On what day of the cycle take hormones when to take FSH and LH, the schedule


  • 1 Menstrual Cycle and hormones
    • 1.1 What is the hormone responsible for the monthly
    • 1.2 Hormones before menstruation
    • 1.3 Hormones first phase of the cycle
    • 1.4 Hormones second phase of the cycle
    • 1.5 Which hormone increases before menstruation
  • 2 On what day of the cycle take hormones
    • 2.1 When FSH take on what day of the cycle
    • 2.2 When LG to take on what day of the cycle
    • 2.3 Progesterone
    • 2.4 prolactin
    • 2.5 estradiol
    • 2.6 Anti-Mullerian hormone
    • 2.7 androstenedione
    • 2.8 inhibin B
    • 2.9 estrone
  • 3 Schedule of hormones during the cycle
  • 4 Terms of delivery of analyzes on hormones by day cycle
  • 5 conclusion

Many patients with impaired reproductive function are interested, take hormones at any day of the cycle. It is known that sex hormones affect the vital functions of the female organism and the cycle. The concentration of hormones varies over the cycle phases, which ensures oocyte maturation and endometrial proliferation for the purpose of procreation.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

Menstrual Cycle and hormones

Is essential correspondence of the level of sex hormones to the established norms. Deviation indicators to decrease or increase the negative impact on the physiological and psychological health. Imbalances in the blood substances causes various diseases and pathological conditions.

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Penetration of hormones in the blood is achieved by the endocrine glands. The balance of necessary substances varies depending on the following factors:

  • age;
  • stage of the cycle;
  • general state of health.

Attention! The functioning of the hormone system in adolescent girls is different from that in women 45 years of age.

Work reproductive systems provide:

  • ovaries;
  • hypothalamus;
  • pituitary.

The hypothalamus and pituitary hormones for generating management endocrine glands, localized in the brain. The hypothalamus regulates the pituitary because of its close anatomic proximity. He produces statins and liberiny to monitor and stimulate the pituitary gland, slow down the production of hormones necessary.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

Important! Saving hormone balance is achieved through the flow of information from all over the body.

Thus, the resulting disturbances in various areas of the hormonal system affect the reproductive system.

What is the hormone responsible for the monthly

The onset of menstruation is dependent on the concentration of hormones in the blood, the most important of which are:

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • luteinizing (LH).

FSH and LH are produced by the pituitary gland that causes the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone. The cycle consists of three successive stages:

  • follicular (First phase);
  • ovulatory (Maturing ova);
  • luteal (Second phase).
On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

Hormones before menstruation

It is known that the hormones estrogen and progesterone directly prepared mammary gland and uterus to the probability of conception and subsequent development of the fertilized ovum. Under the influence of estrogen endometrial proliferation occurs for implanting the ovum into the inner layer of the mother liquor.

Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum formed after breaking the shells of the dominant follicle and release of a mature egg. In the absence of conception corpus luteum dissolves before the onset of menstruation. Critical days arise due to rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium and myometrium reduction, which is a muscular layer of the uterus.

Hormones first phase of the cycle

The follicular phase begins on day 1 of the cycle. During this period, the inner uterine cavity is released from the functional (upper) layer of the endometrium, and development of the dominant follicle occurs. the inner layer of the uterus rejection is due to the low concentration of progesterone, estrogen.

In the first phase of the cycle differs uterus significant amount of nutrient components and blood vessels for the growth of the embryo. Required secretion of hormones promotes the proliferation of the endometrium.

FSH levels gradually increased. Its increase coincides with the growth of the dominant follicle. Their maximum values ​​observed for 13 day cycle.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

The development of the dominant follicle stimulates the production of significant amounts of estrogen, so that there is the proliferation of the endometrium. The increased output of the follicle is observed only after the LH surge.

Important! The first phase is the longest. As you approach the menopause reduces its duration.

Hormones second phase of the cycle

Release of LH leads to rupture of the follicular membrane and exit matured egg. Ovulation takes 16-32 hours. After release of the female gamete fertilization possible within the next 1-2 days. The maximum concentration of LH increases the likelihood of fertilization.

Luteal phase lasts 12-14 days after ovulation. High level of progesterone causes the increase in basal temperature (in the buccal cavity, rectum and vagina). Sensitivity and some breast tenderness occur due to expansion of the breast ducts.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

Which hormone increases before menstruation

Menstruation conception occurs in the absence of the decrease in hormone levels. Thus saving the resources necessary for pregnancy in the next cycle.

On the eve of the next menstrual period increased androgens. This leads to increased appetite, acne.

Important! If fertilization has occurred, after implantation has been an increase of hCG.

On what day of the cycle take hormones

According to the level of sex hormones can be judged on the functioning of the reproductive system. If there is evidence to be tested for the maintenance of sex steroids by day cycle, you can identify:

  • cause of infertility;
  • PCOS;
  • factors predisposing to increased benign.

At impossibility of conception in the first instance the doctor prescribes hormonal studies. According to the concentration of hormones can identify various pathologies which are indirectly related to the sexual organs.

When FSH take on what day of the cycle

Analysis of the need to take the next cycle of days and interpreted in accordance with the norm in U / l:

  • 2-5 (Phase 1): 4-10;
  • 19-21 (Phase 2): 2-8.

Increased production of FSH may indicate to dysfunction of the ovaries and pituitary malignant tumors. In obesity and ovarian sklerokistoz index decreases.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

When LG to take on what day of the cycle

LH is necessary to pass in those days cycle, and FSH. Maximum values ​​in phases 1 and 2 constitute 11.6 and 14.7 mIU / ml, respectively. Obesity and violation pituitary functioning reduce the concentration of LH and tumors in the brain and ovarian structural change - increase.


To assess the ability to conceive, it is desirable to take progesterone twice per cycle:

  • for 2-5 hours (up to 1.6 mg / l);
  • 21 or 22 hours (to 8 g / l).

Attention! progesterone production begins to increase from 8 weeks of gestation.

In the absence of pregnancy high numbers detected in the case of progesterone adrenal tumors, ovaries. Low progesterone prevents ovulation and increases the risk of termination of pregnancy on the background of hormonal deficiency.


The indicator is estimated in two stages:

  • before ovulation during menstruation;
  • on the 6th day after the release of the egg.

During the follicular phase value is not greater than 33 ng / ml, and after ovulation - 40 ng / ml. However, after the conception of prolactin levels can be up to 10 000 units.

Important! Changing the concentration of prolactin violates oocyte maturation.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones


Estradiol is the main estrogen species. The hormone needed to pass during the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. Maximum values ​​are:

  • 53 pg / ml;
  • 116 pg / ml.

Increasing estrogen leads to hyperestrogenia, obesity, disruption of oocyte maturation.

Anti-Mullerian hormone

AMG specific protein is synthesized in the cells of ovarian cell. He is active in women from birth to menopause. AMG helps to evaluate the follicular reserve. The normal component is not less than 1.2 and not more than 7 ng / ml.

Important! By lowering the value of AMH can assume ovarian exhaustion.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones


This androgen (precursor of estrogen and testosterone), influencing the synthesis of sex steroids. androstenedione concentration ranges from 80 to 280 ng / ml for 100 women in the reproductive cycle. Reduction and increase in the serious consequences.

inhibin B

Glycoprotein affects female fertility. Evaluation of the indicator is conducted in conjunction with the interpretation of the level of FSH and AMH. The analysis allows to diagnose ovarian reserve.

The study was conducted on day 3 of the cycle. Normally Inhibin has a value less than 273 pg / ml.


This estrogen, without which the synthesis of estradiol impossible. In another way, an active biological substance called estrone or Estrin. His concentration is:

  • ng to 9% (follicular phase);
  • % to 25 ng (luteal phase).

Rate increases during pregnancy. Reducing substance provokes infertility and increase - osteoporosis, thrombosis, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

Schedule of hormones during the cycle

The doctor recommends to be tested in accordance with the specific cycle days. Hormones, which shall be handed over during the month include:

  • estradiol;
  • FSH;
  • DHA-S;
  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • DHEA-sulfate.

Attention! These hormones are required to pass on a 2-3 day cycle.

In some cases, doing research is allowed in another time. These hormones can be taken as 5-7 day cycle.

The period of the diagnosis depends on the intended purpose of the survey and diagnosis. Secrete hormones that professionals sometimes recommend to take the following month:

  • FSH;
  • progesterone;
  • LH;
  • prolactin.

Hormones that can be taken before monthly and any phase of the cycle include:

  • DHEA-sulphate;
  • testosterone;
  • DGA-

On fertility affects the functioning of the hormonal system as a whole. It is often necessary to be tested to narrow concentration in various pathological conditions:

  • cortisol;
  • TSH;
  • ketosteroids.

The table reveals deadlines hormones on days of the cycle.

On what day of the cycle to take female hormones

Terms of delivery of analyzes on hormones by day cycle

Letting the majority of hormones made by day cycle, to interpret correctly tests. Note that in the blood of a substance sensitive to a variety of external factors:

  • diet;
  • stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • fatigue;
  • hypothermia.

The hormones during the menstrual cycle should not donate in infectious and inflammatory processes. Before collected for tests, it is necessary to take into account the rules:

  • fasting blood sampling is carried out, since the food distorts the results;
  • the day before the procedure excludes alcoholic beverages, smoking and sex life;
  • drugs that affect the hormones, it is impossible to accept.

Important! Analyzes of female hormones is recommended to pass on the day of the cycle.


On what day of the cycle to take hormones is dependent on the type of steroid, the preliminary diagnosis and the indications for diagnosis. Most of the substances tested at regular intervals.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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