Menstrual cycle: code according to ICD 10, painful, heavy, irregular


  • 1 Types of menstrual disorders
  • 2 Absence of menstruation, scanty and rare menstruation: №91
  • 3 Frequent, irregular, heavy periods: MKB 10 №92
  • 4 Painful periods: ICD 10 code №94
  • 5 conclusion

A significant number of gynecological pathologies related to disorders of the menstrual cycle. When the diagnosis of experts use the code in ICD 10 Disorders of the menstrual cycle.

ICD-10: menstrual disorders

Types of menstrual disorders

Monthly called cyclically repeated at predetermined intervals processes due to hormonal changes in the female body. The menstrual cycle is required for reproductive functions that include:

  • follicular follicle development and maturation of the egg;
  • endometrial proliferation for subsequent implantation of the ovum.

Menarche usually occurs between the ages of 11-14 years and is characterized by lack of ovulation. Complete the establishment of menstrual function occurs within 12-18 months. Extinction of sex hormone levels is usually observed after 45 years. The average duration of the cycle is 28 days (normally 21-35) starting from 1 day monthly.

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ICD-10: menstrual disorders

The cycle is regulated by the following links:

  • cortex;
  • hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • the ovaries.

Hypothalamic-pituitary are secreted:

  • FSH;
  • LH;
  • LTG.
ICD-10: menstrual disorders

Due to the foregoing hormones necessary changes occur ovaries, which divide the cycle into phases:

  • follicular - the maturation of the follicle;
  • ovulatory -nastuplenie ovulation;
  • luteal -development of the corpus luteum.

The hormones estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries, affect the changes in the endometrium. The so-called mother cycle includes phases:

  • proliferation (Internal uterine growth layer, which coincides with the growth of the follicle);
  • secretion (Loosening and endometrial rejection occurring in parallel with the progression of the corpus luteum and fading).

Attention! Normal cycle necessarily involves two phases.

Menstrual dysfunction occurs as a result of:

  • gynecological pathologies (benign tumors, inflammation);
  • extragenital serious diseases (heart, nervous system);
  • various infections;
  • stressful situations;
  • injuries;
  • hypovitaminosis.
ICD-10: menstrual disorders

Violations can be expressed:

  • and changing copious gap therebetween;
  • inconsistencies fixed monthly rate.

ICD-10 includes the following violations of the menstrual cycle:

  • amenorrhea;
  • gipermenstrualny syndrome (menorrhagia and giperpolimenoreyu), for example, hypermenorrhea, polimenoreyu, proyomenoreyu;
  • hypomenstrual syndrome, particularly gipomenoreyu, oligomenorrhea, opsomenorrhea;
  • algomenoree;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • algodismenorei;
  • acyclic bleeding.
ICD-10: menstrual disorders

Attention! Sometimes disorders included in ICD-10, are innate.

Absence of menstruation, scanty and rare menstruation: №91

According to the ICD-10, scanty menses can be seen in the following pathologies:

  1. Primary amenorrhea. Observed in adolescent girls because of the constitutional characteristics or diseases of various organs. The causes of primary amenorrhea experts attribute the delay in sexual development, the defects of the nervous system (central), gonadal anomalies and internal reproductive organs.
  2. secondary amenorrhea (Hypogonadotrophic, hypergonadotrophic, normononadotropnaya). When this state of menstruation in women with stable menstrual rhythm absent for 6 months or more. Secondary amenorrhea due to hypothalamic, adrenal, hypothalamic-pituitary, ovarian, psychogenic, uterine factors.
  3. Amenorrhea unspecified. The diagnosis is not associated with inflammatory processes. Menstruation is missing or has a lean, rare character.
  4. Primary oligomenorrhea. Irregular menstrual cycle for your specific ICD include spontaneous short periods, with an interval of 36 days-6 months. Signs of disease are detected in the making of the menstrual rhythm.
  5. Secondary oligomenorrhea. Changes occur against a background of steady cycle due to various internal and external negative factors.
  6. Oligomenorrhea unspecified. Rare and scanty menses are due to a defect or ovarian failure, immune disorder of unknown etiology.
ICD-10: menstrual disorders

Frequent, irregular, heavy periods: MKB 10 №92

Violations cycle ICD does not include bleeding, occurring after the menopause. Heavy menstruation irregular nature include:

  1. Frequent and copious menses on the background cycle regularity. Gynecologists referred to as menorrhagia and polimenoreyu pathologies. When mennoragiyah a marked hemorrhage in conjunction with an increase in the number of critical days. As part polimenorei cycle is less than 21 days.
  2. Frequent plentiful monthly at an irregular cycle. brief intervals observed between critical days. The examination revealed menometrorrhagia (abnormal intense bleeding) and metrorrhagia.
  3. Abundant spotting at puberty. For this item, include menorrhagia and bleeding arising under puberty.
  4. Ovulatory bleeding nature. There is a regular loss of blood, which often leads to anemia.
  5. Intensive bleeding in the period before the onset of menopause. Gynecologists called metrorrhagia and menorrhagia, occurring within the pre-menopausal, menopausal and menopausal stages.
  6. other forms irregular menstruation (specified).
  7. Irregular menses ICD 10 (unspecified). In this section does not include pathological conditions with lengthening or shortening the intervals between periods, scant, and heavy bleeding.
ICD-10: menstrual disorders

Painful periods: ICD 10 code №94

Painful periods under ICD 10 mean:

  1. painOccurring approximately in the middle of the cycle.
  2. Dyspareunia. This violation implies pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse. This item does not include psychogenic dyspareunia.
  3. Vaginismus. Under the infringement understand spasmodic contraction of vaginal muscles spastic nature arise when attempting inspection or sexual intercourse. Gynecologists does not apply to this item psychogenic vaginismus.
  4. The so-called syndrome of premenstrual tension. This complex of symptoms characteristic of the two-phase cycle. PMS has its own unique character and usually includes psycho-emotional disorders, headaches.
  5. Primary dysmenorrhea. Painful menstruation observed in representatives, since menarche and before reaching 30 years of age. Violation is usually caused by hormonal disorders.
  6. Secondary dysmenorrhea. The pain that accompanies menstruation, often occurs due to gynecological diseases.
  7. Dysmenorrhoea (unspecified). This diagnosis can be made for menstrual pain of unknown etiology.
  8. other state (Unspecified) which are directly related to the menstrual cycle and reproductive organs.
  9. unspecified pathologyAssociated with the cycle and the sexual organs.
ICD-10: menstrual disorders


Code ICD 10 Disorders of the menstrual cycle is essential for the classification of pathological conditions related to the field of gynecology. ICD code does not include violations of psychogenic nature.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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