Painkillers during menstruation: what to drink, a list of the best tablets reviews


  • 1 Can I drink painkiller during menstruation
  • 2 What to take for painful menstruation
    • 2.1 Tablets from pain during menstruation
    • 2.2 Painkillers during menstruation
    • 2.3 Rectal pain relievers candles during menstruation
    • 2.4 Birth control pills for painful menstruation
    • 2.5 Folk remedies
  • 3 What pills help pain during menstruation
    • 3.1 Nonsteroidal anti at monthly
    • 3.2 Tablets of the abdomen during a monthly Metamizole
    • 3.3 antispasmodics Tablets for painful menstruation
  • 4 List of the best pain medications during menstruation pains
  • 5 Painkillers during menstruation for teens
  • 6 Which tablet should not drink during menstruation
  • 7 Precautionary measures
  • 8 Reviews of painkillers during menstruation
  • 9 conclusion

All women once a month, have to deal with very unpleasant symptoms of menstruation. The difference lies in the severity and duration of the monthly discomfort. Some patients feel pain for several hours at the time of the height of the cycle, then the discomfort is reduced and does not interfere with the planned activities. Other women regularly suffer from excessive cramps and dizziness during the critical days, they drop out of the ordinary rhythm, lose efficiency. Painkillers during menstruation allow patients to remove the discomfort and daily activities. Therefore, women need to know about the basic preparations, conditions of reception and contraindications.

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Painkillers at monthly

Can I drink painkiller during menstruation

Pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea algomenorrhea or just. Experts identify two forms pathologies: primary and secondary. When the primary varieties of the disease appears almost immediately upon the occurrence of first menarche and accompanies a woman for years, or is a consequence of the violation of other organs and systems. The pelvis is no evidence of disease. Credible reasons for this condition are unknown. It is assumed that the pills during menstruation to reduce the pain required in the following cases:

  • genetically caused increased sensitivity to pain;
  • anatomical abnormalities of the structure of reproductive system;
  • uterine trauma of abortion, childbirth, surgery;
  • poor diet, lack of potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • hormonal disorders.

Secondary algomenorrhea develops against the background of the existing gynecological pathology. In this case the pain a symptom of a more serious condition.

Tablets at monthly pain in the abdomen shows in dysmenorrhea primary type. However, physicians can prescribe drugs and the secondary form of the disease, however, only after determining the underlying cause of disorders. In most cases, clarifying the basic mechanism of discomfort during menstruation and eliminating pain medications to patients are no longer needed.

Important! Painkillers during menstruation pains should not be used by patients with no control.

As with any drug tablet should be taken only after prior consultation with an expert.

Painkillers at monthly

What to take for painful menstruation

In order to reduce discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle, there are many different methods of medical and non-drug character:

  • breathing exercises;
  • self-massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • NSAIDs;
  • hormonal tablets;
  • traditional recipes;
  • opioid painkillers.

Nutrition, magnesium-based tablets, calcium channel blockers contribute to deceleration of neuromuscular and eliminate pain during menstruation. Selection of specific analgesics should be performed by specialist with the individual characteristics of the patient's health, contraindications to certain medications.

Important! Dysmenorrhea doctor tries not to choose the most powerful painkiller during menstruation. A woman should always be a backup form of pain relief in cases of emergency.

Painkillers at monthly
Painkillers at monthly

Tablets from pain during menstruation

Tablets and capsules - the easiest way to eliminate algodismenorei. When choosing such a method a woman should understand that the medicine will work at once: it takes time for the absorption of the active ingredient. The downside of the tablets during menstruation is considered and negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Many painkillers provoke the development of stomach ulcers, they are prohibited for use in women with problems of the digestive system.

Painkillers during menstruation

In certain situations, women have resorted to the use of injectable drugs for pain during menstruation. Most often in such a way patients are in the presence of contraindications to oral medications, in case of severe pain attack when immediate action is required.

Important! Pain medication injections should be administered a physician who, if necessary, be able to provide immediate assistance.

Painkillers at monthly

Rectal pain relievers candles during menstruation

Candles from pain during menstruation is also widely used in dysmenorrhoea. They are deprived of the negative effects of the tablet, is rapidly absorbed. Patients with chronic algomenorrhea begin to insert suppositories for a few days before the start of the cycle.

Birth control pills for painful menstruation

Hormonal tablets professionals assigned when menstrual pain frequently. In addition to the patient noted a decrease in contraceptive discomfort, the amount of lost blood during the critical days and improve PMS flow. In the presence of dysmenorrhea pills selects the physician. It is not always possible to immediately choose the appropriate means, but do not despair and give up such an analgesic method.

Painkillers at monthly

Folk remedies

Not all patients use pill to eliminate discomfort during menstruation. Many women feel much better when using non-traditional methods of dysmenorrhea correction. Today in the pharmacy network, there are homeopathic medicines that have been approved and are recommended by gynecologists certain types of patients. Analgesic activity have nettle, water pepper.

What pills help pain during menstruation

On the basis of the main complaints of the patient, taking into account the existing violations, the gynecologist will recommend to use one way or another analgesic. In fact, the same tablet from the stomach during menstruation to effectively eliminate pain in one of the fair sex, and will be completely useless for another. This happens due to the individual characteristics that are difficult to predict, so choose the optimal anesthetic - is not easy.

Painkillers at monthly

Nonsteroidal anti at monthly

NSAIDs in addition to the analgesic effect anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. Such tablets allow stopping as the attack without apparent reason, and the presence of pelvic inflammation or concomitant diseases, exacerbate dysmenorrhea.

In this group, it means a lot of inexpensive pain medications during menstruation: Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.

Due to the variety of existing agents pain pills vary in effectiveness and the degree of potential harm, the presence of complications and contraindications.

Important! After initiation of the chosen anesthetic is necessary to adhere strictly to the indicated regimen and dosages without exceeding the maximum allowable parameters.

If discomfort continues, must be replaced with tablets.

Tablets of the abdomen during a monthly Metamizole

Metamizolovye tablets pain during menstruation most known as Analgin tablets. This tool is referred to as non-narcotic analgesics. The drug has anti-inflammatory action, holding blocks pain impulse along nerve fibers. Tablets are symptomatic, have virtually no effect on the cause of the pain.

Important! Metamizole negatively affects platelet link of the blood system.

In the pathology capsules coagulation system during menstruation may cause bleeding.

antispasmodics Tablets for painful menstruation

Antispasmodic tablets eliminate excessive uterine contractile activity, which causes pain. Body relaxes, improves the yield of menstrual blood and discomfort goes away.

But sometimes-shpe awarded the title - the best pain reliever during menstruation, but antispasmodics efficiency is usually lower than NSAIDs. It is therefore to improve the overall health of the patient receiving combined antispasmodics and steroid tablets, especially with a strong attack.

Important! Antispasmodic drugs are unacceptable for reception by patients with glaucoma, heart diseases, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, myasthenia.

Painkillers at monthly

List of the best pain medications during menstruation pains


  • Paracetamol;
  • diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketorolac;
  • Ketanov;
  • nimesil;
  • Naproxen.

A list of popular painkillers during menstruation:

  • No-spa;
  • Drotaverinum;
  • Papaverine;
  • Buscopan.


  • analgin;
  • Baragin;
  • Aspirin.

Combined preparations with multiple active ingredients:

  • Tamipul;
  • askofen;
  • solpadein;
  • spazmalgon;
  • Gevadal;
  • Ibuklin.

Candles for pain during menstruation:

  • diclofenac;
  • Dikloberl;
  • Aldipan;
  • Ketoprofen.

The injection is used:

  • Ketanov;
  • ketorolac;
  • spazgan;
  • Baralgin.
Painkillers at monthly
Painkillers at monthly

Painkillers during menstruation for teens

In adolescence, due to instability of the sexual apparatus pain during menstruation occurs almost every young person. Girls face with dysmenorrhea 2 times more likely than patients of reproductive age. Painkillers during menstruation teenager selected with great care.

Painkillers at monthly

Which tablet should not drink during menstruation

Not always stands on its own to try to drink painkillers during menstruation discomfort. Dangerous pills during menstruation can be any pill adopted accordance with the instructions in the presence of certain comorbidities.

Most NSAIDs and analgesics adversely affect the gastrointestinal mucosa. In the presence of erosions, gastritis, ulcers, such tablets can not drink. Antispasmodics are unacceptable for use in glaucoma, severe diseases of the veins and circulatory system. In painkillers certain groups have a feature to cause trobmotsitopeniyu, which exacerbates the monthly and provokes increased allocation and bleeding.

Important! Before using the preparations for dysmenorrhea, especially for long continuous use, it is necessary to consult an expert.

Painkillers at monthly

Precautionary measures

In order to avoid serious complications when using painkillers during menstruation enough to follow a few rules:

  1. Before taking pain medication at monthly necessary to consult with a physician to exclude contraindications.
  2. In chronic pain gynecologists recommend to start taking medication at the first sign of pain when you can eliminate the discomfort minimum dose.
  3. You should not exceed the multiplicity and dose of medication.
  4. When the first signs of sickness should be reported to your doctor, and if necessary to come to the hospital for observation.
Painkillers at monthly

Reviews of painkillers during menstruation

Kaspanyants Karina M., aged 26, was Tula

I'm basically a normal cycle, menstruation pain occurs on the first day, sometimes quite strong. If this happens in the output, it is enough for me to lie down, rest, drink tea with nettle and the pain subsides. If necessary, I take painkillers (Nospanum with Nimesilom), but very rarely.

Sychev Alevtina Sergeevna, 35 years, city Vladikavkaz

Constantly I am suffering from terrible pain during the critical days. The doctor surveyed, obvious reasons for algomenoree not found. That I just have not tried painkillers from Diclofenac, Nospanum, Paracetamol, Drotaverinum, Analgin. Due to the constant use of the tablets began gastritis. For me was to save only the use of candles Ketonal.


Painkillers during menstruation take thousands of women. However, not all drugs are used as appropriate. Many women prefer to listen to her friends and acquaintances who have tried one or another method of dealing with dimenoreey that is fundamentally wrong.

In half the cases algdismenoreya caused by organic disorders of the reproductive system, pain pills to temporarily eliminate the symptoms and mask the serious violations. Before taking medications should be consulted a gynecologist.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

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