- 1 Events for cervical softening
2 effective methods
- 2.1 coitus
- 2.2 Evening primrose oil
- 2.3 Grass to soften the uterine cervical department
- 2.4 massage nipple
- 3 Other methods of cervical softening
- 4 Physical exercise
How to soften the cervix? This question was asked each woman awaiting the birth of the long-awaited crumbs.
The closer the time of delivery becomes, the more expectant new mother begins to think about how to avoid injury during this process. Breaks uterine tissue and labia - a fairly common phenomenon, requiring surgery and then a long period of rehabilitation. To avoid such trouble, every expectant mother should know how to soften the cervix home, and prepare for the upcoming road generic process fetal expulsion of childbearing authority.
Events for cervical softening
Events aimed at to soften the cervix in the home, you can begin to carry out since the beginning of the 9 months of pregnancy. It uses a variety of means, as well as some physical exercises.
You can not start cervical preparation for childbirth, if the gestational age less than 36 weeks
! Otherwise there is a risk of preterm delivery start! As a rule, drugs aimed at the continuation of the pregnancy (ginipral, Duphaston and so on.), Canceled at the end of 37 weeks of gestation.effective methods
In order to soften the cervix before labor at home, it is not necessary to use any medication drugs. Of course, without them completely is impossible, but there are also other ways to prepare the uterus for childbirth. The most effective ways in which every expectant mother will be able to soften the cervix at home are as follows.
Orgasm is considered one of the most effective and proven ways to soften the cervix before labor at home. Semen contains prostaglandin, which promotes maturation of cervical department of genitals. In this case, a special role is not so much to the process of sexual intercourse, as well as its result.
Such a method of cervical softening in the home can be used Only last month, in order to prevent the premature onset of labor.
Evening primrose oil
It is important to know how to soften the cervix at home using evening primrose oil. The tool is released in capsules intended for oral administration. Apply tool is possible only after 34 weeks of pregnancy, following this scheme:
- on 34-35 week to take a strictly one capsule evening primrose oil;
- starting at 36 weeks, and finishing with 38 - on a capsule twice a day;
- all subsequent weeks (1-3) - on a capsule three times.
How does this tool, which can be no risk to the fetus to use at home, help soften the cervix before labor? The fact that part primrose contains a large amount of fatty acids that contribute to development of active organism prostaglandins, directly affecting the cervical muscle components.
Grass to soften the uterine cervical department
Softening, as one of the main stages of preparation of the cervix for childbirth, it can also be carried out through the use of popular recipes. Most of them are based on acceptance of herbal infusions and teas. Despite the skepticism of some doctors and patients, such methods do help soften the uterine cervix at home, without any consequences for the health of the woman and the fetus.
Be careful not to use questionable means oxytocic!
Such herbs like rosemary marsh, tansy, nard very toxic and dangerous to the health and lives of mothers and children. They not only help soften the CMM and call delivery, but can also lead to severe intoxication, which can lead to death.
The safest herbs that can help you to soften the cervix in the home are:
- raspberry leaves;
- dog-rose fruit;
- leaves and fruits of hawthorn;
- herb sage;
- dried leaves St. John's wort.
Herbs can brew and drink tea as a regular. It will be sufficient to take 1 coffee cup decoction three times. Thus, the neck can be gradually soften, readying it for the upcoming delivery process.
And to soften the uterine cervical department, you can drink a decoction viburnum, which stimulates the reproductive organ, causing it to shrink. But it should be noted at once: this method is appropriate to apply only in the last two weeks of pregnancy.
massage nipple
One of the surest and most effective ways to soften the uterine cervix at home is a regular massage the nipples. It is necessary to try to perform all the movements slowly, mimicking the suckling infant. Produced by the anterior pituitary in response to oxytocin breast stimulation leads to uterine contractions. The procedure should take no less than fifteen minutes.
Some women feel discomfort or light pain in the lower abdomen during the massaging nipples. This suggests that the method does have an impact on the uterus, causing it to shrink and neck - to soften. Conduct sessions should massage the nipples after went 9 month pregnancy.
Other methods of cervical softening
There are also other ways in which you can soften the uterine cervix without consequences for the health of the woman and the fetus.
These include:
- Vegetable oils. You need to cook every day fresh salads, generously spraying sunflower or olive oil. A can also be used sesame oil or flax, however, should be consulted a gynecologist prior to use of such products.
- Oily fish - another means to soften the cervical department of genitals. Consume such products can be in unlimited quantities. But do not force yourself to eat fish only to achieve the goal - this nor the woman nor the baby will not use. Oily fish, as well as oils contain a large amount of omega - 3 fatty acids, which stimulate the production of prostaglandins, which leads to the induction of labor.
- Decoction of fresh strawberries. Tasty and healthy means of softening the uterine cervix, parallel strengthens the immune system of the future mother. Tea must be filled with 15 ml of strawberry fruit abraded half cup of boiling water, then allow the mixture to stand. Take tincture 2-3 times. We need to carry out procedures ranging from 38 weeks of pregnancy.
You can also prepare a decoction of this berry. To do this, the same amount of raw material is poured a liter of boiling water and boil for a quarter or half an hour. Ready to drink is filtered, and then it can take a glass of 2-3 times a day.
Physical exercise
The comfortable conditions for the patient is allowed to conduct another technique aimed at softening of uterine cervix. Performing exercises for pregnant women is carried out not only in specialized centers or fitness clubs, but also at home. The main thing is that the movements were smooth, cautious. Avoid deep slopes, sit-ups and sudden jerks.
Performing household chores in the active pace - a great charge for the genitals. Just like a long walk briskly. If the patient has no contraindications (preeclampsia, hypertension, frequent episodes of syncope), it is allowed to go jogging.
Such exercises not only soften the uterine cervical department, but also strengthen the muscles genitals. And you can do them in optimal conditions for the expectant mother. Excellent results are obtained and home yoga. But its performance should also take precautions.
Do not panic and worry, if you have heard from the doctor that your body is not ready to have a child! A few weeks before the expected date of birth of the baby the doctor performs the required examination, during which detects abnormalities in the body of the future mother. Thanks to the timely detection of these problems can be solved even before the patient will need to arrive at the maternity ward with things and exchange cards.
The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You do not have to rely on information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.