Moxibustion cervical erosion radio waves


  • 1 Diagnosis and treatment methods
  • 2 Cauterization by radiowaves

cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. Pathology can appear at any age and if untreated, cause unpleasant consequences in the form of dysplasia and malignancy.

When cervical erosion defect occurs in the epithelium, which resembles a wound or ulcer. Depending on the type of erosion of the assigned treatment strategy, which involves, above all, the causes of defect.

The cervix is ​​the lower body separated connecting the body with the vagina. Inside cervical passes a narrow cervical canal, lined with a layer of columnar cells. A significant part of the cervix is ​​not visible in the research process. Vaginal cervical region covered by stratified epithelium from squamous cells. The site, at the confluence of two different types of epithelial tissue, doctors call the transformation zone.

It is noteworthy that cervical erosion is more likely to occur in the area of ​​transformation. This is due to the fact that the active portion sufficiently susceptible to the adverse effects.

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cervical erosion needs to be timely detection and treatment, which often involves cauterizing it. Otherwise, there may be serious consequences.

The causes of erosion are different. In particular, erosion may occur as a consequence of damaging factor, hormone and fetal abnormalities. The etiology of the pathological condition causes a variety of cervical erosion.

In most cases isolated gynecologists or pseudo ectopia. However, this defect is a consequence of delays in the treatment of a cervical epithelial integrity.

Cervical erosion is the following types:

  • true;
  • ectopia;
  • congenital;
  • physiological;
  • is complicated and not complicated by.

The most rarely seen species is true erosion. This is a wound which is formed during exposure to damaging factors:

  1. infectious;
  2. chemical;
  3. traumatic;
  4. hormonal;
  5. burn.

True erosion has a short period of its existence, which is about two weeks. Then the healing tissue. If the epithelium heals properly goes into true erosion or pseudo ectopia.

Ectopic need treatment both conservative and surgical. By means of drugs eliminates the cause of the disease. Surgical technique involves the removal of pseudo by cauterization, e.g., diathermocoagulation or radio waves.

Congenital erosion usually has no consequences, because the defect is a result of congenital displacement of the transformation zone. After the end of puberty, congenital erosion often disappears. Sometimes there is the accession of infection if the disease regression did not occur. In such cases, the prescriber.

Another embodiment erosion is physiological variation. Such a defect occurs in women up to 25 years. Physiological erosion can occur in pregnant women. After delivery, addressed the issue of further tactics of treatment in the absence of recourse.

Symptomatology erosion is usually not expressed. Sometimes it may appear discharge mucous character. contact discharge are observed during sexual acts and gynecological examination. If there acyclic isolation, this suggests a hormonal imbalance. When there purulent discharge, infection may be suspected attachment.

To avoid serious consequences in the event of pain, abnormal discharge is necessary to see a specialist and get tested.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Diagnosed with cervical erosion during a pelvic exam. True erosion looks like a wound, as this type involves a violation of the integrity of the epithelial tissue. In congenital embodiment is usually not observed signs of inflammation. In order to accurately determine the kind of disease, and to identify potential related disease, you need to be diagnosed.

Diagnostic methods in erosion include:

  • smears on onkotsitologiyu, flora, bakposev and PCR;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • US.

Treatment of cervical erosion is chosen individually. In nulliparous women often held conservative therapy aimed at eliminating the precipitating factors.

Pseudo treated surgically, implying moxibustion. The following methods are used in the cauterization of modern gynecology:

  • diathermocoagulation with electric current;
  • cryosurgery, the basis of which is the use of liquid nitrogen;
  • laser vaporization, implying the impact of the laser beam;
  • radio wave cauterization of erosion by "Surgitron" apparatus.

Diathermy is the oldest and most popular way of cauterization. This is due to the cheapness and ease of diathermocoagulation. However, after diathermocoagulation often leads to unpleasant consequences that may pose a risk to subsequent pregnancies.

Once erosion diathermocoagulation prizhgli woman, may cause bleeding and infection joining. That is why diathermocoagulation not used in nulliparous women.

The most effective way is considered cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves. Waves in the process of cauterizing effect on the affected tissue without causing adverse effects. In this connection, the radio waves may burn defect in nulliparous women.

Cauterization by radiowaves

Cauterize defect by waves can be in the outpatient setting. Moxibustion is performed after the end of the menstrual flow. Before cautery patient is undergoing tests and sign the consent for surgery.

Anesthesia before cauterize the ulcer is not required. Optionally patient directly available local anesthesia by injection into the cervix. Cauterizing device resembles a string with a pencil. Touches carried metal end for a few minutes.

Cauterization painlessly using radio waves. After prizhgli defect arises consequences in the form of scar tissue and infection, unlike diathermocoagulation. That is why moxibustion erosion radio waves recommended for women who did not realize the reproductive function.

When the patient prizhgli waves pathological site, tissue healing occurs quickly enough. The basis cautery capability of high-frequency waves to transform the radiation into the energy concentrated at the end of the metal element. The affected cells in the process of cauterization of cervical erosion evaporate radio waves. The cervix is ​​not damaged.

Cauterization of erosion by radio wavesOnce cauterized ulcer may experience minor pain and isolation. Sexuality and active exercise are eliminated within a month. The patient should not take a bath, the sauna and the beach. The need for reception of antibacterial agents not. When pain syndrome possible to use anti-inflammatory drugs.

The appearance of discharge after cauterization waves is considered the norm. After two weeks, we recommend a visit to the gynecologist and inspection on the chair. The rehabilitation period is a month.

Cauterization using radio waves are not always shown. In some cases, waves to cauterize the ulcer can not, because they can develop unpleasant consequences. In particular, the radio waves to cauterize abnormal should not be in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • malignancies;
  • dysplasia layer 2 and 3;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation in the reproductive sphere;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • there is a spiral;
  • high body temperature.

Advantages cauterization via radio waves are:

  • no bleeding and bleeding, scarring, burns;
  • rapid healing as compared with diathermocoagulation;
  • the ability to use not only in order to cauterize the ulcer of the cervix, but the warts;
  • sterilization of wounds;
  • painless even burn without anesthesia;
  • ability to directly control the depth of exposure.

Waves can not only burn epithelial ulcers. Cauterization by means of radio waves is widely used in gynecology as well as in other areas. In particular, the cauterization of radio waves used for the removal of benign skin growths and mucous intimate zone.

The information and materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for the actual professional medical advice, care or treatment.

  • Oct 21, 2019
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