then it will be to reduce the copious menstruation or delay menstruation without any adverse reactions.

Comments on the application of water pepper at monthly

Petrova Oksana Sergeevna, 31 years, city Novosibirsk

Having read positive reviews of the tincture of water pepper to delay menstruation, and she decided to try it. I started to drink the medication 4 days before the expected date. And really helped! Monthly started 3 days later and I was able to relax at the wedding of a friend!

Kalinikova Olga Fedorovna, 22 years old, was Krasnoyarsk

All my life I was worried about heavy periods that lasted more than a week. What has not only tried, but his hands reached the water pepper. I saw as according to the instructions, three months. Already at the end of the course I have noticed that the amount of blood is decreased, and the duration of menses was reduced to 4 - 5 days. Now periodically drink infusion for prevention.

Porohovchenko Lubov, 30 years, city St. Petersburg

I decided to write a review of water pepper extract a heavy menstrual period. First, I take it back in 2010, when there were plentiful monthly after the second birth. The extract helped fine. I have all returned to normal on the third day of admission. Now I recommend this recipe to her friends, who are faced with the same problem.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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